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Labor's carbon tax lie

kavla, thanks for those youtubes. What an eye opener in respect to the opposition being displayed. It so good to note a majority of people around the world have had enough of the lies on climate change and are doing something about it.

One of the things that is always missing from any of Gillards sell on the carbon(dioxide) tax,oops sorry Julia, carbon price,is the 10% of all collections from the 500 polluters will go directly to the UN Climate Change committee of which Kevin Rudd is a member and appointed by none other than Ban Ki-Moon UN Secretary General.
Maybe James Delingpole has realised that Australia's Chief Scientist is more competent to assess primary scientific evidence that a self-described "interpreter of interpretations". Next thing we know James Delingpole will be realising that he's been misinterpreting and misleading his readers for years. Let's hope he can repair some of the damage.

Ghoti, Delingpole and others like him are far more believable and make more sense than the every changing AGW story.

Flannery predicted no more serious rain due to AGW, but when the rains came (as they always do), we find Gillard calling AGW "Climate Change" and now ALL severe weather, wet or dry, is all the fault of AGW. Flannery's forecasts of doom didn't eventuate, why should anyone believe the AGW story now that it's conveniently changed?

Funding is another big hurdle for AGW credibility, imo. Scientists need to support themselves and it seems that AGW funding has been easy to get. I can post links if you like. Funding should be provided for AGW sceptics too, imo.
Flannery predicted no more serious rain due to AGW
That's what I thought but I seem to be having trouble finding a definite quote relating to it despite various searching attempts. Anyone got any useful links?
That's what I thought but I seem to be having trouble finding a definite quote relating to it despite various searching attempts. Anyone got any useful links?

Smurf, there's not much around as I suspect it's an embarrassment to the AGW and carbon tax cause. But here's a couple of articles - first one by Andrew Bolt. I understand the desal plants in various states were built at great tax payer expense based on these dire warnings:

Read more: It pays to check out Tim Flannery's predictions about climate change


Read more:Prof Tim Flannery's waterside getaway

Flannery seems to be pretty quiet these days - perhaps enjoying his waterfront property...
I've never been able to track down the reported Flannery prediction either, but as a Climate Commissioner he is on record in the "Critical Decade" released earlier this year I see nothing in there remotely like "no serious rain". I see this summary, followed by about 6 pages discussing uncertainties, mechanisms, and attributions:
In my experience, the AGW story told by columnists such as Delingpole and Bolt has very little relationship to the AGW story told by scientists. That story is indeed alarming, but it's also fascinating, coherent, rich in details, and IMO beautiful. It's the story of our planet.


Why hasn't the article from Bolt been corrected if it contains incorrect information? Only recently, one of the papers incorrectly reported Tony Abbott. While they didn't take the article down, they posted Abbott's comments underneath. Surely Flannery would have wanted this corrected if it has been reported incorrectly? It's been around for a while now.

And what about this by Mitchell Nadin :

Tide of anger at 'flawed' facts on water levels

Retired engineer Denis Whitnall, at Avoca, says the Gosford City Council is wrong to say his home will be flooded by 2015. Picture: Dan Himbrechts Source: The Australian
Here is an interview transcript with Flannery in March 2008:

And from this blog, some of the links no longer work. Have they been taken down because the predictions didn't happen?

Here's two links that don't work from that page:


Is this an attempt to cover up?
Another transcript - Tim Flannery in September 2005 on the 7:30 report:

Interesting comment from Alan Moran, economist with the Institute of Public Affairs:
You're kidding me, right? I offer you a 65 page report with 9 pages of primary references, and you respond with an article from an inflight magazine?

That's roughly equivalent to someone responding to a detailed analysis of BHP from 10 years of annual reports with a quote from the astrology column of New Idea. A meeting of minds will have to be on another subject.


Here we go, the first step toward closing the Australian aluminium industry is now being taken.

Those who have seen this scenario play out in other industries will know how it goes. First engage a capital strike (already done), next sell it off (about to happen), then watch as piece by piece of the smelters are progressively closed over the coming years as they individually become uneconomic. Most likely there will be a few different owners over that time and even more different names on the sign out the front. But the end result is that 30 years from now there will be some sort of park, or perhaps just a Tioxide-style abandoned site, where the Bell Bay smelter stands today. Likewise the other smelters in the other states will ultimately suffer the same fate.

As for Bell Bay specifically, my personal best guess is (1) change owners (2) at some point potlines 2 & 3 will be closed (3) more changes of owners and a few different names, probably including some incredibly corny ones like "Tas Aluminium" or something like that. No significant investment will take place beyond this time beyond minimum maintenance (4) closure of the associated powder (that's powder not power) plant next door (5) shutdown of potline 4 and closure of the site once the final potline goes revenue negative or is simply worn out. It'll take 20 - 30 years to play out most likely, but that's my guess as to what's ahead.

And the great irony of all this is that Bell Bay was built where it is specifically to take advantage of hydro-electricity, still the world's major source of renewable electricity. Oh how the Greens and Labor have screwed this state and increasingly this country...
I understand the desal plants in various states were built at great tax payer expense based on these dire warnings:

Funny cos i thought the desal plants were built because we were running out of water...Sydney's biggest Dam, Warragamba dam is currently 78.63% full and hasn't been over 95% full since 2001


Shouldn't it now be Labours Carbon Tax Fact? Since it is now legislation it must be the utmost fact!

The ASF right and other deniers have little interest in facts...better to leave them to their lies and other negatives.

Does it matter if it is a transcript of Flannery's statements? I thought you were saying you couldn't find anything about his rain comments in that report so I gave you something else. You clearly don't want to know the truth.

Please put me on ignore if I am so beneath your high and mighty opinion of yourself.

It's another thing that puts me right off AGW is the cultish behaviour of it's believers who seem to think they are superiour beings to the rest of us mere mortals. It is very cultish behaviour and there is usually very little reality in cult doctrines.

AGW is clearly a scam.
You've been consistently telling us we are about to experience dire and catastrophic events, potentially even the end of civilisation as we have known it, unless we all become engaged in massive action, yet you describe the "story" as "beautiful"????
Something seriously wrong here imo.
I guess you weren't kidding.

How do you know it's a transcript, or what it's a transcript of, or who conducted the interview, or when it was conducted, or whether anything has been omitted. There's literally nothing in the article to tell a mere mortal any of those things. I don't say the article is wrong. I say it's a light piece published in an ephemeral magazine driven by the need to fill a certain amount of space between advertisements. Would you give such credence to an article on any other subject from such a source? I doubt it.

If all these articles I posted haven't been retracted or corrected for errors, why shouldn't they be believed?

They were easy enough to find with a google search. I have noticed Flannery has gone very quiet of late. If you join the dots together you get the picture of predictions that haven't come true and a prophet who got his message wrong. Nature has it's own ideas and is not conforming to AGW predictions.
I see what you mean

It's not quite as contradictory as it seems though. I do think, on the evidence as I understand it, that if humans don't make big changes very soon to the way we use the planet then bigger changes that have catastrophic effects on us are likely to follow.

That's far from beautiful. I think it's desperately sad.

But the climate systems we're poking at are beautiful in themselves. The gorgeous dance of eddies around Antarctica, the rolling doughnuts of Hadley cells, the complex movements of heat through the oceans, the seasonal changes in atmospheric and ocean chemistry... whatever the outcome for us, I'm glad to have learnt a bit about those things and I'm grateful to the scientists who uncover them.
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