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Labor's carbon tax lie

...I also find it funny how several members have posted links to News Ltd. I'm just curious, is News Ltd actually regarded as reputable on this forum?

What's wrong with News Ltd in Australia? Didn't you know the problems are in the UK and not in Australia? Perhaps you should read the

And don't forget that News Ltd are not always so right wing. They did support the majority in the opinion polls which were going against Howard and his work choices and helped labor get into power in 2007. You might need them again sometime.

And this is what Peter Beattie (Qld labor premier for nine years) has to say in the Australian (AND, I reiterate, he is - bold is mine:

If you can't stand the heat don't blame the media

If you want a politically controlled media, please go and live in a communist country and leave this wonderful country alone...

The claim that the opposition is scaremongering is the parrot phrase of Swan and Combet.

You are wrong about scientific facts, for this science is based on modelling and has been proven incorrect time and time again.. Just go back to Tim Flanery's predictions. Need I quote any more?

Why are you biased about News Ltd,? Is it because they have a problem in the UK. Your Green/Labor socialist comrades are using the UK problem to enforce an enquiry in attempt to control the media and that is the history of socialism.
Thanks Mexican. It's interesting to see the scorn and derision poured on the scheme by an outside source.
Maybe the question that could be asked is not how much the world temperature would drop if we reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 5% but how much would it drop if we reduced CDE's by 100%.

Assuming of course that the rest of the world continues to do nothing!
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2010

Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS)

Don't worry (East) Germany, the Stasi is alive and kicking over here in Australia!
Don't worry (East) Germany, the Stasi is alive and kicking over here in Australia!

I don't agree with the scheme but if we are having it we have to have inspectors to check that cheating is not occurring. It occurred in Europe so it will occur here.

I hardly think you can compare inspectors who are checking large companies carbon emmissions with the Stasi.
Maybe the question that could be asked is not how much the world temperature would drop if we reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 5%...
I would go further - by how much will our freedoms drop.

The draft Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2010, Part 19, Monitoring powers, Division 1 -Simplified outline, 305 Simplified outline, does indeed say:

'..• An inspector may enter premises..'

I'm off to pack a suitcase, just in case there's a knock on the door at 3am, and I am deemed a carbon recalcitrant. :evilburn:

And more damned useless bureaucrats on the government payroll. I might apply. Should demand $150,000 per annuum no doubt.

Dutchie, that question has been asked, and the answer is some few millionths of a degree.... miniscule..... negligible.......... too small to measure.
If you mine your own coal, as several of the largest users do, then it would be virtually impossible for government to know how much CO2 you are emitting. It wouldn't be that hard to simply fail to accurately measure how much coal you mined from your own mine, thus avoiding a fortune in tax.

Victoria - the 3 largest brown coal users, which collectively account for about 80% of total coal use, own their own mines.

SA - all coal used for power generation is sourced from the company's own mine.

Tas - the largest user is the cement works. And yes, you guessed it, they also happen to own the only coal mines in Tas (they also sell coal to other users). The only significant user of coal in the state which does not buy from these mines, because they need higher quality coal, uses high grade coal shipped in from NSW - and yes, the company owns mines there.

Other states - I'm not certain of the details but there are certainly instances of large users who also happen to own coal mines.

The government's inspectors will need to be pretty good to enforce this one...
Assuming no reason to hide the amount of coal used to this point, it would look a little suspicious if, in future only 1/2 the amount of coal was used to produce the same amount of electricity.

Could thay install a quadruple flue gas recombuster (or similar fictitious enhancement) to make the overall process look more efficient on the books ?

As a guess, I would have thought that carbon could be measured quiet simply from the chemical composition of the underlying fuel prior to combustion.
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