So basically you will ignore all logic and reason and economic fact to suit your own agenda?
Listen to this one folks.....Labor lying 101!
"2GB Media Player - Are sea levels rising on the Central Coast?"
...I also find it funny how several members have posted links to News Ltd. I'm just curious, is News Ltd actually regarded as reputable on this forum?
To date I have seen nothing to seriously suggest that similar behaviour has occurred in Australia by any news organisation. We do not have the British newspaper disease here and compared with the bias of the English tabloids and US cable television, the Australian media tradition, while far from perfect, is much more balanced and we should fight to keep it.
So basically you will ignore all logic and reason and economic fact to suit your own agenda?
The two are unrelated; the opposition is scaremongering
Except all of those things are scientifically proven facts, and ALP has nothing to do with them, except trying to prevent them from happening - arguably a good thing.
I also find it funny how several members have posted links to News Ltd. I'm just curious, is News Ltd actually regarded as reputable on this forum?
The claim that the opposition is scaremongering is the parrot phrase of Swan and Combet.
Part 19””Monitoring powers
Division 1””Simplified outline
305 Simplified outline
The following is a simplified outline of this Part:
• An inspector may enter premises for the purpose of:
(a) determining whether this Act or the associated provisions have been complied with; or
(b) substantiating information provided under this Act or the associated provisions.
• Entry must be with the consent of the occupier of the premises or under a monitoring warrant.
• An inspector who enters premises may exercise monitoring powers. The inspector may be assisted by other persons if that assistance is necessary and reasonable.
• The occupier of the premises has certain rights and responsibilities.
Don't worry (East) Germany, the Stasi is alive and kicking over here in Australia!
I hardly think you can compare inspectors who are checking large companies carbon emmissions with the Stasi.
I would go further - by how much will our freedoms drop.Maybe the question that could be asked is not how much the world temperature would drop if we reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 5%...
I would go further - by how much will our freedoms drop.
The draft Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2010, Part 19, Monitoring powers, Division 1 -Simplified outline, 305 Simplified outline, does indeed say:
'..• An inspector may enter premises..'
I'm off to pack a suitcase, just in case there's a knock on the door at 3am, and I am deemed a carbon recalcitrant.:evilburn:
Maybe the question that could be asked is not how much the world temperature would drop if we reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 5% but how much would it drop if we reduced CDE's by 100%.
Assuming of course that the rest of the world continues to do nothing!
They have been backed into a corner by Scaremonger Co.
Assuming no reason to hide the amount of coal used to this point, it would look a little suspicious if, in future only 1/2 the amount of coal was used to produce the same amount of electricity.If you mine your own coal, as several of the largest users do, then it would be virtually impossible for government to know how much CO2 you are emitting. It wouldn't be that hard to simply fail to accurately measure how much coal you mined from your own mine, thus avoiding a fortune in tax.
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