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What's the problem ?A reminder to posters here including moderators.......
Would they? Be careful what you wish for, sails.
Given the predictions of some scientists that we are facing an imminent catastrophe if drastic action is not taken immediately, why do you think they would have any appreciation of the economic and social factors that accompany their professed desire to completely alter our present lives?...
Juliar Gillard .................................... Alan Jones
Juliar Gillard .................................... Alan Jones
Juliar Gillard .................................... Alan Jones
Hey Juliar, Australia says .... Alan Jones!!!
Government propaganda at its very worst. Let’s go through it:
* Lie Number 1: Carbon Pollution. It isn’t carbon and it isn’t pollution.
* Lie Number 2: The majority of scientists agree that climate change is a result of human activity. A manufactured consensus from a politicised organisation (the IPCC) which was formed to find evidence of a pre-conceived conclusion. How much climate change is actually a result of human activity? We don’t know.
* Lie Number 3: We can avoid the worst impacts by reducing “pollution”. No we can’t. The carbon tax will do nothing to change the climate.
* Lie Number 4: Climate change is predicted to lead to further rises in temperature, rises in sea levels and some extreme weather events becoming more common, making life more difficult. Temperatures and sea levels have been rising slowly for centuries, without any help from man-made emissions. There are no confirmed links to more extreme weather events despite what the media tries to tell you.
* Lie Number 5: Countries around the world are already taking action [lists China, USA, India and Europe]. No, they are not. China’s emissions will rise for the foreseeable future despite a few token environmental gestures, India’s carbon tax is $1/tonne, the USA has backed away from any federal climate action leaving just the tiny RGGI, and Europe is a hopeless economic basket case on the verge of collapse, thanks in part to a crippling ETS mired in fraud and corruption.
* Lie Number 6: These clean energy sources [solar, wind, tidal and geothermal] are sustainable, renewable, their supply cannot be disrupted by events elsewhere, and they don’t contribute to pollution. None of those energy sources can replace fossil fuels for base-load electricity generation. And wind and solar are “disrupted” when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. Tidal power is non-existent in Australia, and geothermal is so tiny as to be not even worth mentioning. The manufacture of solar panels and rare earth magnets for wind turbines releases millions of tonnes of real pollution into the environment.
* Lie Number 7: Developing these new industries means developing new jobs. False. Every fake green job costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and takes away on average 2 – 4 real jobs. Subsidising inefficient, unreliable and expensive alternative energy is like burning $100 bills. The market will decide when “alternative” energy becomes competitive, not the government.
* Lie Number 8: Meeting the challenge of climate change means being responsible, staying competitive and Australia continuing to prosper. A unilateral carbon tax does nothing for climate change, it is totally irresponsible, will make Australia less competitive compared to its trading partners, and will damage the economy for no benefit.
Wow. Eight whoppers in just over a minute. Pretty impressive.
And it’s all paid for by YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS.
Baldrick says:
Monday, 18 July 2011 at 3:39 pm
Bob Brown wants truth in political advertising 'to monitor and regulate political advertising to ensure it is true and accurate'. - March 2010
The Governments own guidelines on political advertising state:
21. Where information is presented as a fact, it should be accurate and verifiable. When making a factual comparison, the material should not attempt to mislead the recipient about the situation with which the comparison is made and it should state explicitly the basis for the comparison.
... where is the fact in calling carbon dioxide a pollutant? That's not fact - that's political spin!
Kitschy presentation, but gets to the heart of the problem, this carbon tax is a shift of aussie dollars offshore.
Scary stuff. Do these loonies in charge have any idea of what's involved here and, if they do, they must know that it is not going to help us as a country in any way at all. This madness cannot go ahead as far as I'm concerned. Surely the collective will of the people will prevail and it won't happen!
There is a simple reason for the carbon price and ETS. The bankers are in control these days, as they have been for quite some time, and guess who benefits from creating another market, another exchange, another thing to trade...I know you have had experience in the medical field (as I have) and we would not dream of sending people with diabeties to a politician to decide on a cure. Medical scientists identify the problems and then the search for a cure remains under the care of highly trained medical scientists. Eventually, politicians may be required to pass policy to enable certain treatments to be affordable and have the medical facilities to provide treatment, but politicians are definitely not involved in the scientific development of treatment and medication.
So, even IF AGW is correct, why are politicians trying to do the job of scientists and taking on the responsibility of a cure without any scientific training?
Turnbull seems hell bent on destabilising the Libs. Last night he was off again with an inflammatory speech about accepting 'the science'.And, of course, this is why Turnbull is so keen on pricing carbon.
There is a simple reason for the carbon price and ETS. The bankers are in control these days, as they have been for quite some time, and guess who benefits from creating another market, another exchange, another thing to trade...
Ultimately, it's just another means of transfering wealth from the real productive economy into the hands of the non-productive who call the shots.
As I've said many times, I'd much rather go back to a situation where bankers and the markets had their role as being to serve real productive industry rather than the entire economy being focused on banking and markets as though that were the ultimate objective.
An engineer would come up with practical means of reducing emissions. That's how engineers look at problems. A banker will come up with a means of speculating and trading the problem rather than actually fixing it. That's what they do.
Good work Dannyboy. That's a decent summary, and the punters are waking up.Well, well, well, what do we have here???
I found this on a website and thought it might be good for others to view.
Count the lies on the Government propaganda people.... http://www.australianclimatemadness.com/2011/07/clean-energy-future-advert-count-the-lies/
Perhaps the Member for Goldman Sachs, or a failed former Lib leader. Why don't they just team up with Malcolm Fraser and join the Labor Party....guess who benefits from creating another market, another exchange, another thing to trade..
Well have a look at Europe now, they're broke. The 'green' jobs cost 3 traditional jobs.
Germany retained its heavy and other manufacturing industries.Germany isn't.
Who has developed most of the new technology? Germany.
Even the Australian company CFU has set up in Germany creating jobs for them.
I visited Germany for work recently and it is paradise. Autobahns, fast trains, many great middle sized companies manufacturing everything. 6 weeks holiday a year.
USA has high unemployment, 2 weeks holidays, miserable food and people, huge numbers sleeping in cars and in campervans, aging infrastructure, jammed freeways, old trains.
They didn't have any green revolution. Shouldn't they be better off????
The claim that Climate Change is man made through carbon dioxide is a load of "CRAP".
As the link below explains this carbon (dioxide) tax is fatally flawed. It is an absoulte scam.
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