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Labor's carbon tax lie

I must be going to the wrong catholic churches for mass for at least the last 4 weeks, sorry Climate Change not mentioned, "war overseas,tragedies,the poor, etc" yes, but have not heard this 'political' debate mentioned in mass yet. And during that time I went to different masses in different suburbs.

This is perhaps one of the worst propaganda in Australian society I have seen.

Shame on the Labor party. Rubbish.
With Labor and their carbon tax, it may be to hell in a handbasket for us all.

Weaved of course by the Greens.
Nice to see religion backing religion.
What exactly is Ross Garnaut saying here,

Is he suggesting interest rates rises will kill manufacturing before the carbon tax has an impact ?

Interesting statement if he is. It's also interesting that he considers the RBA to be deliberately shrinking manufacturing.
There are two things that annoy the hell out of me when Gillard & co. talk about this carbon tax :-

a) these cronies never use the correct term. It is always mentioned as a carbon tax instead of carbon dioxide tax. Perhaps carbon sounds more poisonous and it then becomes a mind thing to the naive. As we all know, the planet cannot survive without carbon dioxide, so why is this government trying reduce CO2.

b) If you are not prepared to accept a carbon dioxide tax, you are branded a DENIER.

That report by Garnaut was a very political document, blatantly so.
Clearly he is earning his money.
That doesn't make him necessarily right.

My money would be on the Reserve Bank Board anytime if it came to a choice between the very politically compromised Professor Garnaut and the Reserve Bank.
The Reserve is one of the very few institutions in which it's still possible to have some faith.

I think he means that the carbon tax will be only of small influence compared to the effect of monetory policy. I suppose he is right. If interest rates keep going up how much will our dollar be worth?? I have always thought that there should be policies to address this. Manufacturing needs help.
Nothing hard about understanding what "carbon pollution" is about....

A survey just conducted in the streets of Perth, Australia shows a disturbing lack of basic understanding of the roles carbon and carbon dioxide play in life processes on planet earth. It also highlights some monumental elementary misapprehensions regarding climate change issues.

A staggering 37% of carbon-based-life-form respondents are keen on reducing carbon in the human body. Perhaps the amputation of an appendage at the end of the leg will be the new way to reduce one’s carbon footprint.

Equally remarkable is the finding that 44% of respondents wish to eliminate carbon and carbon dioxide from food and drink altogether. Nonplussed are the 28% of respondents who don’t think there is any carbon or carbon dioxide in food and drink in the first place.

Another alarming finding is that 47% of respondents think carbon dioxide is a pollutant. Marginally less at 44% give poor old carbon, the sixth element of the periodic table (and my personal favourite, since without it we would not exist), the big thumbs down.

A solid majority of 77% know that carbon dioxide is invisible which is encouraging. Yet, there are still many labouring under the misconception that carbon dioxide is black, grey or white – and in some fanciful imaginings, green, blue, yellow or even purple. Thankfully no polka dots.​

In other news the city of Perth will be moving underground as there is heightened fear of Asteroid pollution that will also impact tax rates. Other cities anticipated to follow.

I'm still assuming we have an education system in Australia,

This is quite true Noco.

Deniers are people who deny a proven truth. People who say the holocaust never happened are deniers. Those who refuse to subscribe to an unproven theory are not deniers. If you said to me "The moon is going to get sucked out of its orbit by the earth's gravity and crash into the Atlantic Ocean in August", and I said "Stop talking nonsense", I am not a denier.

Another lie......... those emotive pictures of smoke stacks belching out what we are led to believe by association is the "dreadful pollutant" CO2....... it is steam! CO2 is a colourless gas

This ignorance is staggering and very alarming. Carbon is one of the basic elements of all organic matter! And yes, I do wonder about the education system when children can leave school without ever having heard of photosynthesis.
Every fifteen minutes of the day, whether it be TV or radio, the carbon tax receives a predominate mention. We have this propaganda thrown at us during breakfast, lunch and dinner without any detail of cost per tonne, let alone the promised compensation and when it is introduced at a price, there nothing to stop the government from increasing this tax year after year. It is enough to turn you off your meal.

I'm sure there are many like minded people out there who are sick of listening to this deceitful Labor 'CON" job of saving the planet; the inundation of rising sea levels, the black smoke billowing out of a decommissioned power station in Battersea south of London etc.etc. and will this tax do anything to affect climate change? Absoutely nothing. In fact the latest Galaxy poll indicates 64% are against a carbon (dioxide) tax.

So can someone tell me why this enept and incompetent Prime Minister of ours is not listening to the Australian voters. She does NOT have a mandate to impose a carbon (dioxide) tax following the LIES she told before the 2010 election.

If she had any gutz, she should call a new election and let voters decide her fate.
This ignorance is staggering and very alarming. Carbon is one of the basic elements of all organic matter! And yes, I do wonder about the education system when children can leave school without ever having heard of photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis, probably think it is a Adobe product! It would appear there has been a few generations which lack that education too, as I doubt the survey was limited to a small demographic age range. What is more alarming and staggering - it appears some of them are running the country.
Media could help with education, support their stupid surveys with the facts.

Carbon Tax is an absolute joke, morally a do-good 'save the planet' tax that will do little but hurt industry and jobs. The poor will be compensated is also making this an inexcusable Robin Hood Tax.
I would only consider the tax and maybe the compensation* if the tax were to be fully invested in developing carbon dioxide reducing industrial and power technologies that can be marketed to us and the rest of the world.

* Compensation is wasteful - collect and pay back - what a waste of time and effort. I wonder if every residence should have free base load of power - what the baseload is I could not say, but use beyond that baseload then pay on a escalating scale.
Carbon Tax is an absolute joke, morally a do-good 'save the planet' tax that will do little but hurt industry and jobs. The poor will be compensated is also making this an inexcusable Robin Hood Tax.

Whatever one's views on climate change and whether we are causing it, the whole point is that this tax is not going to address any of it. Gillard has never told us how the collection of billions of $$ is suddenly going to morph into a better cleaner environment. She has not presented even the outline of a plan for achieving all these things via the carbon (dioxide) tax.

All we hear are vague promises of "more jobs", "cheaper, renewable energy", "a cleaner environment"........... oh, and the best one - the heart-string tugger..... "a better future for our children". Yes, I want these things too, but HOW is this tax going to produce them? Gillard doesn't know, or she would have told us. I want to see a concrete plan, with real facts, not this load of vague fantasy.

Yes Ruby, I agree wholeheartedly. There are too many missing links ATM.
when it is introduced at a price, there nothing to stop the government from increasing this tax year after year.
There's no secret about this. They have clearly stated that there will be an increase in the price per tonne every year.


this is what the opposition needs to focus on, but they keep getting distracted.

That darn IPCC is such a great fallback for the climate change uneducated. I would LOVE to see some serious debate put forward with some real australian scientists.

But research funding speaks volumes, and on this matter my faith in scientists has seriously diminished over the past decade.

They (the alarmist) won't debate with the sceptics because they know their theory would be blown out of the water as Andrew Bolt has proved in recent times and Gillard knows full well that this is the case.

What a scam the Labor party are running. If they were so sure about the fact that we need to reduce carbon (dioxide), have an open debate instead of accusing the opposition of running a negative scare campaign. Let's hear from some of the genuine scientists who have a different view.
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