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Labor's carbon tax lie

Brace yourselves for a taxpayer funded advertising blitz from the Guvmint to sell us this dud of a carbon dioxide tax ....... oooooooops I meant carbon price.

FEDERAL government climate adviser Ross Garnaut will release additional papers at the end of the month detailing how much money is expected to be raised by Labor's carbon tax and how it should be spent.

Prof Garnaut announced today he would release two "supplementary notes" on May 31 along with the final update to his landmark 2008 climate change review
With winter coming on and electricity going through the stratosphere and my house having a reverse cycle air conditioner I am going to change my usage habits. Instead of warming the house by using electricity (burning coal) I am going to buy a wood heater (burning coal/wood) Instead of having a relatively efficient coal fired power station polluting the air with steam and carbon dioxide I am now going to pollute the whole neighbourhood with a stinky wood fire chimney stack dumping copious amounts of soot and other by products into the atmosphere.

Smoke, containing water vapor, carbon dioxide and other chemicals and aerosol particulates, can be an irritating (and potentially dangerous) by-product of partially burnt wood fuel. A major component of wood smoke is fine particles that may account for a large portion of particulate air pollution in some regions. During cooler months, wood heating accounts for as much as 60% of fine particles in Melbourne, Australia.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh bring on the carbon tax.
I actually sympathize with the people who have to warm their house.
I live in Nth. Qld., and summer is a sheet, and winter is a sheet plus a cover.
For about 1 to 2 weeks I may on occasion wear long pyjama's.

In summer we use ceiling fans plus breeze to keep the house cool.

But I got to admit it is nice to visit down south from time to time.
Ah yes... The great heating debate!

There's a bit more history to the great wood versus electric heating debate than most would probably realise. It goes back to the soaring price of heating oil in 1979 and the great dams debate in Tas of the early 1980's that directly followed.

It went as far as one prominent No Dams campaigner and politician setting up a business manufacturing wood heaters at the time and is where the wood heating = "green" thing seems to originate from.

Ideologically, Smurf has always been absolutely on the electric side of that debate. Practical reality however is that in 2007 I bought a house that just happened to already have a wood heater installed, and I knew back then what was coming with electricity prices so I've kept it.

If you're going to use one of these heaters then I seriously recommend burning nothing other than firewood. Coal might work nicely in a power station or boiler, but these heaters aren't designed for it. And coal (at least brown coal) produces so much ash that you'll be cleaning out the firebox literally every few days. I've been there, tried burning those brown coal briquettes they sell in bags, and I won't be doing it again...

A better way of burning wood is a pellet fire. Trouble is, these things are expensive to buy and the pellets cost a lot too. They're very convenient (electric ignition) and clean burning (no visible smoke) however.

Attached is a photo of Launceston's smog taken a few years ago. About 92% of that is directly due to to household wood heating, with most of the rest due to industrial use of wood energy. Note that this is smoke, not natural fog which looks very different. The air is clearer these days - because most have switched to electricity for heating (the extra supply of which comes from coal burnt in Victoria...).


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I have recently had a slow combusation wood heater installed. The outdoor component of a reverse cycle aircon freezing into a giant ice block last winter was the last straw for me.

Very little smoke is produced if a reasonable oxygen supply is maintained to the fire and the wood being burned is not green or wet. Closing off the air vent overnight is a big sin in relation to smoke production and this is compounded by the smoke often being trapped in a shallow layer of cold air at/near ground level.

It's not quiet winter in Perth yet though. 30 today.

If you are outside the Perth metro area, wood heating with a wetback coil to heat your water would be an attractive option with the price of electricity.
Very little smoke is produced if a reasonable oxygen supply is maintained to the fire and the wood being burned is not green or wet.
Burning wood is one of those "can" verus "will" things.

You can put dry wood in the heater and burn it cleanly. That's what I do and it's not difficult.

Then I see people getting loads of freshly cut wood delivered in May for immediate use. Usually these are the people who keep the fire damped down and running 24/7 belching out smoke like there's no tomorrow.

It's the old 90/10 rule I expect. 90% of the smoke from the 10% of people who think that smouldering green wood is a good idea. The other 90% of wood users then cop the blame for it as well.

As usual, it seems that only half the story has been told:

FromTim Blair at the Telegraph: 417 DAYS UNTIL LABOR’S EUROPEAN BULLY TAX

So, if we have a carbon tax, it appears that will be a tax on top of the EU tax. It also seems that the government could stop bowing and scraping to Euro Laws - but methinks they want this as an excuse to bully Aussies into Gillard's pet carbon tax...

The deceptions and half truths appear to go on and on. Will this government ever learn that to deceive the people is political suicide? But I think they are too full of their own importance to notice such perceived trivea.
It won't hurt, it won't cost jobs and it will help developing nations.
I think it will certainly help developing nations, they shut down your job and just produce "stuff" in their country. No brainer what a winner, maybe we can get them to leave the boats here so we can use them.
Maybe a bit over dramatic, however unless there is a uniform approach, we will be disadvantaged. Blind Freddy can see that
GLOBETROTTER Kevin Rudd has notched up a staggering 384,000km in overseas air travel since becoming Foreign Minister - the equivalent of flying to the moon.

The former prime minister confirmed his status as our leading frequent flyer by visiting 43 countries in an eight-month odyssey in which he has spent four days in every 10 overseas.

Taxpayers forked out hundreds of thousands of dollars to fly Mr Rudd and his entourage on the equivalent of 10 around-the-world trips since September.

And despite being the only cabinet minister to drive a fuel-efficient Toyoto Prius, his global carbon footprint amounts to 58 tonnes - equivalent to driving 13 Holden Commodores for a year.

Read more:
I think xstrata are pulling off a blinder by shutting down Mt Isa and Townsville smelters and refineries. If they are going to cop a carbon tax best to shut it down before it is introduced, if you shut it down after the introduction, you will probably cop an extra tax on your raw material.
It will be interesting to see how many refineries(polluters) follow the lead with marginal refineries.
This government is priceless, you can see why the unions don't run, sorry didn't run the country.

It's a shame he didn't go there(the moon) and take the rest of the fools including the greens with him.
I know I shouldn't keep re hashing but Kev showed his stripes as P.M he just loves travelling, obviously he doesn't like being home.
It's a shame he didn't go there(the moon) and take the rest of the fools including the greens with him.
I know I shouldn't keep re hashing but Kev showed his stripes as P.M he just loves travelling, obviously he doesn't like being home.

"He doesn't like being home"???

Just maybe JG doesn't like him being home. She certainly is not stupid (stubborn maybe )
and there will be less damage on the home front this way.

The '..visiting 43 countries..' bit is a good pointer to his future ambitions, and who's funding them (and detention centres too), namely us.

As well as costing us, the taxpayers, hundreds of thousands of dollars, what has this actually achieved? Absolutely zilch in my opinion.
Moon envy perhaps? Does Therese Rein go with him? You betcha she does and stitches up deals on the way !!

THERESE Rein, the businesswoman wife of Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd, has won a major slice of United Kingdom government welfare to work contracts.

Kinda ironic she is the Welfare Queen don't ya think? Cause that is where we are all going to end up.

The first stage is to apply a carbon tax. If the carbon tax is shifted forward to
consumers, it increases the price of goods in proportion to their carbon content.
These price changes can be modelled as being equivalent to a set of indirect
taxes on consumer goods. The assumption of full shifting is, of course, very
strong, requiring competitive markets and constant returns, but it is the standard
assumption used in partial equilibrium analyses of indirect taxes. The analysis
does not allow for general equilibrium effects, such as changes in factor prices
and (pre-tax) goods prices resulting from a carbon tax. If ci is the carbon dioxide
intensity for commodity group i and α is the specific tax on carbon dioxide
emissions (measured in dollars per tonne of carbon dioxide), it is possible to
calculate the equivalent ad valorem tax rate on the ith commodity group, ti,
measured as a percentage of the tax-exclusive value of the commodity group,
using the relationship given by Symons et al. (1994, p. 26):


Time to wake up Australia .... the wool has been pulled over your collective eyes yet again.
As well as costing us, the taxpayers, hundreds of thousands of dollars, what has this actually achieved? Absolutely zilch in my opinion.

What has this actually achieved? Well for starters he has made Gillard look spineless. He is behaving like a naughty boy who knows he is safe from punishment. Rudd can do as he likes. He is probably the only member of parliament who can't be admonished by Gillard or the Caucus or the electorate.

He is bullet proof and he is playing "catch me if you can", and he is having a ball.
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