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Labor's carbon tax lie

Would that be the clean energy solar panel manufacturer that closed down after 25years. Or maybe the solar hotwater manufacturer that has layed off 250 workers and shutting down. Or the pink batts manufacturers, we won't go there.
You are so full of it mate.

How is that big solar power station they were going to build in outback N.S.W going.LOL
Maybe you can give me a link, that shows its progress. Actually a link to anything about it, since it was announced would do.LOL
Like I said, you are full of it.
If Labor genuinely thought a $15 floor price was too high, they would have also reviewed their so-called fixed price of $23 currently, rising to ~$29 in 2015.

Yes, it's a hoax but then, the whole basis for the tax was a hoax in the first place so there's no change in form from Labor there.

John McGlue (ABC radio WA morning show) just gave Greg Combett a very soft interview on Labor's scrapping of the floor price.
The Greens are looking just as silly as the government over this. They originally insisted on the floor price as a condition of their support, now Christine Milne is rabbiting on about how good it is that it has been dropped.

I've recently heard a few people (sorry, can't remember who) refer to "The Labor Greens Alliance", as though such an entity formally exists, reinforcing in the minds of those who still cling to what they think of as true Labor the sell out of their traditional party to the Greens. Valid terminology imo.

The Labor Greens Alliance? you mean the alliance that was need by a minority government....sort of like the Alliance 1 vote Tony would of needed to govern.

A union or association formed for mutual benefit, esp. between countries or organizations.
A relationship based on an affinity in interests, nature, or qualities: "an alliance between medicine and morality".

Not a marriage or a noalition or a relationship or affiliation.
The Labor Greens Alliance? you mean the alliance that was need by a minority government....sort of like the Alliance 1 vote Tony would of needed to govern.

I'll bet he can at least spell properly.

Basic Rule: Of is a preposition. Do not use of in the place of have after verbs such as could, should, would, might and must.

Incorrect:You would of enjoyed the picnic.
Correct: You would have enjoyed the picnic. You would’ve enjoyed the picnic.
Formed For Mutual Benefit , well the Greens got the Carbon Tax and the Resource Tax.
What did labor get?
Not With A Bang But A Whimper


Thanks for that Wayne...ill sleep better knowing that.

Now if only i knew what a preposition was/is, im not sure if it is or was...not real sure what a verb is either, or a noun..i remember one of them is a doing word. :dunno:

Lucky i don't care hey.

Thanks for clarifying your position on comprehension of simple concepts. I'll bear that in mind on other topics.
Thanks for clarifying your position on comprehension of simple concepts. I'll bear that in mind on other topics.

Yep, says it all really...

Blog entry below explains how the mad tax has been made been made even madder. One billion to Europe when we are running up massive debt? It surely is bizarre...

"Alan Moran says the Gillard Government’s latest backflip on the carbon tax - letting the price fall to European levels - makes a mad tax even madder":

Read more: We pay Europe $1 billion for nothing

And this link from Catallaxy files: Somersaults and a belly-flop: carbon tax fails on all counts

Hey So-Cynical, hear the latest, the government isn't going to shut down those dirty coal fired power stations, suprise, suprise.
So what do we have now? A great big new tax, that does nothing for the enviroment, but crucifies our competitiveness.
Well strap youself in for the recession we have to have, everytime Labor are in.

Labor credibility = 0
Hey So-Cynical, hear the latest, the government isn't going to shut down those dirty coal fired power stations, suprise, suprise.
So what do we have now? A great big new tax, that does nothing for the enviroment, but crucifies our competitiveness.
The Greens are having their usual whinge, but they have their carbon tax at $23 per tonne compared to the EU's matket price of $10 and a NZ spot price of $5.

They also boat arrivals stampeeding at ~2000 per month.
There's a fairly simple reason why the power station closure plan fell in a heap.

1. The only real alternative available is gas. Everything else either takes too long to build, is prohibitively expensive and/or politically impossible.

2. There isn't enough gas in Victoria where most of the coal-fired closures would have taken place. The gas would need to come from unconventional sources in SA, or coal seam gas in Qld (or, if they allow it to be extracted there, NSW). Either way, that's going to cost quite a bit especially when you realise that we're just two years away from export parity pricing for natural gas (after which any drop in the AUD, for example, would push up gas prices even further).

In that environment it just doesn't make economic sense to close coal-fired power stations, especially those which use brown or low grade black coal like those in Victoria. Indeed the case for new building such plants is getting stronger rather than weaker. Hence no closures.

Exactly as you stated when the carbon tax was announced!!!
Shame that the reporters only want to print headline rubbish, rather than research the issues.
Well doc, it is really starting to look a mess.
Christine Milne's had a good old whinge.

The electorate couldn't trust Labor and that didn't bother the Greens.
Andrew Wilkie couldn't trust Labor.
Kevin Rudd couldn't trust Labor.

What else did she expect ?
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