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Labor Tax Policy, where is it?

Will they be better off with tax cuts AND work choices screwing their wage or no tax cuts and better paid jobs with Rudd.
My first point is, wages have gone up under Liberal and they will keep going up due to the low unemployment.
Secondly, labor and the unions have made every effort to tell Australia that we will have our wages slashed, our families will suffer due to this, the hospitals will lose staff, the sky will fall in etc. but in reality the IR laws have been in for a while now and I have not met person that has been badly affected by the IR laws, if anything big was going to happen it would have happened already. Sure there is the odd bad employer and disgruntled employees that Labor weed out to appear on their adds but this is in no way representative of the general population.
Would the people rather pay the amount of tax that Labors policy would have you pay or the amount that Liberal would have you pay?
Because the two policies are currently worlds apart and as I have said before,

We will talk about labors tax policy when they release one Mint Man...

Talking about labor's tax policy is like talking about Nick Minchins presentation to the H R Nichols society for making work choices even more extreme.... Minchin and Costello are on the record for bemoaning work choices didn't go far enough!

So we will leave both aside... let just focus on what we have...

At this stage, all we have is the Liberal's tax poliicy, at to me, it looks like nothing more that an election bribe... no fundamental reform, just tinkering around the edges...

And they have had some of the most favourable economic conditions, and now a massive 50billion dollar windfall to try something that would truly make a difference.... and have failed yet again...

In the mean time, as others have mentioned, infrastructure, health and education falls by the way side...

Where is a proper rail network to trasport good across the continent in bulk, freeing up highways of the trucks...? the same can be said for shipping infrastructure... Both incidentally are a lot less polluting... This will never happen cause the liberals are in the pockets of the trucking magnates.

Where is the proper communications network for all of australia? again, somethig that can be used to reduced pollution, requiring few car / plane trips.

What about the problems with water, electricity, etc...?

So, either fix the tax system, or invest in infrastructure, health and education... The policy released on Monday does neither. Very disasspointing effort from the self professed saviours of the Australian economy...

You obviously didn't even glance at my other post, where I explained talking to someone who had been sacked because he chose to go on his teaching prac; did you?

That's pretty amoral.
We will talk about labors tax policy when they release one Mint Man...
So we will leave both aside... let just focus on what we have
Labor does have a tax policy Rafa, they pointed this out themselfs way back in June. I think you need to re-read my initial post.
Here Ill save you the time.

Rafa, while most of us would expect Labor to release a NEW and updated version of their tax policy (the operative word being their) they are yet to do so let just focus on what we have!
You obviously didn't even glance at my other post, where I explained talking to someone who had been sacked because he chose to go on his teaching prac; did you?

That's pretty amoral.

What post are you talking about Chops? I cant find the post your talking about
You obviously didn't even glance at my other post, where I explained talking to someone who had been sacked because he chose to go on his teaching prac; did you?

That's pretty amoral.

id like to know the specifics as this explanation is quite vague.

people were sacked pre-workchoices and will be sacked with workchoices in place.

imo, providing vague anecdotal evidence is hardy compelling evidence against the legislation.

Rubbish, you know full well that the new budget figures only came out on Monday, and you know full well that Labor has said that they will, like John Howard in 96, release a NEW tax policy 2-3 weeks from election date...

So, are you just liberal party stooge and gonna keep repeating, like the rest of the liberal party, 'we have released ours, wheres yours...'


Are you interested in actually discussing merits of the policy and whether its good for the country...???

You do realise, anyone can release a policy... the policy has to actually be 'good'!
id like to know the specifics as this explanation is quite vague.

people were sacked pre-workchoices and will be sacked with workchoices in place.

imo, providing vague anecdotal evidence is hardy compelling evidence against the legislation.

Even though I havn't seen the post he is speaking of, I can't agree with you more B.
There are always two sides to the story and as I said before there are a few bad employers out there just as there are bad employees.

do you think Labor should have revised its tax policy since 2005 Rafa?

Wayne Swan used this apparently outdated policy in an effort to refute the claim that they have no tax policy. What does that say?

The fact that a revised budget surplus has recently emerged is hardly relevant when you consider their policy has not been revised since 2005.

It seems to me that this is more of the same from St Kev - ie: make it up as we go along - "me too" policies...

it wouldnt surprise me to see Rudd introduce a new committee to deal with taxation....
A challenge to both major parties. Slightly off topic but consumer spending and tax are pretty closely related for most.

Construct a Consumer Price Index that is based on actual real world spending of consumers as recorded in sales statistics. And do so with no nonsense about eating hamburger because it's cheaper than steak, no nonsense about buying half a TV because the quality has improved, and certainly no nonsense about charging yourself rent on your own property. Just use the actual cost of the same size steak, whatever consititutes a mid-range TV at the time and the price of an average house + land.

Then, and here's the real challenge, pass laws requiring that anyone doing the same job, working the same hours with the same level of productivity can not see their purchasing power decline unless due to exceptional circumstances (eg company loses a major contract, poor season for crops and so on).

It seems very reasonable to me - in the technological era in which we live, why should anyone expect their hourly income as measured by what it can purchase to decline? It ought to be going up in purchasing power not down otherwise the past 25 years of economic reform have been largely pointless.

What's wrong with the CPI we have now? In short, it just isn't credible to see house prices triple having no observable effect on CPI and everything (including many wages) based upon it whilst a banana price boom is a virtual economic emergency. We're not monkeys...
Rubbish, you know full well that the new budget figures only came out on Monday, and you know full well that Labor has said that they will, like John Howard in 96, release a NEW tax policy 2-3 weeks from election date...
In fact I didn't know that Labor had said that they would release a tax policy 2-3 weeks out from the election, when did they say that. Quote please?
Rudd has steered clear of the media as much as possible in the lead up to the election, no wonder the average Australian dosn't know exactly where Labor stands. It only ever seems that he comes out to play when he is forced to. It is also all over the media that Kevin Rudd was caught off guard when the Liberals announced their updated tax policy yesterday.
If they were going to bring on their own tax policy all along then why not scream it from the roof tops now? they should say 'we will release our tax policy in 3 weeks' not ' oh we will review the liberals one'
No one knows where they stand Rafa!

As for your remark about me being a Liberal stooge. I’m sick of reading posts from you claiming to be in the middle or saying that you reserve your right to vote for liberal, making out your swinging voter. But after reading alot of your posts in other political threads it’s quite obvious that you’re a Labor supporter because every time someone has something bad to say about Labor you’re on the defensive. It has to be said that your similar to Rudd/Labor by calling me a liberal stooge.... it's a bit like Rudd saying that this election campaign will be full of scare tactics from the Liberals yet every night and day for over a year now we have had to sit through union/labor backed advertisements saying how bad the liberal government is and basically saying that we had better watch out if they get in again.

A bit hypocritical dont you think?

Thank God...
at least someone can read between the lines
do you think Labor should have revised its tax policy since 2005 Rafa?

NO... Howards didn't do it either in 1996

When your in opposition, you don't know the figures till the election is called and then the treasury, under the charter of budget honesty, has to give both parties the same set of numbers...

the thing i am saying, is we can continuing arguing on what should happen and what shouldn't... but what is the point of that!

why don't we actually discuss what was released yesterday... the Liberal Tax Policy that they are taking to the next election?

When Labour releases theirs, and they have repeatedly promised one 2-3 weeks before the election, (so the 2005 tax policy is null and void) we can then critique that one...

How does that sound? Reasonable enough for you???

OH yes... and Mint Man... As far as the 2007 election goes... I am 100% Labour.
How does that sound? Reasonable enough for you???

that sounds perfectly reasonable Rafa, however as the thread title is quite specific, i think its also reasonable to discuss the Labor party's apparent lack of any recent tax policy.
that sounds perfectly reasonable Rafa, however as the thread title is quite specific, i think its also reasonable to discuss the Labor party's apparent lack of any recent tax policy.

Yes, we all know that... what is there to discuss...?

Yes, it would have been good if they had a tax policy earlier, but what is the point, its not like it can be implemented, and most likely, it can be copied...

And the goal posts move anyway come election time when the treasury are forced to release to the opposition the true financial figures...

How can you have a detailed policy, when you don't even know what your financial situation is?
I was just listening to kevin Rudd on 2GB and all he said on tax was that they are going over the 200 odd page document and how that takes time blah blah blah. full of sweet nothings really.
From my recollection he said nothing about a revised labor tax policy in a few weeks. Thats all I was looking for but didn't get it.

Announcing in-advance the handing back of three years of bracket creep is hardly bold reform.

Laughable really. Why do you think the Libs are banging on about the timing of Labor's policy rather than trumpeting the forsight of their own policy?

Perhaps they know that $20 a week isn't a real big vote winner or a great piece of economic reform.

Labor can come up with their retort in their own time, just as J Ho was able to call the election at a time that suits.

How come Johnny and Cossie haven't mentioned interest rates yet?
He said nothing about a revised labor tax policy in a few weeks. Thats all I was looking for but didn't get it.

Mint Man, I have heard him say this in the past... And I am expecting one..

Let me just say this, if Rudd doesn't release one 2-3 weeks before the election, I will be extremely disappointed...

And I am already on the record as saying that I will be very disappointed if he simply me-too's the liberal one... or if simply does a tinkering job similar to what the liberals have just done, which doens't to anything to actually simplify the tax system...

What I would like to hear is this:
If the liberals get in, labor will support it, but if labour gets in, this is our alternate proposal for simplified tax system

Naturally, this is going to take a lot of guts, because if any little group is going to be worse off tax wise under the labour plan, as opposed to the liberal plan, its going to highlighted!
What about trade training in schools. Obviously you haven't needed a tradesman lately.I am not voting liberal.

Trade center in every school sounds like a massive waste of money and an on going waste of money. Wouldn’t a better option be to use the tafe collages considering they have all the equipment and a good percentage of trade classes are empty.
i dont want a tax cut.

i want all aussies to own the roads they drive on.

why are we reliant on the chinese/ japanese to build infrastructure in the midewest WA?
i want our govt to build it.

i want my kids, and everyone elses, to be able to go to the best equiped hospital on the planet.

shove ya 30 bucks up ya ar$e howard, then rub it in costellos face.
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