Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

JRV - Jervois Global

When are they going to make the announcement regarding the Chinese MOU direction. This stock is just plodding at the moment and needs some good news.
I have long term views for this particular stock but are hopefull that some positive news will see the SP jump (I can live in hope anyway).
If they can somehow manage to extract the Nickel - the sky's the limit !!!
When are they going to make the announcement regarding the Chinese MOU direction. This stock is just plodding at the moment and needs some good news.
I have long term views for this particular stock but are hopefull that some positive news will see the SP jump (I can live in hope anyway).
If they can somehow manage to extract the Nickel - the sky's the limit !!!

I used to hold this stock. I think if the Chinese get on and provide financial backing JRV will get off the ground. If not, prepare for JRV to plummet... with nickel laterite they need all the help they can get to get nickel out of the ground. The other main risk is that if nickel prices plummet, then bye bye JRV.

I hope that everything goes well for you mate - the above is only my own opinion.
The six month agreement with the Chinees assessors ends in August as far as I can make out. If the news is positive then something should surface soon, if not then the outlook may not be the best. It is hard to predict with this mob as their announcement history tends to favor the investing management more than anyone else in my humble opinion. However due to the sheer size of the resource and its location I am keeping faith at this time. Remember back six months or so ago they made a big hoo haa about uranium leases and preliminary surveying commencing, which ramped the share price initially then nothing since on that item.

May be a few of us medium holders should get together and have someone of our own elected to the board. However at .58% the resource is weak and unless nickel continues to rise may be not worth the effort
ASX ann today
The market seemed to like ANN with 75 million shares traded in first hour with SP up 27%

JRV $0.028 +$0.006 +27.27% 75,444,676 shares $1,923,522 18-May 11:00:55

18-05-2007 10:32 AM JRV Technical Visit - Guandong Guang Ye 18 May 2007

Re: Technical Visit – Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co. Ltd
Delegates of Chinese investment company, Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd (‘Guang Ye’), reached agreement with Jervois Mining Limited to move to a formal joint venture for the possible future development of the Young nickel laterite project in NSW. A delegation from Guang Ye recently concluded a ten day study tour of the Young project and Jervois Mining’s Bullabulling gold project in Western Australia.

At a meeting in Jervois’ offices on May 17, Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd expressed continued interest in the Young nickel/cobalt laterite project. Preliminary terms about Guang Ye’s participation as a joint venture partner in the project were discussed. The delegates from Guang Ye have collected all the data on the project and will put a joint venture proposition to that company’s board at its next meeting. There have been many enquiries from Jervois shareholders with regard to the outcome of these negotiations.

The delegation visited Jervois Mining’s mineral properties at Young, NSW (nickel and cobalt) and Bullabulling, WA (gold production). The group also visited the Metcon Laboratories in Brookvale, NSW, the site of metallurgical test work. The Guang Ye delegation was hosted at dinner in NSW parliament house by the Minister for Mineral Resources, the Hon. Ian Macdonald during its visit.

The group also met with Ms Cathy Dillon, Manager, Mineral Development, Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources and met the Mayor of Young, Mr Gerry Bailey. Infill drilling for metallurgical samples, to be sent to China for evaluation by Guang Ye, has commenced. At Bullabulling the delegation visited the mine site where the gold heap leach
operation and associated carbon columns created great interest. Guang Ye believes the Bullabulling heap leach of laterites may be relevant for some resource types at Young, NSW.

Earlier this year Jervois Mining negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Guangdong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Limited in relation to the Young, NSW, nickel/cobalt laterite project. Guangdong Assets Management Co Limited is a company wholly owned by the Guangdong Provincial government in China. Under the terms of the MOU Jervois
granted Guang Ye an exclusive six month mandate to join the Young project.
ASX ann today
The market seemed to like ANN with 75 million shares traded in first hour with SP up 27%

JRV $0.028 +$0.006 +27.27% 75,444,676 shares $1,923,522 18-May 11:00:55

18-05-2007 10:32 AM JRV Technical Visit - Guandong Guang Ye 18 May 2007

Re: Technical Visit – Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co. Ltd
Delegates of Chinese investment company, Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd (‘Guang Ye’), reached agreement with Jervois Mining Limited to move to a formal joint venture for the possible future development of the Young nickel laterite project in NSW. A delegation from Guang Ye recently concluded a ten day study tour of the Young project and Jervois Mining’s Bullabulling gold project in Western Australia.

At a meeting in Jervois’ offices on May 17, Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd expressed continued interest in the Young nickel/cobalt laterite project. Preliminary terms about Guang Ye’s participation as a joint venture partner in the project were discussed. The delegates from Guang Ye have collected all the data on the project and will put a joint venture proposition to that company’s board at its next meeting. There have been many enquiries from Jervois shareholders with regard to the outcome of these negotiations.

The delegation visited Jervois Mining’s mineral properties at Young, NSW (nickel and cobalt) and Bullabulling, WA (gold production). The group also visited the Metcon Laboratories in Brookvale, NSW, the site of metallurgical test work. The Guang Ye delegation was hosted at dinner in NSW parliament house by the Minister for Mineral Resources, the Hon. Ian Macdonald during its visit.

The group also met with Ms Cathy Dillon, Manager, Mineral Development, Australian Government Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources and met the Mayor of Young, Mr Gerry Bailey. Infill drilling for metallurgical samples, to be sent to China for evaluation by Guang Ye, has commenced. At Bullabulling the delegation visited the mine site where the gold heap leach
operation and associated carbon columns created great interest. Guang Ye believes the Bullabulling heap leach of laterites may be relevant for some resource types at Young, NSW.

Earlier this year Jervois Mining negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Guangdong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Limited in relation to the Young, NSW, nickel/cobalt laterite project. Guangdong Assets Management Co Limited is a company wholly owned by the Guangdong Provincial government in China. Under the terms of the MOU Jervois
granted Guang Ye an exclusive six month mandate to join the Young project.

Amended announcement out:
Line 1-3 now read " Delegates of Chinese investment company, Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd (‘Guang Ye’), reached agreement with Jervois Mining Limited to continue negotiation towards a formal joint venture for the possible future development of the Young nickel laterite project in SW."
Subtle but important difference. DP really needs to get his act together with regard to JRV's announcements.
Hahaha... Sounds like JRV management need to proofread their anns. before they release them... This announcment could REALLY hurt JRV in the short-term, especially if the JV negs break down... I say this as an ex-JRV shareholder (who sold out of the fairytale) - but many will be ropeable about this announcement getting released as it was in the first form (cause it definitely was price positive in the extreme compared to the re-release)... Anyone a lawyer??? - i do recall in tort law - there was the tort of due care - would this fall under that???

Like i said - i don`t care but i can`t fathom how this got realesed in its first form...
Amended announcement out:
Line 1-3 now read " Delegates of Chinese investment company, Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management Co Ltd (‘Guang Ye’), reached agreement with Jervois Mining Limited to continue negotiation towards a formal joint venture for the possible future development of the Young nickel laterite project in SW."
Subtle but important difference. DP really needs to get his act together with regard to JRV's announcements.
JRV management just doesn't get it. Its amazing how a change of phrase can make such a huge difference. One minute they've reached an agreement the next says "continue negotiation". JRV's share price has come off its daily high as traders continue to digest this news. An "F" for Proof Reading Ability.
Looks like its going down again! I going to hook in at .024:) I hope the joint venture kicks in after that, as that would be sweet. Any how this one seems risky and I'm not sure which way to go, but .024 might be safe! I hope!
Looks like its going down again! I going to hook in at .024:) I hope the joint venture kicks in after that, as that would be sweet. Any how this one seems risky and I'm not sure which way to go, but .024 might be safe! I hope!

I've had a look at JRV in the past. I'm just not willing to back its management as I don't have any faith in them, so do most traders. Just have a look at its past history.
Citigroup worries about sharp correction in nickel price
Citigroup’s equity research unit Tuesday expressed worry about a sharp correction in nickel prices, calling the supply demand situation “an accident waiting to happen.”
Author: Dorothy Kosich
Posted: Wednesday , 06 Jun 2007
While Citigroup has increased its long term nickel price projection from $4/lb to US$6/lb, metals analysts Alan Heap and Alex Tonks termed the supply-demand situation "an accident waiting to happen."
Noting that "nickel prices have been resilient under an accumulation of bearish news, supported by a short squeeze," the analysts declared that they don't believe "these conditions will last. A combination of increasing supply and demand destruction will bring a sharp correction in prices."
In their analysis published Tuesday, Heap and Tonks expressed concerns that the nickel market is "unstable, and prices could halve over a few months when the fundamentals begin to bite."
Nonetheless, Citigroup also forecasts that primary nickel demand in the major consuming economies will increase 10%, while global demand will rise 8%. Several factors could harm primary demand, however, including stainless destocking, substitution of high nickel alloys, and substitution of primary nickel by scrap.
Although LME nickel stocks have doubled from their April low point, Citigroup noted that "total reported stocks remain low and the market is still fundamentally tight."
Meanwhile, they also asserted that "the surge in production of nickel in pig iron presents an important source of new supply and one of the most important threats to the sustainability of high prices." Their research determined that New Caledonia exports are displacing Philippines ore for nickel in pig iron production.
"Production of nickel in pig iron reached 30kt of contained Ni in 2006, up from virtually zero in 2005," Heap and Tonks wrote. "We now estimate that production in 2007 will be around 70kt, and by year end running at 100ktpy." In the meantime, pig iron capital costs are almost zero although producers may be required to produce a higher quality product, they suggested.
Citigroup estimated pig iron operating costs to average US$8-$12/lb.
Among the factors which could cause a sharp decline in the pig iron production:
• A fall in the nickel price
• Environmental problems involving mines in the Philippines and at blast furnaces
• Governments may restrict or ban the export of nickel ores. "This seems highly likely and such proposals have already been made in Indonesia and New Caledonia."
In contrast to the supply outlook for other base metals growth, "growth in nickel supply will be determined by the outlook for a few major projects," Citigroup suggested.
Citigroup's analysis asserts that barriers to nickel entry into commodity markets are increasing. "Most of the new supply will be from laterite projects [accounting for more than 90% of new supply] which are expected to face high capital costs and technical challenges."
Capital costs for new laterite projects average US$11.33, sulphides US$4.50, according to Citigroup.
"The cash cost curve is expected to continue to steepen on a trend basis, and industry average cash margins to widen as a consequence," the analysts predicted.

Such moves could make the huge resource near Young NSW a very reasonable propostion. Notice in a recent blast by the Company that the laterite is now regarded as .72% which to my memory is up from .58% under discussion some months ago
Nickel Falls to 10-Week Low After London Exchange Changes Rules

By Brett Foley

June 7 (Bloomberg) -- Nickel fell to a 10-week low, erasing its leading position this year on the London Metal Exchange, as stockpiles rose and the bourse imposed new rules to curb what one analyst described as ``collusive'' trading.

Two or more companies each holding 25 percent or more of LME-monitored nickel stockpiles now need to make more metal available to other buyers. Inventories tracked by the LME increased 2.4 percent to 8,604 tons, the highest since July 10.

Could be a problem or JRV as it is very sensitive to Nickel prices.
... "Inventories tracked by the LME increased 2.4 percent to 8,604 tons, the highest since July 10. "

Granted and indeed caution is required with this stock anyway, however inventories were about 35,000 tons in Jan 06, albiet for a short time. In my view the sell off has more to do with the markets, particularly the carry trade over the last few days. A shortage of this metal remains and demand should stay strong.
dont know what to make of this stock.Nickel is running and this company is sitting on a pile of nickel ,nickel price flying and company doing SFA.I detect no sense of urgency,in moving forward.I mean, now is their moment in the sun and they are in bed sleeping.Somebody needs to wake them up.PMRO.

WAKE UUUUUP! please!!!!!!! now
dont know what to make of this stock.Nickel is running and this company is sitting on a pile of nickel ,nickel price flying and company doing SFA.I detect no sense of urgency,in moving forward.I mean, now is their moment in the sun and they are in bed sleeping.Somebody needs to wake them up.PMRO.

WAKE UUUUUP! please!!!!!!! now

I have noted there are buyers backing up at 22 23 and 24 but the stock is still turning over at 25 26 Where are they coming trom? Maybe its day traders operating a couple of mil at a polnt. Two grand a day even twice a week beats working 9to 5.:2twocents
A buy of 20 million just after the oen this morning, could be someone in the know getting up at a time when the market is slumbering. The chart since Feb looks like a nice up trend. Worth watching now, Chinese memorandum of understanding expires mid Augustt
A six million buy at 3.52pm is very encouraging.Could someone be getting in early before info revealed,have towait for answer.60 mil traded today ,am watching very closely,hopefully its asign of pre shuttle liftoff.
At 3.35pm another large buy (approximateley 4 mil) Someone is accumulating consistently but in a manner so as to not alert the general. The faithful should hold on now. Buys are consistently larger than sellers
From 12million traded up to 3.00pm to 30mil now at 3.20pm, announcement, what gives with these huge surges
Todays Australian,20876,21754265-15023,00.html

Happy days for the Jervois faithful
May 18, 2007

JERVOIS Mining shareholders are a savvy mob.

Not only did they force their company board to disclose just why they turned down a possible takeover offer from Intec last month, but they have lit up the switchboards of late about a possible ground-breaking deal with Chinese interests.

And the news shareholders got today from the Jervois board would be enough to give them a smile heading into the weekend.

In April Jervois inked a Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese investment firm Guandong Guang Ye Assets Management over a possible joint venture of Jervois' Young nickel project in NSW.

Young is a beauty. It contains 167 million tonnes of nickel laterite ore with a grade of 0.72 per cent nickel and 0.07 per cent cobalt, relatively low grade on domestic standards.

Nickel laterites have never been much fun when trying to make a buck. Plenty have tried, plenty have gone broke.

Just look at the former Cawse and Bulong operations in Western Australia.

But the rising nickel price gives plenty of incentive to try and get the processing technology right and Jervois is well advanced in that respect.

Jervois has eyed a production target of some 60,000 tonnes of nickel a year from Young, and 6000 tonnes of cobalt.

That would put Jervois right up there with the nickel producing heavyweights, including fellow laterite producer Minara Resources.

But that is all dependent on Jervois' unique hydromet technology being firstly a success, and secondly to such a degree it gives excellent production margins.

Hydrochloric acid has been used to help refine plenty of other metals in the past, but rarely for nickel and that's what makes Jervois' technology both tricky, and appealing.

But there is another alternative, one which might just sway Guang Ye into formalising a joint venture.

It's called nickel pig iron and basically means smelting the laterite resource to produce nickel in a hurry. The process has had a resurgence in New Caledonia and Guang Ye have mooted the option with Jervois as a method of getting quick access to the in-demand metal.

Jervois managing director Duncan Pursell said he was so confident about the recent talks with Guang Ye representatives - who flew to Australia this month and toured Jervois assets - that a tie-up should be a formality before the end of June.

“Obviously China is a hard place to do business and Guang Ye have bosses they have to answer to as well,” Mr Pursell said.

“Another six months and we should have the hydromet process up to scale. “Guang Ye are very keen on it, but there is the ferro-nickel route (nickel pig iron) which is an option.”

“If that happened, we would still want to go with the big one (hydromet) down the track.”

Jervois have promised not to deal with any other Chinese parties and has provided Guang Ye with its own business plan for Young.

Jervois shares, often among the most traded in terms of volume on a daily basis, lifted more than 25 per cent yesterday.

A good result for the persistent Jervois faithful.
Hey Bigdog, that article is about a month old, but as a shareholder with a keen interest in Jervois, cheers. Those large buys and high volumes seen in recent few weeks(days) may seem to indicate that something is up, and that something is a likely JV with the Chinese. Certainly Duncan Pursell seems to think so. "Formality" is a big word, may it ring true.
Jervois managing director Duncan Pursell said he was so confident about the recent talks with Guang Ye representatives - who flew to Australia this month and toured Jervois assets - that a tie-up should be a formality before the end of June.

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