Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Joe, a question for you

28 January 2006
Hi Joe

Thanks for the great work you are doing on the forum, as a newcomer I'm finding the forum very valuable (and I'm amused at some of the posts as well)

Just wondering.... does the screen have a refresh time set ?
I find that unless I refresh my own screen from time to time, it doesn't pick up any new posts to the threads automatically - is it supposed to??

Thanks and have a great day :)
surelle said:
Hi Joe

Thanks for the great work you are doing on the forum, as a newcomer I'm finding the forum very valuable (and I'm amused at some of the posts as well)

Just wondering.... does the screen have a refresh time set ?
I find that unless I refresh my own screen from time to time, it doesn't pick up any new posts to the threads automatically - is it supposed to??

Thanks and have a great day :)

Hi Surelle,

Thanks for your kind words... glad to hear you are enjoying the forums! :)

There is no auto refresh (i.e a refresh without the user hitting refresh) on ASF but if you return to either the Forums Index ( or the ASF Home (, you should be able to see any new posts that have come in very recently.

To get an idea of what has been happening on the forums recently, I usually just go to the ASF Home which displays the last 20 updated threads from all forums.

If for some reason you are still having problems, try what's known as a 'hard refresh' which is when you hit refresh and hold down the shift key at the same time.

Hope that answers your question.
visual said:
the page also gets refreshed by clicking on the refresh symbol,between home and stop.

Yes, but you should only need to refresh if you are within a thread and wanting to see if more posts have been added to that particular thread. By returning to either the Forums Index or the ASF Home everything should update automatically.
thanks for that - yes I've been using the refresh button (b/w stop n home) until now..will try the other option

Joe another question . What did you do to The Analyst was it over the Khan thread ? miss his input & wit. :behead:
justjohn said:
Joe another question . What did you do to The Analyst was it over the Khan thread ? miss his input & wit. :behead:

John, The Khan thread was simply the last straw. TheAnalyst had been causing a lot of problems and provoking a lot of people. I had recieved quite a few complaints about his behaviour and had actually stuck up for him on a few occasions only to have him cause more problems.

Frankly, I just grew weary of dealing with the issues he was creating on the forums. He still has access to ASF, he has just lost his posting privileges.