d'oh sorry, I should've been more clear
I believe that for people who really do need assistance, non-profit organizations and charities would play a bigger role (in the absence of centrelink etc). There are already many organizations that have been around for years who do terrific work - the Salvo's, St Vincent De Paul etc. I think that if people were not taxed by the govt, then there would most definitely be a proliferation in private charity - I know I'd be happy to donate some of my earnings to organizations that genuinely help people. That way it's our choice. If you want to be a decent human being then you can donate money (or goods, or your time etc), or if instead, you want to be a miser, then you can do that too.
But the bottom line is that it should be left up to us - free individuals - as to what we do with the fruits of our labour.
*Edit* Oh and for all the people who administer the system... well they're going to find themselves out of a job aren't they! They would be most welcome to join the rest of us in actually doing something useful - something that benefits society. (For the sake of argument, I've assumed that all who read this
are doing something 'valuable' with their time