Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Jetstar charges job seekers for interview costs

Yes, of course people are going to attempt to maximise utility, e.g. by rorting the system - getting paid cash in hand etc, like you said. But that couldn't happen if there wasn't a system to rort. Like I said, I think social security should be eliminated.
Luke you didnt say *eliminated*,you said you dont believe in social security :p:

On the other hand what will you do ,with the people who genuinely need it.
Yes those who can work should,certainly no one needs to stay on it for twenty years,but there are those who actually need it,what are you going to do with those.

Plus what about victims of domestic abuse who can now live a situation like that knowing that they or their children wont go hungry,or those who have genuinely lost their jobs?

And what are you going to do with the welfare factories,you know the administrators who now administer welfare,starting from the minister,ok, that was a joke. :p:
d'oh sorry, I should've been more clear :p:

I believe that for people who really do need assistance, non-profit organizations and charities would play a bigger role (in the absence of centrelink etc). There are already many organizations that have been around for years who do terrific work - the Salvo's, St Vincent De Paul etc. I think that if people were not taxed by the govt, then there would most definitely be a proliferation in private charity - I know I'd be happy to donate some of my earnings to organizations that genuinely help people. That way it's our choice. If you want to be a decent human being then you can donate money (or goods, or your time etc), or if instead, you want to be a miser, then you can do that too.

But the bottom line is that it should be left up to us - free individuals - as to what we do with the fruits of our labour.

*Edit* Oh and for all the people who administer the system... well they're going to find themselves out of a job aren't they! They would be most welcome to join the rest of us in actually doing something useful - something that benefits society. (For the sake of argument, I've assumed that all who read this are doing something 'valuable' with their time ;))
lukem said:
d'oh sorry, I should've been more clear :p:

I believe that for people who really do need assistance, non-profit organizations and charities would play a bigger role (in the absence of centrelink etc). There are already many organizations that have been around for years who do terrific work - the Salvo's, St Vincent De Paul etc. I think that if people were not taxed by the govt, then there would most definitely be a proliferation in private charity - I know I'd be happy to donate some of my earnings to organizations that genuinely help people. That way it's our choice. If you want to be a decent human being then you can donate money (or goods, or your time etc), or if instead, you want to be a miser, then you can do that too.

But the bottom line is that it should be left up to us - free individuals - as to what we do with the fruits of our labour.

*Edit* Oh and for all the people who administer the system... well they're going to find themselves out of a job aren't they! They would be most welcome to join the rest of us in actually doing something useful - something that benefits society. (For the sake of argument, I've assumed that all who read this are doing something 'valuable' with their time ;))

And what would you do when the demands on the charities above exceed their capacity to provide the necessary level of assistance?

In case of charity, reduce assistance to every individual so assistance can be spread further and in case of receipient do away with less.
Happy said:
In case of charity, reduce assistance to every individual so assistance can be spread further and in case of receipient do away with less.

Unfortunately, it's just not that simple Happy. If you ever have some spare time on your hands, consider volunteering with one of your local charities (St Vincent de Paul, Salvos, Life Line etc). Until you do this, you will have no idea of the dire situations some people find themselves in.
