Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Japan Reawakens - The End of the Beginning?

kennas said:
I'm looking at BJT too. Fat Prophets rate it highly. Hold from Aegis with price target $1.86. Looks pretty solid.

There has been some selling recently so prices are temporarily capped. Stalking it atm, posted some comments in the BJT thread, GreatPig got on it early, lucky guy.

The ASX has some info on ETF's, there's a Japan focused ETF listed in the US which we can buy through ASX world link (or any international broker).
Re: Japan Reawakens- The End of the Beginning?

Riles said:
I have Platinum Asia fund, Aberdeen Asian Opportunities, Challenger China Share fund and Platinum Japan fund - so I'm heavily overweight Asia.

They've taken a bit of a battering lately, as has the Nikkei.
Any thoughts about this? Is this a correction or worse?

Nikkei down another 614 points today. Things are looking pretty grim at the moment for whatever reason. I wouldn't be buying in just yet. Seriously considering switching over to cash for a while to stop the bleeding.
Re: Japan Reawakens- The End of the Beginning?

Riles said:
Nikkei down another 614 points today. Things are looking pretty grim at the moment for whatever reason. I wouldn't be buying in just yet. Seriously considering switching over to cash for a while to stop the bleeding.

Most everything is still looking good for Japan as falls in commodities will give them a boost. Just because the market is looking cheaper does not mean shares will not go a lot lower, time to buy-in gradually over the next 3 months, imho.
Now's not the time to sell. That was on May 9. Don't fall for the old buy high sell low theory. This correction will not last. Once interest rates are decided one way or the other there will be more certainty and stability. I hope. It's the unknown that is sending markets panicking now.
kennas said:
Now's not the time to sell..

I've been telling myself that over and over the last few weeks. I can only stand so much pain though. Waiting and holding for a turnaround whilst burning up thousands a day! sheesh, this is getting depressing.
Riles said:
I've been telling myself that over and over the last few weeks. I can only stand so much pain though. Waiting and holding for a turnaround whilst burning up thousands a day! sheesh, this is getting depressing.

No worries, or rather, don't worry. Japan has spooked over rising inflation concerns and higher interest rates that would cause a slow down. Lower commodity prices and lower oil prices will eventually cause lower inflation and with it lower interest rates.
Time to look at Japan. Inflation remains near zero and annual consumer spending is up 4.1%.
I'm starting to get interested in Japan after prices of stocks have been cheapened by the very weak Yen. Now may not be quite the right time to move but may be very close.
I'm starting to get interested in Japan after prices of stocks have been cheapened by the very weak Yen. Now may not be quite the right time to move but may be very close.

Japan is toast as well - back to deflation on a massive scale.
The continuation of the end more like it?
Japan is toast as well - back to deflation on a massive scale.
The continuation of the end more like it?

The Japanese Yen weakness has destroyed the party in Japan after 25 years of decline. I saw a report all those years ago that said " Japan will take 50 years to recover to its former high, when the main stock index reached 38,000".

My own thinking is that the Japanese Yen may well start to recover and interest rates of around 0.5% may well move upwards.
Japan Reawakens right before it falls back to sleep.

On the 19th of October 1987 Japanese stocks (Nikkei 225) crashed 15% from 25747 down to 21910.
That was horrific. Hangon, the market just closed at 13592. Its the third biggest economy. What!

Doesn't Japan have a less leveraged public?
If the Japanese stop sending their money to be invested overseas due to overseas falling interest rates and share markets. Might this money end up back in the Japanese share market? I wouldn't think that it would end up in their banks at less than 1 percent.

The recent rise to 18000 was mostly I believe due to foreigners like myself.

I am not currently invested in Japan.

Does anyone have any comments?
I am keeping a close eye on this market. This is a contrarian play.
Interestingly Marc Faber recently put on his watch list Japanese Small Cap ETF. He notes that Japan has fallen out of favour with investors despite the low valuations, compared to Japanese bond yields. He says wait for the market to correct another 10% to buy.
I am keeping a close eye on this market. This is a contrarian play.
Interestingly Marc Faber recently put on his watch list Japanese Small Cap ETF. He notes that Japan has fallen out of favour with investors despite the low valuations, compared to Japanese bond yields. He says wait for the market to correct another 10% to buy.
I bought into the Platinum Japan Fund a few years ago. Woof. :( I'm out waiting for the 'real' bottom of their market too. Or, maybe the 6.5% in my savings account is better.
Hi Kennas ,

I've been on your blog a few times , the snakeoil got me . Still getting through Waynes mega sessions :)

But I was stunned to see you have been to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands . Do you have more photos of your travels ? I've travelled but never like you have , it's more the exotic of the exotics , where you've been .

I think your'e a bloomin' hero for diving with eagle rays , they're whities favourite food here , seals are second choice .........

But you certainly know how to live the lifestyle of freedom .

Let us know if you have more to view please , I'm envious .

PS.. I'm not impressed with Japan at all , I think they've stuffed a up yet again , but they'll print their way around it again .
Hi Kennas ,

I've been on your blog a few times , the snakeoil got me . Still getting through Waynes mega sessions :)

But I was stunned to see you have been to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands . Do you have more photos of your travels ? I've travelled but never like you have , it's more the exotic of the exotics , where you've been .

I think your'e a bloomin' hero for diving with eagle rays , they're whities favourite food here , seals are second choice .........

But you certainly know how to live the lifestyle of freedom .

Let us know if you have more to view please , I'm envious .

PS.. I'm not impressed with Japan at all , I think they've stuffed a up yet again , but they'll print their way around it again .
Yes, there are plenty of sharks about but not many white pointers for some reason. Mostly hammerheads and they're friendly sharks. A tourist was nibbled on a few months ago, but didn't taste very good. Only partly my choice to be here, just following the wife with her job really. I'll keep adding to the blog when I have news. Cheers. :)

In regard to Japan, I've found most Fundies ramping Japan over the past 2 years as a great turn around story. Perception seems to be that they'll follow the US into recession, again, if they're not there already. It's going to take some time for the dust to settle on all this I think....
Yes I thoroughly agree , it will take years just to collate the losses properly , many have the ability to hold a capital loss for some period before reporting it , much like the capital loss ruling here , you can hold it back for 4 years .

I'd give em' five years to get through all the paper work , then the SEC etc....

Looking forward to seeing more on your site , the missus even got out of bed to have a look ;) , beautiful ..... is it cheap too ?