Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Jagshemash!!! Comment on my portfolio selection!


30 November 2006
Hi all,

Have been trading since the beginning of March and was doing well until the May correction, whiped out my gains and some more... no better way to learn then to be in the heat. Another lesson has been in dealing with emotions as well, did some stupid things based on lack of knowledge, ignorance, fear and greed but I consider it part of the lesson. :banghead:

Have just started getting back into into trading after some research and trying to best educate myself on the fundamentals of trading and investing. All have been going OK and the lessons continue.

I have choosen the following stocks as a selection as they have been on my watch list for some time, i've had most of them approximately 1 month.

Been watch Zinc and Uranium for a while, got a little nervous with Zinc prices over the last week, but stuck with it... Uranium perhaps is a bubble thats going to deflate a little but my gut and research tells me that it's a viable investment.

I also have CBA, given to me when I was 20, part of an inheritance but havent included them here as I hold them long term.

Also, I have had a read through the threads on software but am overwhelmed with the options, can anyone give suggestion to any worthwhile software? Have Amibroker and Quotetraker at the mo.

Thanks all look forward to your comments and happy trading...


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Welcome Borat, I bought your DVD for $3 from Thailand yesterday, I look forward to watching it as I've been a big fan of you and your mate Ali G for many years now.

My comment from an investment point of view is quite simply you are buying shares that have gone up alot recently. I believe you are not looking for value at all, and merely jumping on the wagon, and possibly too late. I know traders here will disagree, but to me you are buying the flavour of last month.

Still best of luck. I do like CBH, bought it 4 months ago, I bought MRE 7 months ago, and like KZL and ZFX should have bought 3 months ago never got around to it though.
Realist said:
Welcome Borat, I bought your DVD for $3 from Thailand yesterday

You evil gypsy!!! you will be exicute for helping the uzbeky DVD black markets!

Realist said:
My comment from an investment point of view is quite simply you are buying shares that have gone up alot recently. I believe you are not looking for value at all, and merely jumping on the wagon, and possibly too late. I know traders here will disagree, but to me you are buying the flavour of last month.

Agree, I am following a trend here but I feel they're good companies and have some way to go, I have set my exit levels.

Realist said:
Still best of luck. I do like CBH, bought it 4 months ago, I bought MRE 7 months ago, and like KZL and ZFX should have bought 3 months ago never got around to it though.

I can understand your view on this but I thought this 2 months ago and it kept rising, zinc stock piles decreasing should push these higher... ZFX had a good day yesterday much to my surprise.

How bout the uranium stocks? gone too far?...

Thanks Realist.

borat said:
How bout the uranium stocks? gone too far?...

I hold BHP, RIO, EVE, MTN and USA.

I would not buy Uranium stocks today, they've already gone up alot in the past couple of months, maybe they'll go up more, but the value has gone.

Look for value Borat, like I did with your $3 DVD. ;)
Realist said:
Look for value Borat, like I did with your $3 DVD. ;)
Wa Wa We Wa!!! LOL!!!

Realist said:
I hold BHP, RIO, EVE, MTN and USA.
I would not buy Uranium stocks today, they've already gone up alot in the past couple of months, maybe they'll go up more, but the value has gone.
Agree! bought SMM and DYL... SMM have climbed but DYL are sitting still...
What you bought is such a personal decision. An investment which may work for you may not work for someone else (and vice-versa).
naked wrestling is kazaky national hobbies, we also like to plays naked twister at family patry... for the fat man, he has very small kram!! is almost a vashin! so is no problems for borat!!!