I am very tempted, but at the current price, there isn't quite enough margin of safety for me.
I bought in this week, I agree with KTP's research, its definitely on the riskier end of my investment portfolio but within the boundaries I have set myself.
Innovative Products generate 38% of sales, but are responsible for 66% of profits. It is also where growth potential would be, aside from the population getting older argument. Being R&D reliant, it may well fluctuate greatly in the future.
If you like a business but think it isn't cheap enough or think it wont drop or whatever reason
you can always take say 30% allocated position in case the upside turns and average down the 70% if it drop to
your buying price..you covered with the upside but the down side you buying average down so it be fairly close to your target price
I always play down this end as long as they has little debt, reasonable cash flow, the risk adjusted return if spread out to say 10-15 stocks will be probably better than higher cap stocks...
So far most of the debt free small caps business I got in, none fall over most went up a lot and the sweetener will be the future dividend based on initial purchase price ... far far more than any banks or high risk bond paying you
You said this division that invents stuff is where the growth is coming from. I'm trying to see where the R&D spend is?
I love free growth, don't get me wrong!
Well it's jumped twice in the last 2 days so maybe you did the trick ROE
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