Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is there an Airline Ombudsman? Jetstar does it again!

As you guy's are all concerned about Jetstar please consider two related issues when you fly off on your next trip. Firstly with economic fears spreading from overseas. I recently noticed that airlines are no longer offering discounted return flights. Long term booking risks can be reduced by only booking TWO single fares to avoid loosing your return flight if your airline goes into a nose dive.
The second warning and issue affected me when I booked a ferry fare through the UK agency, Direct Ferries in the UK. I cancelled 6 months in advance and the agency refused to refund the fare. The actual Ferry company in Ireland was happy to refund but Direct Ferries held on to the money which was in their account and not in the ferry companies account. BEWARE - In the EEC, you will receive no consumer protection from the law as protection is only offered to EEC residents, unlike visiters who come to Australia as ther are protected by Australian consumer laws. Clearly having no consumer protection in the EEC leaves the door open to any operator to make up the rules and take the money.
Help please!

2 different scenario's (within 3 days of each other!)

- Jetstar flight - they ask 30 people to hop off the plane as a crew member was sick on the inbound flight and they need a smaller jet. No problem there. Until they announce they don't have a smaller jet ready and the flight is delayed by 1hr 45mins. Standard apology upon boarding.

- Virgin Flight - Weds just past - weather was raining in Sydney all day (nothing out of the ordinary though). Was duly informed my flight would be delayed by 1hr 45min. Not too happy about this. Another delay to 2hr 30min. Original flight time was 7pm - did not depart until 9:45pm. No food vouchers/standard apology.

Can I get any compensation out of this RUBBISH? Would love that bullet train right about now...

Airlines have passengers over a barrel until there is an ombudsman. You agree to let them get away with virtually anything in their T&C's and due to the oligopilistic nature you pretty much have to fly with them again.

I have a thread on it on the travel forum, add your support there if you want.
Hi guys,
Just wondering if there is an Airline Ombudsman or anyone else who fields complaints about this industry?

Long story short, Jetstar has really pissed me off :banghead:
Originally we had straight through flights from Sydney to the Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine) and visa versa on the way back.... Anyway today we get a call today saying that they are putting in stopovers at Brisbane there and back, with a 4 hour wait in between flights... OK thats an inconvenience but I suppose I could handle it...
But then, get this, they say 'oh on the way back your flight is leaving from Hamilton Island now, not Proserpine'....:eek:
Of course the first thing that comes to mind is that Hamilton Island is off the mainland which means that not only is it further out of our way but we will also have to catch a boat across to Hamilton, which costs money, $106 in fact.:mad:

I asked the person from Jetstar if I could have their customer relations number only to be told that they don't have one, either that or they can't give it out. Where does this leave customers?

Surely they can't get away with this so easily? I sure as hell am not going to let them!!!;)

If I can cause them even half the trouble they are trying to cause me during my upcoming holidays then that would make me happy.

Thank you for your help in advance guys, much appreciated.


Don't Do it, Don't fly Jetstar
Magda Szubanski eat your heart out.

Yes there is phone number 1800 813 129
Never flown Jetstar and don't ever intend to. Given the abundance of evidence about their quality of service (or lack thereof) its a bit naive to fly with them and then act all surprised and annoyed when it goes pear shaped imo.

If I flew with them I would set my expectations pretty low and rate not getting arrested and removed from the plane (as happened to the woman from Byron bay) as a reasonable outcome, and reaching the destination sometime within a year of the departure date, with or without luggage as a screaming success.

I'm no fan of Qantas either. Plenty of much better asian airlines for international travel.
