I'm always lite Noco, you guys know how to produce entertaining posts by and large, but you disappoint when you go into gleeful girly biatch mode..... it's so social mediaesque
True, but one Penny Wong doesn't make a wright.
I wouldn't mind them having a swipe at each other, but these days they mean the vitriol they spray. This is why I think it would be good if they put the old team of Keating, Hewson, Downer and No Ticker back together..... larrikan debates about serious reforms that everyone, except Joh, was onboard with.
The problem was the immediate media attention was not available in the Keating era as it is today.
MP's who step out of line now a days are ready meat for criticism to the public on the same day. ..This is the 21st century.
Penny Wong should change her name to Penny Wrong because she got so much wrong when she was the Finance Minister under Rudd/Gillard/Rudd. ..She was only out by $123 billion....peanuts.