Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is it really time to bring Schapelle Corby back home?

There are a lot of assumptions being made on this thread (and I presume on other Schapelle Corby threads which I have not read). People luuuurve to assume guilt! Whatever anyone may think, she was never actually proven guilty. The evidence against her was circumstantial at best.

Why wouldn't she go to Bali frequently? Lots of people do, and her sister lives there.

Until solid irrefutable evidence of her guilt is provided, my mind remains open. However if she is guilty, my view is that she has served long enough. She has been severely punished and continued incarceration will serve no further purpose.
When she comes back she will be able to collect a motza from 60 Minutes, Womens Monthly, ACA, No Idea, Do add's for Hestia, Health foods, write book, go on Ophra and make a movie may even go on an over seas trip again and again.

Run for Parliament on the Say no to drugs platform and get elected on looks alone, like the rest not for talent.

With all that going on no wonder people take drugs just to find some commonsense inside their heads

I know that I am bad enough at times, (lots of times) but what has this gibberrish got to do with the discusion on this thread.

And well said Ruby in the previous post. Good to know there is at least some decent views around.
There are a lot of assumptions being made on this thread (and I presume on other Schapelle Corby threads which I have not read). People luuuurve to assume guilt! Whatever anyone may think, she was never actually proven guilty. The evidence against her was circumstantial at best.

Why wouldn't she go to Bali frequently? Lots of people do, and her sister lives there.

Until solid irrefutable evidence of her guilt is provided, my mind remains open. However if she is guilty, my view is that she has served long enough. She has been severely punished and continued incarceration will serve no further purpose.

Caught with a bag full of drugs IS proof. End of story.

All the fuss about her is yet more evidence that young, pretty, white women are the most privileged class in the world.
If she is released early then so should all the other drug couriers in overseas prisons.
Caught with a bag full of drugs IS proof. End of story..
I think this has probably been argued before. She was not caught with drugs; her bag, which had been in the luggage hold of the aircraft contained drugs. There is a difference. Whatever you might think, that is not proof. However, that is not the point of this thread. She has served six and a half years in an unspeakable hell-hole and has had sufficient punishment for what she may have done.

All the fuss about her is yet more evidence that young, pretty, white women are the most privileged class in the world.
Tha's drawing rather a long bow, isn't it? You clearly don't read the news if you think young, pretty, white women are the only ones for whom strong representation is made when they are incarcerated in foreign countries.
Amazing people can think Corby was innocent.

Well no, not really that amazing - in fact I would say that on average, 50% of what people believe in aggregate is completely insane.
I think this has probably been argued before. She was not caught with drugs; her bag, which had been in the luggage hold of the aircraft contained drugs. There is a difference. Whatever you might think, that is not proof. However, that is not the point of this thread. She has served six and a half years in an unspeakable hell-hole and has had sufficient punishment for what she may have done.

Agree Ruby,

She comes from a long loin, of beauty therapists and should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Bring Schapelle home, I say.

It is immaterial what people think. One could equally say "Amazing people can think Corby was guilty."

The people of the Balinese Court think she was guilty. That is material!

The latest report by a Pro Corby supporter on one of the news channels is that Schapelle is scraping the concrete floor of her cell as she believes her parents are underneath.

Just goes to show what drugs do to your mind

Is Guilty, was found guilty, end of story
The people of the Balinese Court think she was guilty.
The Balinese Court? You think Indonesian courts and airport authorities are without corruption?

The latest report by a Pro Corby supporter on one of the news channels is that Schapelle is scraping the concrete floor of her cell as she believes her parents are underneath.

Just goes to show what drugs do to your mind
Or perhaps what unjust incarceration for an extended period does to one's mind.

I have no opinion about Ms Corby's guilt or innocence but would like some measure of objectivity applied to the argument.
It's sad but you take your chances, you get the dues. It is a bit like the truck caught on the Nullabor, 250kg of drugs, lots to be gained but if you get busted. ssh!!ts are trumps.
If they don't get caught do they say, that was a great win, I will give some of the money to drug rehab or to victims of drug induced violence/ robbery/bashing. I don't think so, but I am meant to feel sorry for them. WHY :confused:
Agree Ruby,
She comes from a long loin, of beauty therapists and should be given the benefit of the doubt.
Bring Schapelle home, I say.
My understanding is that she also comes from a drug family. Correct me if I am wrong, but she had two half brothers (her mother having one kid per man), both who were druggers. Does not help her look more innocent. That and compressing dope into the shape of a body board for smuggling purposes.
I would double check this information, but I'll leave it to someone else.
Has not admitted anything of the sort.

According to the article it is the contrary.

Yep explod, nothing mentioned, nothings changed.
This was all said and done in July of last year, no new news here.

I agree, if she gets let out, let them all out.
This will open a can of worms.
I think its time to get her back, she seems as guilty as sin, BUT

1. We need to have compassion to elevate ourselves from the dark ages.
2. It was marijuana (yes a heap of it) but please.
3. After the media circus back here, we will finally hear the end of this story.. and thats a good thing.
4. Will get mercedes off the cover of ralph, and shut her the hell up.
1. We need to have compassion to elevate ourselves from the dark ages.

Aahhhh! The milk of human kindness! I don't see much of that on this forum.

2. It was marijuana (yes a heap of it) but please.

........... and some rationalisation as well! I am as opposed to drugs and drug trafficking as anyone else, but no-one caught with a bag of grass here would get 6+ years.

3. After the media circus back here, we will finally hear the end of this story.. and thats a good thing.
4. Will get mercedes off the cover of ralph, and shut her the hell up.

Yes........... all plusses (spelling?)
The Balinese Court? You think Indonesian courts and airport authorities are without corruption?

Or perhaps what unjust incarceration for an extended period does to one's mind.

I have no opinion about Ms Corby's guilt or innocence but would like some measure of objectivity applied to the argument.

So what are you implying Julia? The case against Corby is a conspiracy by the Indonesian Court system and airport authorities and yet you claim to have no opinion about her innocence or guilt:confused: but you also refer to an unjust incarceration

Nearly everything you read on this Corby thread is opinion as the real facts lay in court documented evidence and testimony.

I am bemused that this drug laden boogie board just happened to belong to Schapelle and not someone from a good family background.

It is so ironic her father and brother have also been associated with the drug scene. All tarnished with the same brush..
If by bring home Schapelle you mean the Indonesian system believes she has served sufficient time for importing drugs into their country and by bring her home you mean she flys back herself if this all plays out.

I would say thats ok because shes a Aus citizen, but who wants more drug smugglers?
Ruby, what does Australian sentencing have to do with Bali sentencing?
Singapore has capital punishment.
Since when do we start dictating to other countries how they should be?

Maybe if we took a leaf out of their books and got abit tougher with drugs we might be able to clean our streets of this rubbish.
I think this has probably been argued before. She was not caught with drugs; her bag, which had been in the luggage hold of the aircraft contained drugs. There is a difference. Whatever you might think, that is not proof. However, that is not the point of this thread. She has served six and a half years in an unspeakable hell-hole and has had sufficient punishment for what she may have done.

Tha's drawing rather a long bow, isn't it? You clearly don't read the news if you think young, pretty, white women are the only ones for whom strong representation is made when they are incarcerated in foreign countries.

She was carrying the bag so its hers.

"Sufficient punishment" is only your opinion. Another 10 years is sufficient according to Indonesian law.

The media circus surrounding her, while the plight of 100s of other citizens in the same situation are ignored, is proof of her privileged status.

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