Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is it really time to bring Schapelle Corby back home?

How many Australians travel to Bali to holiday each year? How many get arrested for carrying drugs? How many have return holidays perhaps many and still don't get caught for carrying drugs?

Hang-on I think I am starting to see a pattern here.
How many of these habitual return holiday-makers actually carry drugs into or out of Bali?

Now this is just a hypothesis, but stay with me. Could it be that these people do not get arrested for carrying drugs because they are not actually carrying any?

One more hypothesis. You don't suppose Corby did a run previously that the Indons became aware of through local intelligence?

Someone mentioned that in Australia you only get 5 years for rape? I hardly see that as a good argument, except for our justices being soft on crime.

Edit. BTW Terrence Clarke is dead. Bit hard to release him now.
Well Well, to all the Corby hanger ons who said no one would take drugs to Bali, it has just come out that the Bali nine have been taking drugs to Bali b4 they was caught. What have you got to say now. :D:D:D

Pilots: I haven't seen this assertion in the current Fairfax reporting on the Bali 9. Can you provide a reference to this?



PS: my answer to the thread's question is 'yes', in case that matters.

PPS: I'm also aware of a recent case where guy from W.A. was busted on arrival in Bali with 2 grams of marijuana in his possession. As far as I'm aware that makes him only the second person (after Corby) who has been arrested for transporting drugs from Aus -> Indonesia, but if there's info re the Bali 9 to this effect I'd be most interested in looking at it.
Pilots: I haven't seen this assertion in the current Fairfax reporting on the Bali 9. Can you provide a reference to this?



PS: my answer to the thread's question is 'yes', in case that matters.

PPS: I'm also aware of a recent case where guy from W.A. was busted on arrival in Bali with 2 grams of marijuana in his possession. As far as I'm aware that makes him only the second person (after Corby) who has been arrested for transporting drugs from Aus -> Indonesia, but if there's info re the Bali 9 to this effect I'd be most interested in looking at it.

Page 3 The West Australian, Renae Lawrence said she had done multiple runs to Bali b4 she was caught, 6pr radio said this morning they was back loading drugs to Perth, I would say that if you are back loading, it means they was taking drugs up as well.
It was a kangaroo court over there, she didnt have a chance, I still dont know for sure if she was guilty and neither do you, but in any case 4 years in that hell hole is enough, if any heroes here would like to try it I'm sure you'd end up crying for your mummy too and probably a lot sooner than she did.

Even if she is guilty let her do the time here now.

Is this being sarcastic ... ?

The whole family are qualified in farming marijuana and she had a big ass bag of it in her body bag .. The dad said it could be hers cause it was skunk and we only grow bush wacka !?
Time to bring her back? Has it been 20 years yet? Nope. She did the crime, and now she's doing the time.
Well Well, to all the Corby hanger ons who said no one would take drugs to Bali, it has just come out that the Bali nine have been taking drugs to Bali b4 they was caught. What have you got to say now. :D:D:D

Yep I saw that Pilots - he appealed his 20 years a while back and got the death penalty.

The father of convicted drug smuggler Renae Lawrence says his daughter has always wanted to help fellow Bali Nine drug mule Scott Rush avoid the death sentence.

Fairfax is reporting that Lawrence has provided a statement to Rush's lawyers, detailing her previous drug runs to Bali, in a bid to assist his final appeal.

Mr Lawrence also says his daughter has always admitted to her previous drug runs to Bali.
Renae Lawrence sits in stark contrast to Corby. She has admitted her crime and accepted her punishment with real character. Perhaps she is not accustomed to getting her own way by using her appearance.

I have loathing for anyone involved in transporting drugs, but I believe Lawrence will have much to offer society once she is released. Corby I believe will always be a taker with little to offer in return.
Renae Lawrence sits in stark contrast to Corby. She has admitted her crime and accepted her punishment with real character. Perhaps she is not accustomed to getting her own way by using her appearance.

I have loathing for anyone involved in transporting drugs, but I believe Lawrence will have much to offer society once she is released. Corby I believe will always be a taker with little to offer in return.

One thing that Schapelle has done is to make a LOT of money for the family, look at the sister when Schapelle was first caught, she had the worst set of crack teeth you have ever seen, all the news paper story's sure made them well off.
One thing that Schapelle has done is to make a LOT of money for the family, look at the sister when Schapelle was first caught, she had the worst set of crack teeth you have ever seen, all the news paper story's sure made them well off.

Hasn't she also had the cosmetic chest?:eek:
Yep I think she should come home.

Guilty or not...the time DOESN'T fit the crime.
When did anyone ever die from excess pot usage or a bad batch lol (unlike heroin)

So we all make mistakes.
Look at Scott Rush...that guy is stareing down a death sentence. Do you think if they decided to give him some jail time then free him that he would be stupid enough to do something like he did again? Personaly I don't think he would.
Get caught twice...well thats called "natural selection" and you deserve all you get for being stupid.

Indonesians gov'nt are a joke though and should climb back into the trees that they came down from imo!
She is stupid, she got 20. She deserved all she got.

If she was as ugly as Lawrence, i wonder if she would be getting this much sympathy from the aust. public.

Well we will have to agree to disagree on the 20years bit.

GROSSLY over the top for the crime imo.
i was just being a douche abt the comment u made previously made nuke. imo 20 yrs is too much, 5-10 in an indonesian jail would be more suitable.
My contacts in Jakarta tell me that Schapelle is to be released.

Even the SMH thinks so.

It is time to bring her home.

Documents lodged by Corby's legal team for the clemency bid ask Dr Yudhoyono's ''forgiveness'' and state that Corby, as a beauty school student, had a ''bright reputation and record of achievement''.

''Schapelle Leigh Corby's situation is unique,'' they say. ''It's possible she's the only Australian citizen with severe mental problems serving a very long prison term in another country.''

Corby has received cuts of about 18 months from her 20-year sentence so far but last year entered an accelerated remission program. She is now eligible for an eight-month reduction each year, as long as she behaves well.

A report last year by Kerobokan prison's governor, Siswanto, outlined Corby's battle with mental illness, confirmed she was on medication and listed 10 instances of ''out-of-ordinary behaviour, including vandalising an office in the prison in an apparent fit of rage''.

However, it also noted she ''pretends to be crazy'' whenever a new prison chief takes over.

Read more:

So she has finally admitted she did it?

Another scam to get her back in the paper.
When she comes back she will be able to collect a motza from 60 Minutes, Womens Monthly, ACA, No Idea, Do add's for Hestia, Health foods, write book, go on Ophra and make a movie may even go on an over seas trip again and again.

Run for Parliament on the Say no to drugs platform and get elected on looks alone, like the rest not for talent.

With all that going on no wonder people take drugs just to find some commonsense inside their heads

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