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Is Abbott PM material?

And Julia Gillard WAS Prime Minister until the Carbon Tax backdown bit her on the bum.

Ermmmmmmmm nope. Gillard was ratf@cked by an egomaniac and her Labor colleagues who thought Rudd could win them an election after the media tore her to shreds.

So the Libs have asked the great unwashed masses to pay $7.00 to go and see a doctor (capped at a max of $70 per annum per person). The Greens and the Labor Party knock this back in parliament so now the Libs have cut $5.00 from the rebate to the doctors who are charging exorbitant fees for what they actually do. (I don't know of ANY poor doctors do you?) So the doctors are now going to pass this fee (apparently it is up to them to pass on or not) onto the patient who will find out it is NOT capped so the more you see the doctors the more you will pay.

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh the sheer bloody mindedness of it all

I never understood the word sheeple til now.

Isn't this the Abbott PM Material thread?

Mate you wrote so many posts in this thread your keyboard must be panting...maybe a rest and a chaff bag is the go.
Isn't this the Abbott PM Material thread?

Last time I looked Abbott is STILL the PM of Australia and the leader of the Libs. The same Liberal Party that was voted in to fix the debt left by Rudd/Gillard/Rudd labor Party. But such an esteemed associate of the Bar would know this right? Or do you have your Accounting and Marketing hat on today?
Mate you wrote so many posts in this thread your keyboard must be panting...maybe a rest and a chaff bag is the go.

Firstly I am not your mate. Secondly please look at the pretty picture below. And finally I think Abbott is performing well given the pile of dung he was left after the Labor Party destroyed the economy.


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Enough of the petty bickering guys. Back on topic please.
Your quite right TS. Tony Abbotts "sophisticated" reworking of his attack on Medicare is a nightmare for doctors and patients alike.

1) There is no way a practice can simply charge $5 to recover the $5 cut in Medicare rebate. The admin costs alone dealing with multiple payments will be at least $5 a pop. This is part of the reason that non bulk bulling doctors charge $20/30/40 more for a consultation.

2)As you pointed out the cost will be potentially open ended. In the original deal it was fixed at $70 maximum. I can't see how a doctor will be able to simply not charge the extra cost if/when people have a string of visits

3) The neat trick of raising the minimum time for a visit to get the $37 rebate to 10 minutes will destroy the economic model of all bulk bill practices.

Which of course is the whole point of the exercise isn't it ?

He will be ratfxxxxxxx by the Senate on this little piece of sophistry..
Too true basilio ...... makes you wonder why they just did not pass the $7 co payment and be done with it. Now it will come back to bite the people in the hip pocket. Well played Sir.
Send them to the conflict resolution thread Joe.
Two enter..... One walks out.


I don't think this dispute has reached that level yet. Tisme and trainspotter are both reasonable people and I have faith that they will both be able to return to discussing the topic at hand, rather than upping the ante on a very minor clash.

Moving posts to the conflict resolution thread is really a "last resort" tactic to be employed when a thread is getting nasty and veering uncontrollably off topic. I hope it doesn't have to be used often.
Me a reasonable person? Now that's a good one. I was taken aback when I was called a "jealous fool" and a "peasant" and I was a "churlish character assassin" all in the one diatribe. Also that I only brought Right Wing propaganda to the table ... now that is a good one. Almost forgot I am trolling as well.

PM Tony Abbott is STILL the leader of the Liberal Party and the sooner the media realise this the better.

I blame Rumpole for destabilising the forum with his middle of the road sensible posts.

And for the record, I wouldn't knowingly bait someone I knew to be a primadonna or precious (except for Rumpole of course).
Is Abbott PM material?

Well he is the PM so the points mute.

However, with the balance of power as it is even the most charismatic and most popular PM would be seen in a negative light.
PM Tony Abbott is STILL the leader of the Liberal Party and the sooner the media realise this the better.

So it would seem that the media IS after this government after all :shoot:
I blame Rumpole for destabilising the forum with his middle of the road sensible posts.

And for the record, I wouldn't knowingly bait someone I knew to be a primadonna or precious (except for Rumpole of course).

As we are heading into the silly season I'll ignore that provocation, but if it continues after say, February, just watch it !

PM Tony Abbott is STILL the leader of the Liberal Party and the sooner the media realise this the better.

Seriously Abbott is a 1st class tosser from Howards bully boy / hit man, Mad Monk organising the chasing and jailing of Hanson through to his continued lies on top of lies and clear lack of ability to formulate and articulate a policy thats actually fair and addresses the current issues.

Hang on let me help your reply Labor fault Gillard / Rudd sucked and its not fair on poor old tosser Abbott blah blah.
As we are heading into the silly season I'll ignore that provocation, but if it continues after say, February, just watch it !

yea you're right, Labor supporters are having it tough here.

Where's noco... I like his sense of humour in the joke thread.
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