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Iran Is not Iraq

You are an amusing character Sdajii, but to those with relevant qualifications in the fields you debate, you would be an incredible source of frustration, particularly as some of the topics such as GW and social justice are extremely serious.

Climate change is an issue serious enough that I agree people should think about it sensibly rather than just blindly follow biased narratives, I agree. And this applies to both sides. People on both sides tend to see me on the other side, as you clearly do.

If you can't see that on the whole the social justice movement is counterproductive insanity then you're someone who probably won't find much common ground with me.

As for kahuna, I'm hardly going to waste my time with yet another giant wall of rambling, emotionally unstable waffle.
Kahuna watch you dont get flagged with the knowledge there.

Any topic, we will have opinions, and reality unless the evidence is clear and irrefutable.

In some things, science, and experiment conducted 1 million times, same result every time, expecting another result the next time or denying the thing occurred that way a million times is where some people are.

We did not go to the moon, the earth is flat, atrocities did not occur. Even in finance claiming say the GFC stocks went up post 2007 into 2009.

If one had taken the time, and say 30 others on say science behind a topic, all say 40 issues, and every single one, not any were either fake or not agreed with, delusional theories .... not supported by any factual content, scientific or even logical are presented instead .... well they exist in their own little world. There are several threads here on this site with examples of science, irrefutable incontrovertible facts past occurrence and after 50 pages or so, 100 responses, being polite, searching if one had missed something, one asks ? what of the 40 topics ones with chances of less than one in a million and 50,000 scientists believe and sign off on do you agree with ? If the response is NONE and NOT and all are fake ?

What would you call someone with these thoughts ?

Delusional ? .

I mean no disrespect, they are if given even the time of day in any rational discussion where science logic, fact and irrefutable evidence is to be used, a way for some quite irrational and idiotic theories which are just absurd to enter and cloud the issue.

Would you keep listening with any seriousness if someone told you they were 50 kg when clearly they were 200 kg ? Or say if they presented a car run over by a truck resembling a pancake and told you a leaf fell on the roof, maybe if they were cute you may forgive, but ... well it is what it is.

On Iran.
It is NO saint. I repeat I have NO idea if they did it,
I am very clear and have presented that damage was caused by Limpet mines with 3-5 kg of explosive and HOW and WHY they only could have been placed when a ship is at rest and NOT moving especially the one near the propeller.
Of the 6 damaged ships ... 5 had limpets, NOT SEA mines. Sea mines contain 500 kg or so of shaped charge designed to destroy a ship moving twice the speed of a tanker which is not armored.

For a month, the first 4 attacks, it was implied and sprouted the attacks were SEA mines which I would agree come from likely a nation state due to SIZE. They were not.

they were limpets, weighing all up around 8 kg the size of a briefcase magnetically attached to the hull. I have shared that a 10 year old could build the bloody thing, not with the explosives likely with $500 if they scrounged.

These were attached whilst at rest in the UAE or Saudi waters, where 15 warships, 6 hovering planes, 3 satellites and hives of drones were looking. Possible but, well, given the first clear lie was left lying for a month, I am less inclined, in my opinion to believe.

Second attack, one limpet and some flying object, one ... which which was called a torpedo until pictures came out that the HOLES were above the waterline.

It was NOT a bloody torpedo, unless it FLEW.

Pompeo overnight ... 15th June 2019, actually blamed Iran for an attack that al-Qaeda the ones in 2001 the guests of the Taliban, In Afghanistan and backed and funded the 9/11 terrorist attacks that come from the Majority 90% Group of Islam, Sunii faith, that DOES NOT LIKE the Iranian minority Islam faith Shia faith... The USA secretary of state, such as he is .... he blamed Iran for the attack that the other Al-Quada terrorists had already admitted was THEM.

Accusing say the DEAD Journalist killed inside the Saudi embassy Kashoggi, it was on tape, as he died. A tape released from inside the embassy as he was suffocated .... going and pleading he could not breathe, and now admitted by Saudi Arabia they then chopped him up and disposed of the body.

If Pompeo had claimed Iran did that, it would be about on a par as absurd as his latest claim.

This is the Secretary of state of the USA.
He and the USA responded by selling 20 billion MORE in Arms to the Saudis. Let alone their funding of al=Quada and the 9/11 attacks which I point out Iran had NOTHING to do with.

On intelligence, overnight again Pompeo claimed more had been released. Japan has expressed its disbelief and Germany outright came out with total disbelief. USA, Britain ... of developed nations ... and a total of 12 .... Yes 12 with 10 other EU nations making well ... comments that do NOT support this USA version.

Australia and fathead PM, with forces in the air over Syria, ships I believe still in the Gulf, troops on the ground in Afganistan and with the most important spy base in the region, a joint USA Austrlain one called Pine gap which uses assets from this part of the world, we have ringing sounds of silence.

Israel, similar.

Some history ... or repeat of the play-book USA used in 1988 ?
USA claimed in around 1988 a tanker was hit, sea MINE and used that to bomb Iran and its offshore facilities. Does that sound somewhat similar to current events ?

USA shot down a civilian airliner with I think 290 people on board from memory in 1988.
Prior to that the Iran Iraq war which Saddam Hussein then a ally of the USA was supported as he started and attacked Iran after they removed the similar puppet Shah of Iran that the USA and Britain had installed who ... well made Saddan and say Manual Noriega in Panama and the Marcos puppets and few despots in South America USA installed an supported look like nice people.

Dates me be out ... its from memory.
Iran under the Shah was actually with Ok relations with Israel up till about 1980 and the removal of him.

Then a war, supported by many ensued and roughly 2 million were killed both sides all up.

The fighting was brutal and compared to WW1 trench warfare at times because Iran, was isolated and at times Iran had to use human waves of people, armed with grenades to stop the well supplied Iranian side with allies like the USA and even Russia and most of the majority 90% other faith of Islam states.

It is BEYOND even doubt, weapons of mass destruction, nerve gas and what occurred is a total complete farce on may levels. this war ground on from 1980 to 1988.

Stalemate and the land grab Saddam in Iraq tried to seize off Iran did not work. Saddan 3 years latter, thinking he was encouraged .. to invade Kuwait and threaten Saudi Arabia in 1990 or was it 1991.

All of this was a land grab, about OIL .... and since then, well even since 1980 its been the forever war the USA has been playing with flies ... in the region.

Now, Iran .... a million dead or wounded, in the past 30 years, victim of weapons of mass destruction ... whilst NOT the USA using them, they supported as did the UK the people who ousted their puppet Shah of Iran.

In the midst of this, Israel, and its status of whether the USA is its Allie or foreign policy is Run vica versa via its influence in the USA political side is just an observation .... Iran had a pilot Nuclear plant. French built I think, in 1981 ... Israel flew over 7 other nations and BOMBED Iran .... Bombed the nuclear plant they saw as a threat and hence the part of the animosity and some of where the rhetoric comes from.

I do understand the need to NOT have nuclear proliferation, I do understand why the horrors of Mustard gas and WW1 were banned, so too WMD of biological and toxic nature, YET ... they were used a mere 30 years ago against IRAN. It was NOT them bloody using them, it was Saddam of Iraq, who thought it would be a pushover with Iran ,,, and was loosing ... badly ... used them to STOP human waves.

Be proud .... our closest Allie USA ... rah rah rah. I was living in the USA gulf war 1 .. and I cast you mind back for those old enough to whilst it being a cake walk, Iraq had 1960's mainly soviet tech verses USA ... a flat terrain ... it was pretty one sided. Well ... I suppose another million dead in Iraq ... post then .. with gulf war 2, its hard to contemplate the misery ...

Estimate out of Gulf war one on Civilian accidental deaths from USA was .... 6 ... yep 6 ... From the Red cross its 50,000.

I digress. Iran. Iraq despite the cakewalk ,,, and USE IT OR LOOSE it bombed from above ... the search for hidden scud missile of which were bloody a mere 100 or so ... they were not found in a totally flat country for about a month and some were sent to ISRAEL .... 1960 design .

Iran is NOT IRAQ.
Its already shall we say, shown tolerance. I do NOT know if some branch of their somewhat dual armed forces placed the mines on the ships. It IS possible but so too from a 10 year old and every single nation state on the planet.

IRAN ... already a victim of what I suspect is the worst of humanity over the last 40 years, is well versed mountainous and well aware ... if the USA actually was stupid enough to click it off, its a matter of shoot it or loose it for its massive long range and intermediate missile defenses. All 1,500 of them, 5,000 or so shorter range ones and they ... are NOT 1960;s they are not quite cutting edge but comparing them to a SCUD ... a mere 100 ... would be absurd.

Whilst 3 old larger subs, 4 or so mid sized ones and 23 small ones, and MODERN ... good luck !!
good luck against the smaller anti ship stuff and 2,500 mobile armored tanks or artillery in regions that offer great defense.

That I suspect Iran is assessed to have NO Nuclear capacity is clear. Iraq was claimed to have it or be close to it, and Libya was not thought to have any yet handed over a near complete one, well ... its time to pause ....

Not a debate about the history or versions of it. I don't have AMNESIA or Dementia or some axe to grind.

Iran, is well prepared. VERY WELL prepared and has endured what I would call extreme events post 1980.

I do understand the role, and at times being the police of the world the USA has assumed. Rightly or wrongly installing Anti communist despot dictators in over 85 nations. Dirty tricks and at times wars like Vietnam which were to stop the commies and stop ... nuclear bombs which we DO not want in too many of any hands, so too ... Nerve agents or other WMD's. at times ... harry hindsight can be critical.
I am Not being ANTI USA or anti the role.

Call the police and most scoff at them, until they are needed. Some hopped up drugged out imbecile with a knife lunges, do you stun him via taser which will not work ... or shoot him ? Tough LUCK ... sorry but this is the ROLE the USA and leaders are meant to play globally. NO exceptions NO rules for one as a group and then for the other.

Proliferation is not to be tolerated nor is open and naked aggression. Its blurry and ... in Iran's shoes, he said she said ... as to Nuclear stuff. A valid deal to monitor and NOT allow Iran to enrich and develop a nuclear bomb was SIGNED and being a very VERY good thing for the planet and ALL nations security.

Along comes Trump, with dialogue out of the Regan Era, actions identical and claims identical. Its not 1988, not for Iran. Not by a long shot.

It at times and an opinion, needed for a strong if not brutal seeming Leader or dictator to stop often fractured religions and ones that without suppression of HATE of say inside Iran, and Saddam was NOT a saint, but Minority Kurds in the North, Mainly Shia of which Hussein was and then minority Sunni Islam, without any violence NOT being tolerated and brutally put down, nations which were created not via ethnic or religious lines, as in the middle east but by the UK and USA drawing lines on maps, well ... mayhem would have ensued.

It certainly has post Gulf war 2 inside Iraq. Libya and again a strongman and NO bloody saint, but the people had decent conditions and society. Gadaffi, well removed and the nation is a total war-zone and he, whilst no SAINT ... for his efforts and he was a good boy in the end, eventually he face down died with a bayonet in his behind from one of the ultra religious zealot factions he had to try and muzzle at times by force during his reign.

We are, well not far removed at times from the trees.

I am NOT prepared to believe much of what has been presented for obvious reasons. It is factually inconsistent with evidence. Past claims, WMD in Iraq ... which were myths, makes me less so.

Opinion ? fact ? make your own mind up.

As to history and well documented events, I am Not about to rewrite roles or forget. In Iran's place, a massive oil producer, that lets or has dictated 35% of all oil goes out less than 12 miles off its shore, but NOW it has to watch ... everyone else and their tankers can go through the Straights, expect theirs ?

Hmmm ... All Iron Ore exports banned from Australia. Lucas Heights mainly medical small reactor Bombed, oh 300,000 Australians killed in an invasion 30 years ago, Offshore LNG not allowed to be exported, rest of world must take their iron ore ships 5 km off our shores whilst we can export none, WMD and nerve gas used 30 years against us ...

I do wonder, what preparations we would have in store when its a mere 1,500 KM away to say the person who bombed us in 1981 ?

Iran is NOR Iraq. Its, well ... something I hope sanity prevails and COOLER heads prevail.

I sadly hold not much faith that the USA desperately needs a war to distract from domestic issues. I suspect even beyond well know capabilities Iran has a lot of toys, ones via others, some domestically made that will make the world blink.

Bombing say Libya and Tripoli as they did in the past, is NOT even close to doing it, AGAIN to Iran. Iran in any conflict, has a sad, shameful well documented history.

I sadly hold less faith in the USA or even UK, which has NO leader until they elect a new one than at any time over the last 100 years. USA has had some great, balanced ones who saved the planet despite domestic views say in WW2 and FDR ... he ignored public opinion or ignoring Germany and Japan till, it was dragged in. This, is NOT a great leader, its not even a reality show, this is potentially a debacle with China, India, Russia and a lot of others V USA and maybe UK ... with EU stepping aside.

Alarmist ? Opinion. yes, emotional ? Maybe, sad and deeply so, yes.

You should really read Kahuna's post #20 Sdajii, bout Bombs and Ships and Frogmen. One of the most interesting posts I've read here ever.

Mo - be nice
You should really read Kahuna's post #20 Sdajii, bout Bombs and Ships and Frogmen. One of the most interesting posts I've read here ever.

Mo - be nice

Agree Mark makes some very good common sense points.

Mo can be nice
Blushing ... and thanks.

It is about investments actually. Not WAR.

There is no single wealth destruction event that can be predicted with some accuracy ... OR Risk off the table if your sane OTHER than a looming a war.

Yes if one could predict an earthquake or volcano or natural disaster with accuracy, a WAR ... say like 1939 and prior to that which was WELL telegraphed, saw equities in UK, USA and elsewhere, logically Fall and FALL like stones after some events like Pearl Harbor when the threat was direct.

I am not suggesting Iran is blameless, NOR not guilty. Its history and factual, is a sad one.
One cannot one day be on the side using WMD's in 1980-88, then NOT ....

I fear, the USA more than most right now.

If one owned say land in the Somme in 1914 worth 2 million, in 1918, well it looked like mud, no buildings left and worth 10%.

I note, and being foremost a forecasting type of scientific analyst, NOT an economist .... well qualified but not ...

Ben Bernanke, and drip down economics claim that supply side works and Bernanke is famous for his 1929 views and delusional ones I might add about markets which ignored, IGNORED ... Germany invading Poland and the slide then, the Dunkirk slide, the Battle of Britain slide and even Pearl Harbor when markets closed for a week and came back 15% lower much like 9/11.

NOTHING .... beats a bloody war. I am not suggesting we go there, I pray we don't.

I note, China basically said get stuffed to USA again and in relation to Iran this time. Over the weekend India said get stuffed USA and imposed its own tariffs, not that that mean much. Russia at the same meeting with Xi head of China and the rest NO USA .... even Iran there ....

Where did the USA send its index UP ....

UP ? near all time highs. China has been forced to invent its own mobile NON USA based software .... Its stopping all Microsoft in Military and Govt uses with good cause ...

Maybe my picture is wrong, but it seems, well .... a time to be a bit more RISK adverse and my whole point on this thread, topic and others about cycles and an insane ability to strangely predict the future is LOOKING back and then going well .... its common sense to be more cautious.

A best time to do this is WHEN irrationally markets are going one way, and RISK is going the OTHER. Or value is going the other way.

Iran and what occurs will happen. I think, well potentially China will go get stuffed on USA ruling no more imported Iranian oil Mr China and we have this exponentially going into global stuff. Even without that, if USA is so arrogant and they are that, so self centered and one can see despite very bad announcement sand indications for USA and its tech side and equities via China and its actions, it defies even all logic and is UP. Likely it just wants to go up and up and up.

I am happy, as always to reduce risk and stand back into, well .... IDIOTS. Not suggesting USA on the main is that, love them, appreciate their role, but right now, its the sad fact that the lower 70% hold 4% of the wealth, and well 70% held by the top 1% and 40% of that the top 1%.

What the lower say 80% wants, needs or desires, like universal healthcare, decent costing, decent education and things we take for granted, they are labelled via the USA media as Socialist or communist when ... we enjoy them, as do 60 other nations yet are we socialist ? Communist ?

Strange world. MY distaste for USA leaders post WW2 and especially as the vast majority got screwed post 1980 Reaganomics and regressive tax and NO tax for the rich ... is ... profound but also tempered by the REAL role to stop idiots with WMD's and Biological weapons or nerve gas. You just don't stand still and support its use either directly or indirectly then ... use it .. as an excuse to bomb the hell out of another ... Libya or Iraq .... not sure about what side USA is on in Syria where used YET again ...

IRAN had them USED on its people, Biological and Gas .. NOT THEM USING them on others.

These weird projections of the USA accusing the victim OF the bloody crime ,,, is a classic of the Sociopath or psychopath ... let alone Trumps mutterings , likely to end ... well in tears. All around tears and if Iran is not well prepared then I AM STUPID. I am .... I am sharing what most would take years to learn for free.

Risk off ... its all time highs for the USA, post GFC for us, eve if wrong, I will i am sure get another bite at adding to the pile.

Take care
Mark K.
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You should really read Kahuna's post #20 Sdajii, bout Bombs and Ships and Frogmen. One of the most interesting posts I've read here ever.

Mo - be nice

Care to summarise it and take out all the emotional stimming? I don't hate myself enough to read through it all, especially since in the past when I've bothered it has been 99% insanity waffle.
Care to summarise it and take out all the emotional stimming? I don't hate myself enough to read through it all, especially since in the past when I've bothered it has been 99% insanity waffle.

Un huh ... You mentioned your from India and work in a call center.

I noticed something, a while ago ... In USA stuff which was obvious. If say i called an Indian a Pakistani, or say a Mexican a Canadian, totally different cultures, religions and so on. It is VERY clear out of Trump and the Bolton and Pompeo they are blissfully aware.... OR UNAWARE .... Iran is a separate faith. It is NOT an ARAB state and does NOT speak Arabic there other than around 5% of the people.

They are Persian majority.

Accused of some armchair warrior or whatever, Here is .... I suspect one of the top military analysts and with vast experience.

former Israeli Intelligence Boss Yakov Kedmi and his view ... is identical to my own.

So thanks for your views Saiiijijj ....

Israeli Intel Boss Claims US Will Lose War With Iran

Then again for some, anyone's view no matter how vastly experienced they are ... is an aside.

Similar points about SIZE of IRan, geography and so on.

I found another classic and WHY we went into Iran in 2002 ?
Look at this classic ... standing next to George W bush JUNIOR ... the guy with the WALRUS mustache is none other than John Bolton the man that time claiming WMD in Iraq, not Iran.

Goes into some depth, not completely accuracy but with pictures of the players speaking, lying ... and is amusing and well ... scary.
Corporate News Pushes Iran War For Trump

Meanwhile Our PM .... not a word other than the two pies he scoffed at once were not enough.

Enough on this topic, just fingers crossed, but sadly, history and same players .... Trump is the new boy all the rest of the gang ... still there ...

Are we at war YET ?
I took a big breath,switch off ignore, and read Kahuna #20
Sadly same usual literary style..and i am quite subject to rants as well..
But 100% agree on the is a setup against Iran
So good on you Kahuna
An interlude:
Why do you guys not use the same scientific approach to GW and the way CO2 is blamed and the catastrophic consequence this focus has on the planet?
You could find some interesting facts
back to Iran
I believe that the key switch has been the way US is now a net oil, the US middle east policies are all changed with a far less careful approach..
i know t....that to Saddam...but even worse now
Sadly i doubt Australia is getting much oil from the US so we will pay dearly for any upheaval there
Incredible isn't it. Presidents act tough to appear strong and boost their popularity to get re-elected. Next President declares "we're bringing the Troops home" to boost their popularity and get elected.

Hope I'm wrong.
I actually wish you are right ...
you want at least someone to say: bring them back
Ooooh ...

invite to Saudi Cocktail party at consulate in the mail !! I am breathless For some reason.

Invite to USA cocktail party ... in Canberra where the lobbyist lawyer USA Ambassador runs Australia ... NO tax for those USA corporations is now Ambassador/ President of Australia. What to wear ? Convict garb ? OR as an African American despite being anglo ? Or is it Bernie for 2020 T shirt ?

They keep coming. The party invites.
Last one just arranging the deal with other parties to ensure mayhem does not break out.

Mum is the word till after G20 likely failing v China tariffs latter this month. USA allowing its corporate to pay NO tax overseas, in fact claim all deductions say at 30% corporate rate in Australia and then when the bugger off ,,, without paying anything, they don't even have to pay the 21% USA headline rate, there is a special rate for overseas generated profits. stolen from overseas ... now ... 12% MINUS overseas paid tax or deductions.

Is that a subsidy ? Or WHAT !!!

Cant take state sponsored tax theft to the WTO ... world trade org ... it is such an advantage not to pay 20% tax or 30% tax it makes the whole trade debate a joke. USA wins ... heads, tails and any way one wishes to look at it.

Wow ...

USA of course markets went up overnight despite INDIA going get stuffed USA,
Ignored Russia and Iran agreement,
Ignored China and Iran agreement on trade

Not sure they will ignore the defense mutual agreement likely signed post G20 ?

Whoops did I say that ? Does that mean I cant come to the party next month. China protects Iran, ensures NON nuclear proliferation via Iran, it will hardly need it with a Chinese new port in the Arabian sea. Win win win for actually the world.

Win for Iranian people .... Persians Not bloody Arabs.
Win for China and its Oil needs.
Win for sanity.

So so so sorry Mr USA Ambassador for my convict attire.

I just cant keep a secret.
This G20 ... is going to be a ripper.

Meanwhile China has NO option but to drop Microsoft ... from operating systems ... android is being banned so China must use its own ... and Huawei with 81,000 R+D staff and its just one of the phone makers there .... has more R+D staff than Apple and google Combined.

I have never seen such a stupid, arrogant policy on so many levels ... not just war ... industrial military side ,,,, but a DELIBERATE total and complete assured destruction of WEALTH and markets.

USA and its well ... policies, ensures China MUST develop and be self sufficient in all aspects of tech. Let me see ... hmm $300- phone or $1,500 one ? Doing the same thing. China has 90% plus of Africa by the way ...

Meanwhile USA shares, and equities rise, as their non payment of tax to anyone anywhere .... of course supports valuations, but, when you send a pile of dog poo to a restaurant customer and DEMAND they eat it, are they likely to pay ? Or come back ?

Fascinating unprecedented times on all levels.
Iran even without China ... is NOT Iraq.
It can and sadly will ... again ... if needed ... do what it must and has no choice to do.

Must run party party party ...

Cant breathe ... oh and the Turks who taped recording of the actual the death of the Kosggi Washington Post newspaper reporter inside the Embassy of Saudi Arabia inside Turkey, which as a friend of the USA at the time, in fact crucial one for Gulf War 2, invasion of Iraq number two, NOW no longer USA friend and sanctions for them for their actions.

Washington Post now of course, "Enemy of the state", accused of treason by Trump. Funny, that sounds like "Jewish people enemy of the State from 1933".

My dance card is full !! So many parties.
I suspect hamburgers at one event .... scabs, and bogans that they are.
Do love Chinese food next month, cant wait.
A good kebab at the new Turkish event ....

the other ... well do I wear a scuba set to get air ?


So basically those giant walls of emotional tantrum style text amount to 'I believe Iran is being framed'?

Well, yeah, that looks most likely, I agree, I think most people with any brain raised an eyebrow from the start and at least had some scepticism. Shame kahuna can't cut out the emotional crap waffle.
Shame kahuna can't cut out the emotional crap waffle.

Back from the call centre ? You are really, an interesting fellow. hello this is Simon from Microsoft ?

what a waste of air your trolls are.

I write .... and Reuters ... just out ...
Like a machine gun ...

USA ...

As I type …. USA is sending more troops 1000 …. to gulf. Well …

Iran has standing army of 500,000 and USA could not, ever hope given the terrain pray for even any meaningful outcome. 4 times the size of Iraq. Iraq is flat ... Iran is one of the most mountainous regoins on the planet.

Then IRan .... VZia Reuters ...

Iran will not wage war against any nation, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday in a speech broadcast live on state TV.

And without a beat being missed …. China …

The Chinese government’s top diplomat warned on Tuesday that the world should not open a “Pandora’s Box” in the Middle East, as he denounced U.S. pressure on Iran and called on it not to drop out of a landmark nuclear deal.

Do you think ... my mythical invitations to various Embassies and what sadly is about to occur is even close to the mayhem about to potentially if not assuredly via either China joining India going get stuffed to USA on tariffs ?

Time will only tell ... as with the rest. USA trade actions even now forcing China to develop and use non USA Microsoft and develop its own version of Android mobile operating systems let alone any chip they already don't produce.

I have decided to blacken my face and go as a cotton farmer from the USA from 1500 till well even 2018 to the USA embassy party.

Take care
Mark ...

PS even without a shot fired, I have never ever seen such a disturbing actually guaranteed total destruction of capital and longer term value for USA based interests, not just tech, but I sadly suspect every industry from cars, to planes to EVERYTHING. Nothing like stupidity on display.

I would report Sadijiii ... but this site... well a bit pointless to bother. Sorry Joe ... it has to be said. Back in a month of so when the dust settles on this. Will leave it to Sadijo to dazzle us.

Oh and the real pictures //// NOT grainy black and white out of focus

Not even close to real capacity ...

Boat tender buffer they were pulling over the side and KICKED ... Not a limpet mine is the RED ROUND thing ... on deck.

Not a limpet.
The boxes ... u can read the writing on them and I might add two people were standing on said boxes ... when aside the tanker, and the ROPES around the front one is a hint at their contents, which is NOT a thing to do with bombs. let alone anything so stupid as to suggest someone would throw a bomb on deck and kick it.

IT was as suggested the Buffer/ fender to protect small boat vs large one.

Germany actually mocked USA.

French used a verb from I think their intel head, used describing USA claims, that even I blinked at and it was the verb about being well set up ... but so colorful as being violated from behind.

Amusing. scary and absurd.

Facts, even evidence and have no part of USA or the three clowns in this. In fact that eventually 9/11 terror guys caught and Isama and all his stuff which is the Opposite Islam and one that does not likle ... Iran .... the minority ... still overnight despite knowing they had NO involvement ever with Afghan Taliban or ISIS or Alquade and they are funded by UAE and Saudi .... still they repeated it.

I hope sanity prevails. If I suggested the KKK was accepting peole of colour it might be more factual.

Sad ...
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I sent a snapping turtle to the Saudi Embassy cocktail party.

It can hold its breath for 24 hours.
It can resist a lot of effort to attack it.
It is deadly close up, snapping turtles ... are great.

It emerged ... "Burt" ... my new pet snapping Turtle after 3 hours from the Saudi cocktail party.
It seemed sheepish and somewhat content and certainly well fed.
I note, this morning, its ejecting digested fingers with gold rings ... it obviously snapped off when threatened and they all smell of too much perfume.

I note, Iran was warned ... it was portrayed as a backward sheep or goat herding terrorist.
I note it was portrayed as some incompetent military power.
I note it was claimed it is supporting terrorists ....
I do NOTE that the nation Fighting ISIS and ALquada and Taliban is one called IRAN ...

Whilst Burt my new pet snapping Turtle appears and is quite harmless if you don't threaten him, I note with dismay, and in fact shame, some idiot seems to have donated at least 3 rings, ONE finger lost was not enough.

USA loosing a single toy ... a most advanced spy plane .... 242 USD million .... each ...

USA supposedly pausing .... being the bigger person after provoking and trying to say kill my new pet Turtle ... Burt .... is identical to 1991 ... 1987 .... 2003 and word for word .... USA actions.

How absurd to accuse the nation fighting ISIS ... Iran ... of supporting them.

Whilst Iran is not a Turtle .... its far far more dangerous and whilst I am sure USA and if stupid enough allies will prevail, ...

USA will and does not ever forgive. Loosing a fingernail .... via their most advanced spy plane ... or after sponsoring the wholesale loss of life say in Iraq of 500,000 post 2003, Iran Iraq war total cost 1 million and then add another 500,000- ... 1.5 million

If you were a proverbial snapping turtle and able to protect your people and THEIR welfare .... their life and as a minority 10% of one religion, openly persecuted by others of your faith, attacked by foreigners or their puppets.

Its not over. USA will not stop at loosing one finger, nor two.

Loosing a frigate in 1988 after goading Iran .... a USA frigate was lost, seems to be forgotten, not I might add by the person with no fingers back then. Iran, was on its knees when USA sponsored Iraq to invade in 1980 .... even worse when goaded in 1987 by USA ... and well Iran had lost in a brutal USA led and sponsored WMD gass filled toxic agent filled war .... a lot of its capabilities and people. Still, poor old USA ... well of course they retaliated as only they can ... whoops ... did we just shoot down a civilian airliner ?

Whoops did we just ink a few of your boats.

Whilst a mine .... does NOT move ... its anchored to the seabed ... the naval mine, the fact that a USA warship clearly inside territorial waters of another nation in 1988 ... ran over a MINE they had to protect themselves ? Of course lost in the mix.

Amusing, sad and its revenge for the taking of embassy staff ? Or is it oil ? Or is it China ? Or India ? Iran's number one and two trading partners for oil. USA says Yellow people ... and brown people ... put your hands on your head ? We impose embargoes on what YOU do ... who you trade with and then impose tariffs on you ... and threaten all ... of you deal with anyone ... we will do more.

Nope ... not even act one scene one ... USA will feed all of its armed forces ..IRAN is not IRAQ ..

Playbook say from 1987 mine accusations against Iran .... then a stupid USA warship in 1988 did hit a Naval mine.. inside IRAN territorial waters ... . they really as that incompetent ...

I await ... China at the G20 ... being told and lectured about being yellow, whilst told who and whom they can trade with ... whilst we hold your largest tech companies daughter hostage and dictate all USA companies cannot deal with you ....

PS India told the same ...
Meanwhile ... I do feel for the brave people who defend nations and without aggression. I am so so saddened for what is likely about to occur.

Take care

PS with more Admirals and Generals in the USA even when the size in WW2 was 14 times more serving .... Burt ... well needs a diet .... he is going to be filled with soon donated class rings from West point.
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