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Interactive Brokers Troubleshooting

I am in process of joining IB, but I am not sure which phase I am up to. Yesterday when I logged in, it took me to the screen where it listed all the certified documents I needed to send them by mail ( I sent them on Thursday).
Today when I logged in took me to the account management page, and everything seems fine. But when I click on the Webtrader and try logging in it says account invalid username & password combination.

When I look at Funds - Transaction History it has my deposit listed with the status "Funds Received", but when you hover over it, it says "Please check back for details on funds availability", is there another step before it can be processed. I tried using the live chat facility but it says " Down For Maintenance"

Can anyone help me how to view interest costs? If I've bought some stock on margin, then obviously there's going to be some interest costs involved but I can't for the life of me find how to view this figure in the statements section. Anyone?
just a quick one, does anyone know the IB DDE Amibroker symbol for the XJO/sp200?
i have tried XJO-asx-ind-aud but nothing really comes up?

Afternoon Kid Hustlr,

When you have statement issues, please contact the helpdesk on +612 8093 7300

Thanks and regards
Perry T
IB Sales Rep

Can anyone help me how to view interest costs? If I've bought some stock on margin, then obviously there's going to be some interest costs involved but I can't for the life of me find how to view this figure in the statements section. Anyone?
just a quick one, does anyone know the IB DDE Amibroker symbol for the XJO/sp200?
i have tried XJO-asx-ind-aud but nothing really comes up

dont know about for amibroker but the symbol for XJO on IB is; AP
I recently added future into may trading capabilities, and got confirmation from IB. But when I tried to trade SPI index future in my paper trading account, I got "no trading permission", why was that?

New to the forum but to trading.

I just need a little info around opening and operating an IB account.

1. I plan to open an IB account and trade ASX and NYSE stocks. I am in australia and from what i understand there is no need to send funds overseas if you plan tohave your base currency in AUD. is this right?

2. in regards to ASX trading. i don't actually need the live feed as i get from another source, but i still want to trade ASX stocks. is this possible? i have a CFD account and the CFD provider won't let you trade CFD's over ASX stocks unless you pay for the data feed, i thought IB might be the same.

3. once you have an IB account open is it hard to switch between currencies to buy stocks in different countries? is this something that i would need to organise ir does IB do this when i enter a stock trade in a currency other than my base currency?

i have to say i have been trading ASX stocks for years and IB almost sounds too good to be true, for years i have been trying to find a cost effective way to trade US stocks.


You deposit funds through an Australian account (choose wire funds when applying) but the funds are held through various US banks etc to spread the risk.

When applying don't select any data unless its marked free. You will get warnings when placing orders but IB wont stop you trading without data I don't use IB data.

3. once you have an IB account open is it hard to switch between currencies to buy stocks in different countries? is this something that i would need to organise ir does IB do this when i enter a stock trade in a currency other than my base currency?

When you buy IB automatically move currency for you after you sell it remains in that currency but its simple to move back to AUD but you have to do it manually.

i have to say i have been trading ASX stocks for years and IB almost sounds too good to be true, for years i have been trying to find a cost effective way to trade US stocks.

Light years ahead of Oz brokers, lots of order types let you set and forget.

Well worth the effort to open an account.

I'm not sure that is correct; my experience is that when you buy something in another currency without having any of that currency in your account, IB regards that as a loan in that foriegn currency and charges you interest on it. to avoid the interest charge you have to do a manual transaction to convert the amount reqd. Then if you sell, the profit (or loss) stays in that foriegn currency until you change it back. So if you sell at a loss you can still have a negative USD balance

But its not that hard to do within TWS and shouldnt put you off

I agree with you. I bought some US shares last week and sold a day later. I had no US funds in my account when I bought. After purchasing, my account showed a negative USD balance. A few days later (I guess based on settlement dates), I was charged interest in US dollars. When the sale settled, which was profitable, I ended up with a positive USD cash balance.
Thanks Guys,

I am so keen to get this puppy up and running!

two more questions if anyone:

1. whats the cost of switching between currencies? Is it the usual bank rip off rate 2.5%??

3. A big chunk of my funds are tied up in Aussie stocks so for the initial $10k deposit i was planning to transfer over some of those holdings. has anyone done this before? any idea how long it would take to hit my IB account?
couple of questions on opening an IB account for a SMSF;

what website have others used for opening an account for a SMSF? I have heard/seen an Australian IB office referred but cant find it on the net. link? Do you just use the US website to open an account?

Is it possible to have a IB account for a SMSF with a corp trustee linked to another IB account, so that you can log on once with one set of username etc and flick between the accounts, and pay for market data once and have it used for both accounts?

as a background I have an IB account set up with IB UK. base currency is in GBP, so if I want to transfer in/out it has to go through a UK bank. I could use the link they provide to set up a linked account with that, but for a start it seems to only allow an 'individual' account, which is not what I need, so I am guessing that rules it out for an SMSF.

The alternative seems to be open a new account for the SMSF with IB US, but select base currency as AUD, (which as I understand it means you deposit funds into a Aust bank account?).

But presumably that means the market data I am already paying for wouldnt show up in the smsf account, meaning to trade I would have to open up one TWS application for the SMSF account, then another one for the other account, log into both and use the market data from the existing account to trade the SMSF account. seems a bit cumbersome, anyone got a way round it?

IB web trading login problem?

Has anyone being experiencing IB web trading login problems since yesterday?
I like my stop loss orders to only be live after 11:00am each day
I can do this using the "Good after time" but this requires a date as well as a time so I have to update the date each day.

Anyone know of a way to do this that does not require daily maintenance of the date?

Hi Guys

Is anyone having problems connecting to the server using TWS or Mobile TWS. I tried both and not able to connect. The status page on their website shows everything operational. ?
Hi Guys

Is anyone having problems connecting to the server using TWS or Mobile TWS. I tried both and not able to connect. The status page on their website shows everything operational. ?

You are attempting to log on during the fri evening reset, try again in 1 hour.
Mobile TWS

I have been using Mobile TWS on Android device for some time now. I have not subscribed for real time ASX quotes. Previously i was able to see the delayed quotes, but for the last few days, i am not getting any prices for ASX. Also in the chart area i get this message " BEST queries are not supported for this contract".

Anyone else experiencing similar issues.
Re: Mobile TWS

I can only tell you that IB was down this morning.

Hi All,

Just seen that there is a new ASX data feed on IB for free: Australia Chi-X Exchange

I have added this but not to sure if it's delayed or not it did not say it was with-in the IB Data managment page.

It's just that when I open a chart in IB it will give me the option to go back to the marketdata page or free delayed data.

Thanks in Advance.

Anyone playing with this??
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