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Importing Migrant Workers

When will you mining supporters give up and go home? Face it - there is NO LABOUR SHORTAGES AT ALL, it's all a ruse by billionaire lardtards like Gina so they don't have to pay fair wages.

Repetitious, boring, tedious, Maxtard.
Anybody who thinks that these workers on 457's are filling skills shortages is really deluding themselves.

The reality is it is easier and cheaper to get people on 457's and they are obviously much more compliant as they live in fear of having their visa cancelled.

There may well be some instances and i stress some instances where these visas are warranted but when you start talking numbers in the thousands I dont believe it.

Anyhow Rhineheart has admitted as much by her own political statements and agenda. I dont know why anyone would defend her. She is all about making as much for herself and her company without much thought to anything much else.
.... Rhineheart ... is all about making as much for herself and her company without much thought to anything much else.

As much as I dislike the idea of having people come in and take up work if there ARE Ozzies who can do the jobs, when one has a business one generally does like to maximise profit. I know, someone at this level of wealth and profit can be afford to be somewhat altruistic if they wish. But there is a difference between sustainably maximising profit within ethical means and maximising profit at any cost. So making a profit is not eveil - that's how companies grow and then employ more people.

"The love of money is the root of all evil".
Of course companies try to make as much money as possible and that is why in a mixed economy we have government legislation to ensure employees are not unfairly treated. Well that is the theory. But companies if they can legally get away with lowering their labour costs by in this case employing foreign labour then some companies will.

The government says they are paying award wages and that maybe but if they werent getting a better deal from the foreign workers they wouldn't be employing them. It really is as simple as that.
So, there are at least two possible conclusions to be drawn from this personal anecdote (which is hardly meaningful in terms of the national situation is it?):

well yes it is, as it's first hand insight into what is occurring, as opposed to what may be read in the oh so informative papers.

1. this is making a case for the use of overseas workers who already have the specialised skills required.

No, this is making a case for training up Australians, exactly how do you propose my mates get experience to do the job if they are never given a chance to gain experience? they are switched on guys, and can handle anything, they just need the opportunity.

pretty well the same as above. If everyone constantly expects to have the perfect man for the job, without putting some time and money into them, and no one wants to train, then we're going to be in big trouble down the track, with a bunch of retirees and foreigners and a group of unskilled youth following through. doesnt seem to smart to me.

then I would look forward to seeing you behind bars because your electrician wasn't familiar with australian electrical safety standards and injured or god forbid killed someone. still havent read the link but getting there.

And whose fault is it if they have no qualifications to do a job. If they had any initiative these dead beats would have got off their ars*s and learned a trade. Now you are whining that these "switched on guys" who "can handle anything" are not given preference over people who have worked to gain their skills.

Anyone who comes to this country to do a job that Australians can't or won't do, should be welcomed with open arms.
then I would look forward to seeing you behind bars because your electrician wasn't familiar with australian electrical safety standards and injured or god forbid killed someone. still havent read the link but getting there.

One good electrical supervisor can oversee a mixed bag of workers. All you need is three good sparkies, give them leading hands rates and they can look after five semi skilled plebs each. The supervisor ensures the regulations are followed.

are you kidding me? point out where i said they aren't qualified. they are all qualified, experienced tradesmen. I dont see why just because they didnt do their apprenticeships and training in the mines that they shouldnt be able to seek work out there. you are way off the mark.
One good electrical supervisor can oversee a mixed bag of workers. All you need is three good sparkies, give them leading hands rates and they can look after five semi skilled plebs each. The supervisor ensures the regulations are followed.

if only you had the slightest idea. so you're happy to bring people who may not be able to do the work safely, because you think the supervisor has time to run around checking everything they do? is this a piss take thread?

Tell them to stop whining. If they have the qualifications I'm sure there is plenty of highly paid work for them at home. Their skills can be better employed there that at the Pilbara. With imported workers we don't have a drain on local tradesman, who are commanding a high remuneration. Everybody wins.
if only you had the slightest idea. so you're happy to bring people who may not be able to do the work safely, because you think the supervisor has time to run around checking everything they do? is this a piss take thread?

Mate I'm with you on this, I think it is terrible, but I have no doubt this is the crap that is going on.
This is what will do our kids out of a future, it is the unbelievably gullible, who think the labour requirements can't be filled from our local workforce and training our kids that get up my nose.
By the way, I am a sparkie and have been for for nearlly 40 years also grew up in the W.A mining areas.

You are seriously just out trolling hey ? Trying to wind people up ?
Furthermore, if the government was serious about addressing the skills shortage they would be looking at spending money on training facilities in these areas and supplying housing. Then offering dole recipients the option to relocate.
At least then they would have an honest reflection of peoples willingness to go these areas. Rather than saying people aren't willing to go, when there is minimal housing available and what is available costs more than they earn.
Oh yes that brings us back to the imported workers, housing isn't a problem.

What everyone has to get their head around is, what is left when the hole is empty. No ongoing infrastructure like farming the north, no we've talked about it now the Chinese want to do it. Just how dumb are we.

your comments suggested otherwise, or at least that's where they were leading me. I'm a sparky also, which is obviously why the last comment rubbed me up the wrong way. Fortunately from what I've seen on construction it's not so much(if at all) the elec. contractors that are attempting to bring in cheap labour. I would say it's because they would struggle as (theoretically) they all need to sit certain courses to swap their license. Whether or not they would actually sit these courses is another thing, it's not hard to get away with it if the employer turns a blind eye.. Mostly tilers, a/c laggers, laborers etc.

Its becoming clearer by the day that Rhinehart is just in it for herself - I vote we strip her citizenship and send her packing. A fitting punishment for such Un-Australian behaviour.

With numbers like this there will be construction workers queing for jobs.
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