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Importing Migrant Workers

They have plunged more than 33 per cent in the past three months.

Now we can see Gina's problem and the needs for cheap labour as things get bad she will have her way
More proof that the 457 scam is to line billionaires pockets over any other reason -
And have those 100 to 150 people made application to any of the remote mining companies for employment?
Do they have the appropriate skills?
Why does all the responsibility fall on the employers and none on these apparently willing workers?

Typical Oakeshott hot air imo.
Oh well if no one is willing to take these keen young workers on perhaps we should make some of our 3.2 million aged pensioners who didnt save for retirement go do the work - oh wait they are unskilled bludgers too - forget it - Give all Australias jobs to foreign 457s obviously they made the effort to get these jobs - become a true welfare state
This debate has exposed the Hanson-type hypocritical nastiness in Gillard, Katter and Cameron.

(My Bolds)

This is an opportunity for Abbott to take on Hanson's successors, to set a more tolerant tone in the national debate and support all workers, English-speaking or not, prepared to contribute to Australian prosperity.
This debate has exposed the Hanson-type hypocritical nastiness in Gillard, Katter and Cameron.

(My Bolds)

I don't really see how any of the things you bolded has anything to do with the issue at hands, and the simple argument of protecting Australian jobs.

Why do mining supporters always try to side-track from the real issues, and point to stupid meaningless and irrelevant things? Do you have no legitimate arguments?

Well how could you, there is no legitimate reason to steal Australian jobs with foreign imported labour.
Why do mining supporters always try to side-track from the real issues, and point to stupid meaningless and irrelevant things? Do you have no legitimate arguments?

As you are well aware, exposing the hypocrisy of those who share your beliefs on importing temporary workers is the best way of exposing blowhards.
As you are well aware, exposing the hypocrisy of those who share your beliefs on importing temporary workers is the best way of exposing blowhards.

But where is the hypocrisy? What difference does it make where their ancestors came from of what else happened in the distant past? What relevance does it have to foreign workers stealing locals' jobs in this day and age?
But where is the hypocrisy? What difference does it make where their ancestors came from of what else happened in the distant past? What relevance does it have to foreign workers stealing locals' jobs in this day and age?

Grow up Max, or go back to your play station. They are not stealing locals' jobs. They will be doing work that locals can't or don't want to do in remote areas.
Grow up Max, or go back to your play station. They are not stealing locals' jobs. They will be doing work that locals can't or don't want to do in remote areas.

Precisely what I mean - all you mining supporters can do is insult others with your irrelevance to mask your pathetic excuse for an "argument". Why don't you go back to your bed with Gina.

Show me the evidence that locals can't or don't want to do the work - last time I checked the construction industry is shedding countless thousands of jobs.
Grow up Max, or go back to your play station. They are not stealing locals' jobs. They will be doing work that locals can't or don't want to do in remote areas.

Do you have something to back up these statements you pull out of thin air other than your desire to get larger dividends from your mining stock of choice ?

We clearly have tradespeople getting thrown on the dole que daily and people like Gina dont appear to have any jobs advertised yet they seek permission to bring in thousands of low paid foreign temporary workers.

Just face the facts its about saving money for Billionaires than filling unfillable jobs.

Yada yada yada.
it's not just the fact that they are taking potential jobs off Australians, it's also that you can almost guarantee there will be loop holes(or they will just blatantly do it) allowing these magnates to pay these workers fresh off the boat lower rates. Anyone who believes otherwise are kidding themselves.

The construction industry is rife with sham contracting. It's not that the contractors aren't making enough money, its that they want more. Bringing laborers tilers and so on in on $14-$20 an hour in some cases is simply not allowed, and yet every week the same mobs are trading under new business names to filter this cheap labour through the system. Not only does it entice other builders to try the same, and squeeze properly paid Australians out of there jobs, it also introduces a safety issue on sites. The safety standards and expectations here in Australia are far higher than alot of other nations, and failure to adhere costs lives. In my experience alot of these workers under 'sham contracts' barely speak english, so I fail to see how they are able to understand the comprehensive list of safety expectations dealt out by the bucket load on a daily basis.

Again I can't say that this is definitely going to be the case with the miners, but I would assume it is going down the same track.

Also anyone saying that Aussies arent looking for jobs. I've got 3 mates currently living in north queensland and have done so for the past 12 months. they have all completed generic mining courses, worked with mining sub-contractors to get experience in drag lines etc, and only one of them has managed to pick up a roster so far. It is not as simple as picking up the phone and walking in. You really need to know someone, or it's a long hard road. Mines arent as interested as putting time, money and effort into training up new recruits as some may think.

IMO this is just another quick fix, maybe they need a few laborers and a couple of fitters n turners or something. bottom line is there are guys and girls here that want to do it, they are just taking the easy/cheap road, so they can buy another 30k couch for the entrance to their home.

I havent read the entire thread, but can someone tell me exactly what qualifications they are apparently trying to bring in?

Well check out this link from January, then do a bit of research.

im failing to see what you are getting at? linking me to a site that says people are pursuing high paying mining jobs as opposed to doing what seem to be deemed as the 'lesser' jobs in society isnt really applicable to what i said nor the thread. if you are tying to say that there are alot of australians that are lazy then yes I agree.

I don't really need to research when I am in the construction industry and see it first hand, I just asked a question that someone may already know to save me lookig it up. By hearing from word of mouth from friends who are in the mining industry, I will get a far better understanding of what is occurring in the real world than from the tele, thanks.

Oh and I have no problem with them bringing in workers, or giving jobs to people in any industry, provided they are paid correctly, and there aren't aussie workers that are being overlooked first.

What I was refering to was, Warwick McKibbin made reference to the problems associated with bringing in overseas labor. The problems with this are well documented.
Obviously it isn't a problem with you, but maybe you can explain how you monitor if aussie workers are being overlooked or even bypassed. What checks are in place?
Especially if it helps the government if it caps wage rises?
As for friends in the mining industry, what has that got to do with anything, I have two family members in the mining industry, so what?

sorry i thought the link was the full story, didn't realise there was more, will read tomorrow n get back to u, bed for me now.
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