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Importing Migrant Workers

Although i can sympathize with those wanting to try and figure out SCM and why he is the way he appears to be, in this virtual is dramatically :topic

Unless of course SCM is an immigrant, in which case he would also be a hypocrite...somehow i doubt the former is true.

Lets get back on the topic.

+1, and just so that people can at least pretend to know what they are talking about, truck drivers in mines are driving Hauling trucks (big 200-400 tonnes trucks) , not roadtrain, i doubt you need any of the commercial truck driver license in WA (but i may be wrong as each state has quite specific tickets)
I was amazed to see this thread as a bashing for SCM by a lot of mostly retirees (based on what i can read browsing the last two pages) who are the first ones to benefit of the current system in OZ but will be the first one to loose if the immigration doors do open;
Maybe they want to have free sneakers from DJ in 10y time "a la London riot?"
Although i can sympathize with those wanting to try and figure out SCM and why he is the way he appears to be, in this virtual is dramatically :topic

Yes, but an amusing feel-good diversion. However I have a feeling that the thread is now dead in the water.
That doesn't stop liberals from using it to label anyone whom they disagree with, as though it means something.
The term xenophobia is much more frequently used by the Left in their labelling of anyone who disagrees with the admission of asylum seekers who have chosen not to apply to come to Australia in the conventional way, but who shove those waiting in camps in Malaysia et al back years while our authorities here are kept occupied processing the boat arrivals.

Can you tell us why retirees will be "the first to lose" if immigration 'doors do open'.
I cannot fathom the connection.

I'm in my early 30's and i'm an immigrant, so at least I am speaking from the other side of the fence. I have been through the mill, paid my money, submitted applications, did medicals, waited. Everything above board and to the letter. I don't think anyone else here has done that. Just wanted to give a view from the "other" side. Too much populist pub talk out there that has no basis in reality.

If someone has a well formed and factual opinion of opposition to outsourcing these jobs to foreign workers then fine, I can respect that as I can see why this decision would piss people off, but so far all I see on this thread is all anecdotal evidence of hearsay that would make the producers of ACA and TT proud.

Also, I find it VERY strange as a non-Australian defending Australia against Australians. That is something I thought would never happen.
I have been through the mill, paid my money, submitted applications, did medicals, waited. Everything above board and to the letter. I don't think anyone else here has done that.

Been there, done that, in Australia and China....ooh, i should add it was for perm res, not citizenship yet..


If you read the thread, you would have seen some. More specifically;

- Big recession in Australia, thousands of construction workers losing their jobs.
- Gina wants to import construction workers in the country because she doesn't want to pay a fair wage set by the free market

This is complete bull****.

Proof? Have you heard of Muamba?

If you're into fitness, you will come across lots of these cases, it's always steroids.
Yes, it is bull, Australia hasnt been in recession offically since 1991 afaik. Try harder next time with you know FACTS!

If you're into fitness, you will come across lots of these cases, it's always steroids.

Well clearly its not always steroids. Muamba's case wasn't steroid related unless you know something that everyone else doesnt. Again FACTS would be helpful
Yes, it is bull, Australia hasnt been in recession offically since 1991 afaik. Try harder next time with you know FACTS!

Facts? Maybe you should pay attention to the nation's economy. Every industry is shedding jobs, credit growth is flat, retail spending is going backwards, people getting laid off right and left.

Well clearly its not always steroids. Muamba's case wasn't steroid related unless you know something that everyone else doesnt. Again FACTS would be helpful

I didn't say anything about Muamba.
Facts? Maybe you should pay attention to the nation's economy. Every industry is shedding jobs, credit growth is flat, retail spending is going backwards, people getting laid off right and left.

Every industry is shedding jobs? Even the mining industry????? Mate, read what you write before you post. The facts are as of this date Australia is officially not in recession. I have the RBA to back up my FACTS! What do you have apart from anecdotal opinion. Screenshots of Starcraft?

I didn't say anything about Muamba.

Em, you did. You said the reasons why fit young people collapse and die is due to Steroids, you said that its ALWAYS the reason. I pointed out that Muamba did not use Steroids thus proving that its not ALWAYS the case. Again refer to FACTS and simple basic LOGIC!!

GDP is a weak measure of the economy, look at the situation on the ground. And yes, mining has been shedding jobs, maybe you should pay attention to the news.

Apart from that, just wait for the Aussie GDP figure which if I'm not mistaken is coming out next week, I bet it will be far below estimate.

And stop saying "FACTS" so much, you are beginning to look desperate.

Why don't you do some research, I'm sick of responding to nonsense. Begin here:

AKA, i don't have any facts to back up my argument so I am going to bail....OK!

GDP is the internationally recognized method of measuring if an economy is in recession or not, Been that way for long long time. What is your method? Talking to your mates on starcraft? If you cant prove to me what your saying then dont say it. That is the difference between and facts and opinion.
At the rate that things are going Gina may not need to bring in lower paid foreign workers under the guise of 457 -
So the Chinese are now so arrogant they think they can go around breaking contracts they have already signed.

Can't we take them to the WTO or something ?

A nuclear armed communist nation can do anything they like and there is very little we can do about it - If we didnt have resources they probably wouldnt even talk to us .... Just wait till the Iron Ore contracts start tumbling as well - eeeek
If the Chinese want our coal etc they can come and take it we don't have enough Tinnies to defend the place so think twice before you buy a Chines take away show we mean business.
It all gets back to supply and demand and China is finding out the demand is no longer there,same with steal and any thing else we export.
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