Interesting that generally the bears think the troubles coming with another collapse?
When the banana republic of UK just recorded the biggest jump in inflation in 12 years.
Pile in friends asset inflation here we come? And as usual I reckon gold will lag real "assets".
that'd be a shame the fun is about to begin again
That chart demonstrates nothing to me. I would love to know how you could possibly use this as part of a trading plan?!
That chart demonstrates nothing to me. I would love to know how you could possibly use this as part of a trading plan?!
That chart demonstrates nothing to me. I would love to know how you could possibly use this as part of a trading plan?!
- Buy Treasury Bonds (on the basis of further deflation/deleveraging)
- Buy Income-Producing Securities (dividend plays win)
- Buy Consumer Staples and Foods.
- Buy Small Luxuries.
- Buy The Dollar. (as I have believed, further deflation/deleveraging, shock to market, bull/bear sentiment extreme, temp reverse of carry trade and more short covering would feed the trend)
- Buy Eurodollar Futures.
Sell or avoid
- Sell U.S. Stocks in General.
- Sell Homebuilder and Selected Related Stocks.
- Sell Selected Big-Ticket Consumer Discretionary Equities
- Sell Banks and Other Financial Institutions
- Sell Consumer Lenders' Stocks.
- Sell Many Low and Old Tech Capital Equipment Producers
- If You Plan to Sell Your House, Second Home or Investment Houses Any Time Soon, Do So Yesterday.
- Sell Junk Bonds.
- Sell Commercial Real Estate. (can try selling the index like buying SRS, already brought them a few weeks ago)
- Sell Most Commodities. (Mostly oil/energy/base metals. Surprisingly, this was also my believe as well. I only hold them for the run but never brought more. As for precious metals, he did not mention anything)
- Sell Developing Country Stocks and Bonds.
I've already said the US dollar would bounce back several weeks ago when practically almost everybody in the world believe the dollar is doomed. means the level of bulls sentiment verse bear today is just as high as it were back when the market crashed in the late 2007/early 2008.
Haven't you heard of the famous investment rule?
"When everybody agrees on one thing, the opposite tends to happen"
This contrarian thinking has been the dominate strategy used by some of the most famous and rich investors / entrepreneurs everywhere.
If you want to think like a sheep and agree what the "mainstream" thinks, then go ahead and play the market.
This is a good article on Contrarianism that I subscribe to.
Unfortunately, most people DO NOT have the right "psychological make up" to think like a contrarian. There are simply too much peer pressure and ego gets in the way.
Doomsday prophets like Gary Shiller, Nouriel Roubini, were heavily ridiculed by the mainstream media before the GFC occurred. They believed the housing market in the US would collapse and everybody else think it's impossible. Obviously, they were right at the end.
Of course, these aren't the only examples of how being a contrarian in the investment world may pay off big. It takes advantage of the inherent, irrational herding behavior of human beings. When too much people were on one side of the trade, the opposite tend to happen.
I've already said the US dollar would bounce back several weeks ago when practically almost everybody in the world believe the dollar is doomed. Indeed it has started to happen already and most people still don't understand why.
Of course, the same thing cannot apply to other things in life. i.e. if 9 out of 10 car mechanics say your car is not safe, then you probably shouldn't be driving it!
From what I can see in the bulls/bear difference chart, 2/3 times the chart has reached it's bullish peak, the rally continued, not exactly a robust indicator. One the second chart, 2/4 times the spread was large, yet the rally continued or the market merely consolidated. Hence why I said this chart is of little value. There needs to be some confluence of other indicators pointing towards a larger decline (as opposed to a mere correction!).
Thanks for explaining contrarian thinking to me Temjon, thankfully I am aware of what this concept is. There is also the concept of irrational exuberance and bull market rallies outstretching the fundamentals underpinning them- a lot of money can be lost in this time picking tops.
Not sure about your dominant strategy comment and accusing me of thinking like a sheep. I am admittedly a trend follower, a tactic followed by many others. I am happy to stay this way so long as my trading account balance keeps growing in size.
From memory Nouriel Roubini came out early last year and said he was bullish. Moreover, recently he has maintained his bullish attitude towards China and India. On the one hand we praise him for picking the GFC, yet we now ignore his comments when it doesn’t fit within our own analysis?
Kudos on that call Temjin - you had it spot on.
HE he he yesThat is, until the Federal Reserve decide to halt their planned liquidity withdrawal in March and start dropping dollars from REAL helicopters.
Is it perhaps time to close this particular thread???
HE he he yes:
Credit Suisse report suggest SELL, SELL, SELL for gold holders
Credit Suisse: There's A Huge Gold Oversupply, Time To Sell
A report from Credit Suisse (via ZeroHedge) argues against all this peak gold nonsense, and claims the price of the yellow metal will collapse amidst a downdraft in investor demand and a huge oversupply.
Soon enough pigs might be flying those helicopters. What do you think Temjin?
talking of contrarian indicators....
talking of contrarian indicators....
Temjin said:Heh, I saw that. I just didn't want to comment on it.
No not at all - I made/make no prediction about what the markets are likely to do from here (especially in the short term). I was merely pointing out that the original point of this thread has clearly been and gone.
Hi Beej - no offence intended mate, twas the fact that folk are suggesting we shut this thread just at a time when markets are threatening to roll over that made me smile. Didn't realise you was a 'Mod'
I don't mind if the thread shuts tbh if thats what the ASF community wants. Happy to continue to talk to myself on the International Index thread
PS -No offense taken! And I'm not a "mod" BTWI'm just saying, if you think the next big roll over is coming that's fine - I'm just expressing the personal opinion that I'd rather see a discussion of that possibility on a new thread, rather than out of context here on this old one. So please start one and outline why you see the next big correction as imminent?
PS -No offense taken! And I'm not a "mod" BTWI'm just saying, if you think the next big roll over is coming that's fine - I'm just expressing the personal opinion that I'd rather see a discussion of that possibility on a new thread, rather than out of context here on this old one. So please start one and outline why you see the next big correction as imminent?
Beej said:Same goes for you Temjin!! Showing your own "confirmation bias" a bit there by presuming what my views are. Why don't you actually read my post again and see if I really wrote what you seem to think I wrote? 21 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama, tapping into voter anger over bank bailouts, called for limiting the size and trading activities of financial institutions as a way to reduce risk-taking and prevent another financial crisis.
The proposals, to be added to an overhaul of regulations being considered by Congress, would prohibit banks from running proprietary trading operations solely for their own profit and sponsoring hedge funds and private equity funds. He also proposes expanding a 10 percent market-share cap on deposits to include other liabilities such as non-deposit funding to restrict growth and consolidation.
“While the financial system is far stronger today than it was one year ago, it’s still operating under the same rules that led to its near collapse,” Obama said at the White House after meeting with former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, who has been an advocate of taking such steps. “Never again will the American taxpayer be held hostage by a bank that is too big to fail.”
The new rules, Obama said, would close loopholes that allow big financial firms to trade products like credit-default swaps and other derivatives without oversight and while benefiting from Federal Reserve lending programs and taxpayer insurance of consumer deposits.
“When banks benefit from the safety net that taxpayers provide,” Obama said, “it is not appropriate for them to turn around and use that cheap money to trade for profit.”
Additionally, Obama said caps on deposits that prevent too much risk from being concentrated in a single bank will be applied to other types of funding to prevent firms from growing too large.
“The American people will not be served by a financial system that comprises just a few massive firms,” Obama said.
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