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Imminent and severe market correction

And Goldman Sachs ie the Paulsen insiders club. This is the bit I don't understand - for all of these billion dollar black holes there are counterparties on some of these instruments who are receiving billions back, indirectly from the Fed, some at the same time as they are getting a hand out from the Fed. Why don't they also suspend payments to counter parties where it can be shown that they won't be worse off? Or simply that they are already stinking rich? Or is that part of the humongous con? All getting too hard now to follow

That's exactly what these MegaPonziMen are bwanking on. That the complications will blind everyone to what is REALLY happening - that they are getting richer, still, while "outsiders" get screwed ever harder.

They have successfully devised "financial instruments" and schemes to baffle the best financial "brains" on the planet.

No doubt they can barely wait for the "end game" to come, when their bits of CDS paper will likely be worth multi-Trillions, as some others have outed. They have won before the game even started... :angry:

Anyone who thinks this post is irrational or conspiratorial can just look here}&dist=morenews_ts

AIG gets $85bn TARP, $40bn of this goes directly to counterparties of CDOs betting on bankruptcy. Below is a snippet of commentary on the above linked article


Amazing isn't it - yet they are worried about hedge funds shorting shares? This shadow banking farce will go down as the greatest redistribition of wealth since, well we have never had a shadow banking system like it!!

Other side of the trade - US taxpayer backstopping AIG and the like and Western workers who will be sacrificed en masse .

And don't get me started on the con job of 'globalisation! How can you have a global economy without the backing of a global banking, monetary and regulatory system?

What a disaster!

PS: anyone starting to notice the impact China is having on global sharemarkets? We had a rally on a rumour that Jeng was going to up the stimulus package yesterday. Still China are predicting GDP growth of 8%. Now it is the US trying to recouple with China? p

The continuing bailout of AIG is a fiasco. But when you see comments like the above my blood practically freezes.

The full story outlines just how much of a disaster the Credit default swaps (CDS) can/will be to the financial markets. In effect all of our collective savings.

As I am seeing it when the Madoff and Stanford schemes broke open we saw $50-80 billion of assets vapourise. The effects of this are still working their way through individuals, charities, banks ect.

In the current circumstances the potential failure of AIG on top of everything would be the last straw . (Actually more like a neutron star...)

The current world economic system needs functioning banks if it is to survive. This has to be a priority.(IMO)
Ah yes, the Great Recoupling.

The US need China to finance debt. We need them to buy our dug up dirt.

I honestly doubt China will kickstart domestic consumption soon enough.
I've always said i want to work for JP Morgan. They are the only untouchable bank, as they ARE the Fed. The fed uses them to buy up stuff such as Bear Stearns etc etc.

How many JP employees have lost their jobs? SFA.

Old JP was a cunning one back in the day and the ties still run strong. Good on them, a true dynasty...
Ah yes, the Great Recoupling.

The US need China to finance debt. We need them to buy our dug up dirt.

I honestly doubt China will kickstart domestic consumption soon enough.

How many monthly current account deficits has Australia racked up in the last 20 odd years?

I'm pretty sure it would be at least 85-90% of them, if not more.

Does anyone know the actual stats? Is it best to use ABARE or ABS?

I saw Swan interviewed on the ABC yesterday stating that the stimulus had worked through the economy. It also mentioned that Australia achieved a trade surplus recently. Even though the report briefly if not belatedly mentioned that the sale of imported goods had dropped by 7% in one month right at the very end of the story.

This means that Australia can only be in surplus, only when our consumers are not buying imports. Even when I/O and commodities spot prices went through the roof during the mining boom. We still weren't bringing the budget into surplus.

Is it just me or has consumption from China collapsed?

Just to correct my last post.

It also mentioned that Australia achieved a reduced trade deficit recently. Even though the report briefly if not belatedly mentioned that the sale of imported goods had dropped by 7% in one month right at the very end of the story.

It also appears near-impossible to go back into surplus any time soon. Whether it's Fraser, Hawke, Keating, Howard, Rudd or Turnbull/Costello ?

Since 1959-60 Australia has had only one surplus on its current account and that was in 1972-73. A common concern has been the rise in the current account deficit from between 2 and 3 per cent of GDP in the 1960s and 1970s to between 4 and 6 per cent of GDP in the 1980s and 1990s.
B O told every one it is a good time to buy so the Dow shot trouble is B O didn't say what to buy.
Our Grand Kids will look back at this crash and think how could we be so stoopid and then in 70 yrs time do the same themselves.
Debt shouldn't exist. Companies should only raise funds from investors cash, houses paid for by the family groups. If you don't save you don't get. Wouldn't the whole system be stable........!

Boring .... maybe.
But would we also miss the human toll. Family's falling apart, parents fighting, children in broken marriages as a result from too much debt and/or risk.

And then there are the casualties, whom found no better way out. The reason for some was not of their direct doing, just caught up in it all and/or had advise which went terribly wrong.
On the big picture there does not seem to be much support for the dow to 2000

With UK printing money from nought how far behind will be the US. Paper money is certqinly trash now.

Ed; chart did not upload. For a look open bigcharts as USJIA set candles at quarterly and "all data" goes back to 1970

doom and gloom.... explod e
[CHINA] National Energy Admin head Zhang Guobao said China should use part of its nearly $2 tln fx reserves to buy more gold, oil, uranium and other strategic commodities in order to diversity its reserves. Zhang said that SAFE could buy more gold and other strategic commodities while other agencies such as China's National Oil Reserves Centre should be allowed to issue foreign exchange bonds for overseas purchases. Comments are likely to be just proposals at this stage rather than official policy.

Thought this money was to bail out USA????

Australia having a trade surplus is nothing to boast about. Because of our past irresponsibility we need to look at the current account as a whole due to the interest rate burden we have accumulated in all the other previous deficits. Our interest burden is growing - and no matter how low interest rates go Australians just load up on more debt to compensate. I assume our dollar will go lower in the long run - however of course everyone else is devlauing their currencies as well. If we have a trade surplus but a current account deficit all our hard work in saving and not spending is just making the foreign investment yield slightly safer, and they get the proceeds before we do as creditors.
Imminent and severe market correction - [size=+2]UP![/size]

Courtesy of a "leaked" internal memo for Citigroup - a 100% trustworthy bwank.

Most stock markets through the roof last night.

ASX up 200 pts on massive speculative rally today?

Go, you speculators - GO-O-O-O!

Hmm. Think I'll just sit back awhile and guard the cashbox, ok?

PS: Mr Pandit must feel like a god - his trustworthy word holds so much power - the world turns on it! I guess he is having champagne for brekky..


Almost as bad as their employee "assassinate" program announced a few weeks ago. That was "leaked" too of course!


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Beggers can't be choosers... or can they!

Some that had their hand out seem quite able to manage without.

I wonder, I suppose people will tend to support those that accept the bailout conditions and higher scrueteny. Will that mean some of those who turn down the bailout will find it tough gaining business?

It's wrong that congress and the administration can add new conditions at any time.

But let's hope that the administration questions these banks (BofNY) that are returning the money due to exec. pay restrictions. I think we all know that they won't but there may be a chance after congress queried the big car manufacturers.

If the bank went bankrupt could the execs be sued by the shareholders for not looking after shareholder interests?

Hahaha! Only one thing is for certain in these volatile times - that fatcat bwankers will do ANYTHING to preserve their lurks 'n perks. Even if it risks the very survival of a bank itself. Well, what the hey? Who said anything about "loyalty"? They can always deploy the Golden Parachute and drift blissfully awaaaaayyyyy to Ponzi Paradise....

How many Fatcat Bwankers do you know who have actually had their a**es sued off and assets stripped to the bone for their snatch 'n grabs? A mere handful at best. Gummints world wide are currently forking out taxpayer BIG bucks for the privilege of paying mere lip service to these guys. Sickening.

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