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Imminent and severe market correction

Credit Card Desperate To Get Paid

Hey Patrick - I just got a letter from a credit card bank that I have had a card
with for five years, never been late once, offering me a $783 credit if I pay
them $1,174 within 15 days! This just so happens to calculate to my full
balance. So In other words, they will take 60 cents on the dollar from to clear
what I owe them - even though I've never, ever missed a single payment!

Things are getting scary - but you can bet they're getting paid off instantly
(40% guaranteed ROI in one day, plus savings in interest!) - The best part is I
had them slated to be paid (in full) next month because they just canceled my
card and raised my rate to 30% for no apparent reason other than they are
probably about to go under...

Just thought I would share that with your people. Insane.

Well ..........share the banks name for goodness sake !
Mr. B go to Partick.Net looks like some division of Visa.
They quote different rates depending on your payment....
ABC Lateline was good last night about the FHO going underwater and shop owners bailing out.

Don't worry it won't happen here......will it?
I guess everyone was expecting it:
Anyone here follow the IRA? That is Institutional Risk Analytics. The latest article is plain scary.

Translation: inside 30 days AIG and/or Citi go bust and the CDS detonation begins.

Now that's what I call SHTF on Wall Street time! :fan
Just as I thought there goes the stock market and the Dow down 1k ???
These markets are being increasingly hit by peoples losses in other investments. I was in a local pub last night and held a listening brief, my accent does annoy some over here, and a local said he lost £37,500 by advice to invest in a Lehman's backed investment. These losses, that go unnoticed - people don't often speak about them - have put pressures on spending and investment.

Are we missing these masked losses and think Government pumping money into the economy is very helpful. Australia, IMHO, needs to pump about $160 million more in, just to retain the position one year ago, imho.

Yeah, Chris Whalen is one of the most sane and intelligent voices around, a really clued up guy and the kind you want running the show rather than the clowns in Geitner and co. that currently pull the strings.
The debt/credit un-wind we had to have.

Finally, now that it is here, I don't want to go through it........

From Steve Keen's Debtwatch.

Debt shouldn't exist. Companies should only raise funds from investors cash, houses paid for by the family groups. If you don't save you don't get. Wouldn't the whole system be stable........!

Stable, but oh so boring and returning 4%, and banks wouldn't get deal fees eg Macquarie, people would actually live within their means without both partners having to work for their energy guzzling inefficcient McMansions. We wouldn't have to rely on skilled immigration to artificially raise the cost of everything. The false wealth created from housing the last decade or so is going to evaporate in a blink of an eye.


the Labor Department reports on February nonfarm payrolls. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch expect payrolls to fall by 650,000, the worst job loss in nearly 60 years. They expect the unemployment rate to rise to 8% from 7.6%

Nothing like a headline - "Black Friday"? Happy buying.....soon?
Here ya go. This should restore bwanker's confidence in financial markets.,23636,25146492-14334,00.html

A run on the banks over there ?

Has been for some time?

I think this sums it up nicely, although even today's prices show a good premium for what are essentially insolvent companies? (What's that annoying green price bucking the trend?)


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Has been for some time?

I think this sums it up nicely, although even today's prices show a good premium for what are essentially insolvent companies? (What's that annoying green price bucking the trend?)

Surely everyone would take their money out and put it under the bed with news like that.
From Money & Markets:
AIG shares are now 30c, if we can't get insurance ship's don't sail , planes don't fly....and on it goes..

GM IS ON ITS DEATH BED: Two years ago, I warned you that General Motors was headed for bankruptcy. This morning GM’s own auditors revealed an unnamed “material weakness” in the company’s accounting ”” and warned that there’s serious doubt the automaker will survive.

BANK OF AMERICA, CITIGROUP AND AIG ARE ON LIFE SUPPORT: As soon as dire realities force Washington to pull the plug, these giant institutions will be in bankruptcy.

GENERAL ELECTRIC IS IN INTENSIVE CARE: S&P has already issued a negative outlook on GE’s debt and, this week, Moody’s is considering slashing the company’s credit rating ”” a strong signal that the company may soon be fighting for its life.

JPMORGAN CHASE NEXT? This morning, Moody’s slashed its outlook to negative. Ditto for Wells Fargo.
To me, JPMorgan Chase is the most worrisome of all. After all ”” it is America’s largest bank with a market value that’s greater than Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citigroup combined!

Remember: JPMorgan Chase & Co. holds $91.3 trillion in derivatives ”” a notional value that’s 40.6 times its total assets ”” including $9.2 trillion credit default swaps, hands-down the riskiest form of derivatives.

Worse, the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency warns that JPMorgan Chase Bank is also exposed to extremely large credit risk with its derivatives trading partners: For each dollar of capital, the bank has credit exposure of $4.00 ”” nearly twice the average exposure of Bank of America and Citibank.

What this article fails to mention is that yes JP has exposure but they will probably profit from bankruptcy of its trading partners (CDS).

Regardless, why the "last standing" bank in US is allowed to have a credit and derivatives exposure to the tune of almost ten times the US national GDP, remains a glaringly unanswered question.

What I find amazing is that chumps like Moody's, which have an enormous responsibility to bear for this mess by rating sub-prime crap as investment grade, is now holding a gun to corporate America's head and is facilitating the collapse of the DJIA. Unbelievable.

If GE and GM go, we are rooted! Make no mistake about it.
If GE and GM go, we are rooted! Make no mistake about it.

And JP Morgan will stand to benefit to the tune of 10s of trillions of dollars created from thin air and the misery of others which they helped create: as they are the CDS holders.

An even bigger coup than when JP Morgan himself stood in the NYSE in 1929 as the "last remaining buyer" buying up everything in sight for pennies.
Where do you draw the line?

Like silly children these companies played with fire. Now they want mum and dad to get them to the doctor and clean up the mess.

If Corporate USA want to play games they should fall. They didn't enter into Capitalism blind, they went in Greedy as Hell. Those human weeds should be stripped of all their assets and thrown in the gutter. That's where you should find some funding.

Not just taking themselves down but the rest of the globe.

They will do anything to be "the greatest country on earth". So passe.


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