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Imminent and severe market correction

With the swath of bad news hovering over LEH, I don't think it will survive over the weekend. Another historic baleout or shotgun marriage on the cards, curtousey of FR and US treasurery. Well for typical shorters this market must be a bull market...

I donot hold LEH, nor do I have any capacity to short any stock. I am just a silent observor.
August 5th XAO close 4882
September 11th XAO close 4871.5
Whiskers is buying!:alcohol:

Don't tell me he's still calling bottoms!? Will he never learn?

An average bear market runs 14 months, so we've still got months to go. And fireworks in October -- I can hardly wait!

So the real question is: how many times will Whiskers call the bottom before the real bottom?
And youe been calling October as fireworks for ages too. You shouldnt really be throwing pies until your great prediction comes to fruition either. Good luck.
5/1 on a "shot-gun" marriage that might be arranged between Goldman and Lemmings ..


I'm balancing the book... down to 2/1 now...
rumors surrounding a major US investment bank purchase of Lehman are gaining traction with the stock now looking to trade back above $5. this same investment bank has been buying a huge amount of carry positions in anticipation of a renewed risk appetite in the markets. Insiders... outsiders... darksiders... read atween the lines and get set accordingly ... and hay... another weekend ann to save the US of A... shotgun or emergency cut??? mmm.. I'm set..

Some people dont think all this hay bailing is a good thing.

Bailouts Will Push US into Depression: Manager

The end result of the global economic slowdown may be the U.S. announcing national bankruptcy as the government cannot afford the bailouts that it promised and the market will not bail out the government, Martin Hennecke, senior manager of private clients at Tyche, told CNBC on Thursday.

"We expect a depression in the United States. We expect a depression, very possibly, also in Europe," Hennecke said on "Worldwide Exchange."

Only a CNBC story though....

Cramer has called a bottom remember, so weŕe all safe.
Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

All present economic plans and super spin strategies are focused on surviving 130 days 11 hours 36 minutes 53.4 seconds

Next president faces swelling U.S. debt
By Gail Russell ChaddockThu Sep 11, 4:00 AM ET

I think the hours need some updating but its near enough.

One of the main causes for the great depression was the government interferring and trying to do the right thing. All they did was make the liquidation process become drawn out. The idiots that are bailing out these banks are sending us down the same road.
The idiots that are bailing out these banks are sending us down the same road.
Which is rather ironic given that Bernanke is supposed to be an expert on the causes of the great depression. You'd think he'd know.

Bailouts are almost as American as gun ownership. Moral hazard is not part of the American vocabulary.

With the exception of Paul Volcker, the 'solution' has always been to inflate your way out of an economic crisis.

I like this picture, for it saves me writing a thousand words, and the colours are nice of course. A monthly chart, the trend is your freind, or go with the flow, don't paddle against the tide.......

BTW, the much forecast second half economic recovery is going great? Just need to drop some more dollars from the copter to get the peoples spending again


  • sp500 monthly.gif
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Not much i can add but perhaps the thread should be renamed as i think the word Imminent needs to be - The current severe market correction
Regarding the Lehman Brothers rescue-
The Washington Post quotes that,"The government is looking for an agreement that would not involve public money."
Why wouldn't the 'would be rescuer/s'expect and seek the same deal as the Bear Stearns takeover where the taxpayer guaranteed $29 billion of shoddy paper?
What happens on Monday if the deal is not done by Sunday?
Can I have Kronenburg?

I've always liked my Heineken.

Lets see... 1, 2... ok, dhukka I'll have the 3rd. I like Heineken or any of the double hopped beer.

Ha ha ha ha ha... there's a sucker and lurker in every crowd.
14. wink at, to ignore deliberately, as to avoid the necessity of taking action

Another LURKER bites the dust.

Did you say you had an education dhukka... you know read plain english and basic contract law, stuff like that.

Where does it say I made an offer to you. I didn't. I made one to davo8 but he buckled under the pressure of the moment and declined.

In a nutshell... I humoured ya along... caught ya in a BEAR trap.

But on the other hand you have made a clear open offer to the first three comers.

Humm... "Whiskers is buying!" eh... I wonder what that's worth for fraud or somethin. ha ha.



  • Dhukka wink.JPG
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Hook, line and sinker:
the Fed and Treasury Department have been working with Leemming to help resolve the bank"s troubles, including talking to potential buyers, but that Fed officials "currently aren"t expected to structure a bailout along the lines of the Bear Stearns transaction or this past weekend"s rescue of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac." AIG, too, is weighing on stocks, with their 5-year CDS trading at around 850 bps, up a stunning 400 bps on the week.

Bank of America, JC Flowers and China Investment Co are considering a possible joint bid for Leemming Brothers. Barclays is also interested in Lemmings.

confirmation from Treasury that Lemmings will have to be taken over, if possible, without direct US Govt funding beyond currently established lending facilities.

China Inc buyout of the Fed may be imminent.


Maybe give them 10 more years in a JV with Russia.
China Inc buyout of the Fed may be imminent.


Maybe give them 10 more years in a JV with Russia.


Или возможно мы должны выучить русского.

Возможно оба.

Или если Сара Palin будет президентом, то, несколько из нас налево закончатся вверх с картинами подземелья снова.
واقعيّا يفكّر المريض من المتشائم نحن كلّ سنكون يتكلّم عرضيّة ومعيشة تحت [شريا] في [ا فو] سنون.

[أه], إختبار إختبار.​
LOL Wayne,

Dont have a translater in this internet cafe on Copocabana Beach. Speaking of which, it is late afternoon in Rio and I must be on the sand to watch the sun go down.

Is this related to a market correction?

Bloody hell, looking forward to a bottom, my Reals are burning holes in my pockets...

A caipiriha is in order....

Or 2....

Just a discussion of which language we'll all be speaking in a decade or two.
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