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I'm doing both. I see huge potential for long term holders down the road with this stock and plenty in the short term as well.

Here is an interesting article reporting a very high success rate in using the same process as Cvac against some forms of brain cancer.

The science is proving this therapy works across a range of different cancers and PRR is at the forefront of ovarian cancer treatment. This is not some airy fairy men in white coats dream PRR is a global leader in an emerging medical treatment of humanitys biggest killer.

In a few years time in all likelihood dendritic cell therapy will become the treatment of choice for cancer patients across the western world, just as we all know "chemo" is now.
In fact "chemo" and radiation therapies are really slash and burn medicine compared to dendritic cell therapy which actively trains your own bodys white blood cells to work with your immune system to target malignant cells. Anything that makes your hair completely fall out can't be all that good for you, it's like putting out the fire with gasoline.

This is the medicine of the future a pathway to improved survival rates for thousands of people and a step towards eventually beating the scourge of cancer in our society forever.

I watched my mother wither away and die from cancer a few years ago and if investing in the future of PRR means in a few years time someone else doesn't have to go through that awful process I'll consider it a good long term investment.
totally agree with you Slipperz
Having a lot of friends doing med (and myself being a science inclined person), I believe that PRR's research has the potential, maybe it will even reach the level of dendreon one day
Well I haven't tapped my account for a while and for an optimistic punt I put a sell order in this morning @41 cents pre market and went to work. Pleasantly surprised to find it filled when I got home hehe ...

Well done - It's been a great week !

Aside from my spec investment, I bought a parcel last friday to trade. Perhaps I'm greedy but PRR appears to have some serious legs. I expect next week to be huge.
Well done - It's been a great week !

Aside from my spec investment, I bought a parcel last friday to trade. Perhaps I'm greedy but PRR appears to have some serious legs. I expect next week to be huge.

Any thoughts if this sustained rise can be maintained, or is this a pump and dump?
Any thoughts if this sustained rise can be maintained, or is this a pump and dump?

I tend to think this week will be big then it will keep rising at a ,albeit, slower rate.

The 8th March investor update was extremely positive, the arrangement with Springtree and the imminent NASDAQ listing tends to make short term and long term prospects look very bright.
What do you guys think the proposed cut to medical funding may have on PRR and in general biotech shares?

I bought at .146 in October, seen a good increase since then. Wondering how long to hold on to it though.
Excerpt from Small-Cap Investigator (Port Phillip Publishing) explaining how PRR share price on Nasdaq listing will work:


Would a takeover be a bad thing for the sp? I would have thought it woukd skyrocket
Would a takeover be a bad thing for the sp? I would have thought it woukd skyrocket

Depends on your investment strategy I suppose.

Seems to me that Cvac is very likely to have no issues with proving efficacy, has few side effects and once approved by the FDA and Europeans will be a huge commercial success.

And there are other products in the pipeline aka oral gardasil and cripto-1 not to mention perhaps Cvac being effective against other cancers such as breast cancer.

I would rather be holding my bag of PRR in 2015 and looking back at those riduculously cheap prices in 2011 and scooping up my dividends and laughing all the way to the bank than giving them away for a bargain price to some corporate raider! :bigun2::bigun2::bigun2::bigun2:
Couldn't agree more. And I'd prefer any profits from sales to be fed back into an Australian company for further research, rather than overseas. Keeping this thing Australian owned (and successful) could also encourage more funding for other cancer research projects - Peter Mac for example in Melbourne is always looking for donations.
We are now receiving coverage from Proactive newsroom which should be putting us on a few US radars.

Good reading in that powerpoint presentation, it has all the relevant timelines for the suite of products we are bringing to market, including the start of the breast cancer study with Cvac in Q4 2011.

Just reaffirms my belief that PRR has the potential to become a multi multi billion dollar company!
i'm going to buy tomorrow. i believe under 40c is good for these shares... so much potential!

what are peoples predictions for this stock?
i'm going to buy tomorrow. i believe under 40c is good for these shares... so much potential!

what are peoples predictions for this stock?

Dear Huggy

welcome to the thread.
Please note under ASF conduct, the posters are not allowed to predict prices.

Good luck with PRR
Has been getting quite a bit of coverage of late, there were a few good articles last week on Dendreon's provenge sales which mentioned PRR.
Comprehensive analyst report from Southern Cross Equities has been posted on the company website. Makes for great reading.

Now running the ruler over the revised 4D with no accounting background whatsoever here's my take on things.

According to Note 2 of the restatement of accounts "The Company has restated its accounts for the periods ended 31 December 2009, 30 June 2010, and 31
December 2010 in connection with the treatment of the SpringTree loan facility. A remeasurement of the fair
value of shares and options issued to repay the loan, commitment options and collateral shares issued have
been expensed over the period of the facility as finance expenses. In addition, loan transactions costs have
been amortised over the period of the facility"

So looking at the numbers ....the cost of obtaining finance from Springtree was considerably underreported to the tune of $5,403,503 to EFY2010 and a further $1,984,500 to half year ended Dec 2010.

So it's really good news and bad news in one statement. The bad news being we lost a lot more than actually reported due to finance costs associated with Springtree being higher, while the good news is we are no longer saddled with this expense going forward. Although as SCE has pointed out a cap raising to see us through phaseIII trials is nigh, presumably a cornerstone investor (if not many)is/are waiting in the wings on the Nasdaq with Dendreon firmly in mind.

I wonder if this is the result of the SEC analysing our books with a view to Nasdaq listing or three months work by Ian Bangs our new CFO getting up to speed?

Any accountants perspectives on this post are welcomed as I am only a weekend warrior here and happy to be proved wrong! ( but like to be right!
Trading Halt....
Could this be the long awaited NASDAQ announcement? pretty poor timing if it is with the markets as they are

nope - looks like it will be capital raising/ spp
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