Re: Ideas for establishing a capital base to begin investing - getting past first bas
Since retiring, I've had time to reflect ------
Does having a Uni Degree restrict your entrepeneurial opportunities and making real money?
i.e. having a degree, and the time,effort and study involved in obtaining it, more or less sets your destiny.
Having good qualifications along with experience more or less guarantees you an above average income.
However, it also sets tram lines within which we operate.
Would you have the foresight to give up your well paid job to take on say Techs mowing round? - you would have to be street smart to take that on.
Probably 99% of professional people will never make real money.
As I said earlier, I have always earned "good" money - but was always restricted to top dollar due to the going rate for the job xxx$/time
Also we have had a good life style and I did not care too much about saving for a rainy day as I knew I could always make more.
When I was working, I did a bit of trading on the side.
Pity I did not make trading my main source of income and retire to some exotic location and pass my time of day hitting the buy/sell buttons
Its not that hard to take money consistently from the market - its keeping it thats the problem
Trade what you see - not what you want!!
We still have a comfortable lifestyle and if I had my time again, I would still live life to the max. and spend as we go
I would never have been super rich - whats the point?
I earned more than my parents, and my kids from what I see are earning at least as much as I did - thats life!

Since retiring, I've had time to reflect ------
Does having a Uni Degree restrict your entrepeneurial opportunities and making real money?
i.e. having a degree, and the time,effort and study involved in obtaining it, more or less sets your destiny.
Having good qualifications along with experience more or less guarantees you an above average income.
However, it also sets tram lines within which we operate.
Would you have the foresight to give up your well paid job to take on say Techs mowing round? - you would have to be street smart to take that on.
Probably 99% of professional people will never make real money.
As I said earlier, I have always earned "good" money - but was always restricted to top dollar due to the going rate for the job xxx$/time
Also we have had a good life style and I did not care too much about saving for a rainy day as I knew I could always make more.
When I was working, I did a bit of trading on the side.
Pity I did not make trading my main source of income and retire to some exotic location and pass my time of day hitting the buy/sell buttons
Its not that hard to take money consistently from the market - its keeping it thats the problem
Trade what you see - not what you want!!
We still have a comfortable lifestyle and if I had my time again, I would still live life to the max. and spend as we go
I would never have been super rich - whats the point?
I earned more than my parents, and my kids from what I see are earning at least as much as I did - thats life!