Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ID8 - identitii Limited

ID8 uses blockchain and tokenization to secure transactions between financial entities such as banks and credit card companies.

Its technology is patented in the USA.

ID8 claims that JPMorgan Chase and Co. infringed this patent and the claim is presently started in Delaware.

It should be interesting.

It is my pick in the Sept. 24 Stock Competition.

I am last in the Sept 24 Competition with this yapper.

It is down 23% this month. I don't have any money on it thankfully.

My guess is that either JPMorgan Chase and Co. are throwing the kitchen sink at ID8's patent alleged infringement or the claim will go nowhere.

I am last in the Sept 24 Competition with this yapper.

It is down 23% this month. I don't have any money on it thankfully.

My guess is that either JPMorgan Chase and Co. are throwing the kitchen sink at ID8's patent alleged infringement or the claim will go nowhere.

ID8 continue to promote their software without attracting many sales, while it raises capital and pursues JP Morgan Chase for copyright infringement. I became interested in this company some years ago as it promised much but the world has moved on and AI will probably deliver more improvements to reporting and tracking sensitive data than ID8 will. A good concept but delays in getting customers will make it increasingly difficult for it to make a profit.

About ID8

About Identitii . Identitii’s mission is to seamlessly connect the world’s payment data. Current data sharing methods are manual and unstructured, exposing organisations to inefficiencies and elevated risk. Our platform is being used by more than 200 teams across the world, tos tructure and automate information sharing, improving the security and control of sensitive data as it moves within and between payments organisations. We fundamentally believe that the future of digital commerce will be enabled by greater access to, and sharing of, payments data within and across the boundaries of geography, residency and technology.For more information visit:


ID8 is now off my AKM list.

ID8 went in to a trading halt this morning.

Rumour has it that they are going in to a JV with PEN to farm Atlantic Salmon off the coast of PNG. JUST JOKING. :)

Nobody knows why but I'd imagine a consolidation or CR. They last traded 1.9c.

This dog went up 23% today. Something to do with the patent case they are taking against JPM in Noo Yawk.

Good on them.
