Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Ian Thorpe

26 March 2014
Now that Thorpedo has come out of the closet, it seems a good time to ask whether our treatment and adulation over his success would have been muted if we knew he was gay at the time. Ian himself obvious thought that would be the case.

I think there is a preference for "real men" and "real women" as our sporting heroes, people who we can hold up as representing the majority of the population and the lifestyle most of us enjoy.

Sad as it is, I think Ian was right to supress his sexuality while he was competing. He has already rewritten the record books with his performances and now he is out of the limelight it was time to set up the record on his personal life.
Just have to look at the reaction in the USA to Michael Sam and his kiss with his BF on being drafted by the St Louis Rams.

Personally I'm looking forward to a future where it's not front page news when someone famous says they're gay. That should indicate that society has moved on from tolerance to pretty much complete acceptance, because it's no longer an "issue". It's just the way it is.
Now that Thorpedo has come out of the closet, it seems a good time to ask whether our treatment and adulation over his success would have been muted if we knew he was gay at the time. Ian himself obvious thought that would be the case.

I think there is a preference for "real men" and "real women" as our sporting heroes, people who we can hold up as representing the majority of the population and the lifestyle most of us enjoy.

Sad as it is, I think Ian was right to supress his sexuality while he was competing. He has already rewritten the record books with his performances and now he is out of the limelight it was time to set up the record on his personal life.

Well I can't speak for others but speaking for myself, no it would have made no difference. I feel for him though as it has obviously caused him a lot of angst over the years. Big hugs to Thorpie :)
It's all too damn serious.

For Simpsons Fans

Mr. Burns: So, Smithers, what are you doing this weekend. Something gay, I expect?
Smithers: What?
Mr. Burns: You know, light and fancy free. Mothers, lock up your daughters. Smithers is on the town.
Smithers: Oh. Of course.

1. As if we all didn't know.

2. Why is this any of our business?

3. Why is this front page news?

1. As if we all didn't know.

2. Why is this any of our business?

3. Why is this front page news?

1. A lot of people had suspicions, but only he and his intimates would know for sure

2. Ian Thorpe decided to make it our business by going on national tv.

3. Because the interview was with Michael Parkinson.
It's probably easy to be "open and generous" about Ian Thorpe being gay in 2014.

How would we have reacted if he came out as a 17 year old Australian swimming star ? I suppose the relevant question is "How should we treat other sporting identities as they develop their careers ?" :2twocents

1. As if we all didn't know.

2. Why is this any of our business?

3. Why is this front page news?

It was probably one of the most boring interviews Parkinson ever did. Even Parkinson couldn't elicit anything intelligent, interesting or witty out of Thorpe. For that go back 40 years for his interview with Orson Welles.

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It's probably easy to be "open and generous" about Ian Thorpe being gay in 2014.

How would we have reacted if he came out as a 17 year old Australian swimming star ? I suppose the relevant question is "How should we treat other sporting identities as they develop their careers ?" :2twocents

We all knew Matthew Mitcham was gay when he was competing and I don't think it made any difference. As it happens, I didn't know Kawolski was gay anyway. Seriously the care factor over people's sexual preferences is nil for the majority of people I think.
It was probably one of the most boring interviews Parkinson ever did. Even Parkinson couldn't elicit anything intelligent, interesting or witty out of Thorpe. For that go back 40 years for his interview with Orson Welles.

Orson Welles. Larger than life , not many around like him these days.

America's Clive Palmer

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I'd like to see Parky get Tom Cruise to come out of the closet. Tom says he never will.

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Personally I'm looking forward to a future where it's not front page news when someone famous says they're gay. That should indicate that society has moved on from tolerance to pretty much complete acceptance, because it's no longer an "issue". It's just the way it is.

Agreed but I'm looking forward when it's not even anyone else's business either. Why should a gay person have to declare their sexuality anyway? Can't wait for the day there is no closet and no hiding is needed.
We all knew Matthew Mitcham was gay when he was competing and I don't think it made any difference. As it happens, I didn't know Kawolski was gay anyway. Seriously the care factor over people's sexual preferences is nil for the majority of people I think.

Agreed but I'm looking forward when it's not even anyone else's business either. Why should a gay person have to declare their sexuality anyway? Can't wait for the day there is no closet and no hiding is needed.

Could not agree what a massive yawn. I would like to see the same reaction as "i would like to announce I'm straight" gasp!!!!
Why should a gay person have to declare their sexuality anyway? .

Beats me, but I guess 400,000 bucks is a big incentive. How much it is worth depends on your notoriety and how long you have been in denial. It's strange however, because every man and his dog knew Thorpie was gay. You would think that would reduce the value of his "confession". I think it was just a Channel Ten stunt to promote his role as their lead commentator in the Commonwealth Games.
It's news because the man is one of our sporting legends, comes across as a hell of a nice guy, and there has been speculation in the past.

Like others, I look forward to the day this doesn't make the news. The day when we (as a society) are more interested in peoples achievements and if they come across as "nice" or not. Thorpedo seems a likeable kind of chap to me, and the most of us. Always has.

While a lot of people are saying, "Who cares?" or, "We knew" - the fact of the matter is, people do care, and no we didn't know unless we personally know the guy.
In the '90's when Thorpy was kicking goals and breaking records as a kid. Whether or not he "knew" he was gay back then who knows? One thing for sure the sponsors back then *may* have "advised" him not to "come out just yet." Who knows.

We all realise he has had a rough few years, lets hope this helps the great man and he can go on to help other swimmers, commentate and do whatever makes him happy.
I believe from all reports, Ian Thorpe kept his secret close to his chest because of ongoing sponsorship.

I understand sponsors do support gay athletes.
1. A lot of people had suspicions, but only he and his intimates would know for sure

2. Ian Thorpe decided to make it our business by going on national tv.

3. Because the interview was with Michael Parkinson.

The questions were rhetorical Horace