Thanks again for all your praise everyone. I'm very humbled.
In my opinion there are three reasons for the success (and the quality) of ASF.
1. From the very beginning when this forum was a dozen or so people chatting amongst themselves my primary focus was always on creating and nurturing a positive and helpful community. Since then it has gotten quite large (you may have noticed
) However, the health of the ASF community is still my primary focus, and always will be. The other forums can have the rampers and the troublemakers. I don't want them here.
2. The mods. I don't thank them enough, but they know how much I appreciate them. I simply couldn't run the site without them. These generous individuals give their time selflessly, on a volunteer basis, while they are at work, trading, or otherwise trying to earn a living. They do it because they want ASF to remain a quality forum. For that they will always have both my respect and full support. I hope you will give them your support as well!
3. All of ASF's great contributors!
By the way, there are some changes in the wings for ASF this year. The site is finally getting a much needed facelift... but more on that later!