This is why people don't like speaking in harsh tones about minority groups. They get branded as racist for saying what is clearly truthful. It is fine to speak your mind so long as you aren't ignorant to the clear and present facts.
You have just proven her correct by being ignorant to the fact that no-one minds if you vilify the top dog, but, as soon as you speak harshly about a minority harshly but truthfully- look out.
And anyways- do you really think youre more Australian if you choose to come here than if you were born here? Just imagine if I told the Aboriginies that I was more Australian than them because my ancestors chose to come here and theirs were just here already. Pauline Hanson never said anything remotely that stupid (don't get me wrong; shes still an ignoramous) and look at all the crap she copped.
Muslims are fine. Our cultural diversity is great. But this kind of anti-aussie rhetoric has to be stamped out! If all who disagree turned off their victim radar for a minute they would realise this too.