Kyrgios must only have half a brain if he thinks that sort of sledge can be audibly recorded,
it was risky even saying it at amateur footy or cricket
for a start, one ran the risk of having ones head punched in, I can imagine the lockeroom would be a tense atmoshphere for him atm. He better be up to it, as his opponents will heap the mental pressure on him.
In addition, he is clearly bringing the sport into disrepute, on several ocassions.
I expect he will be meted out severe punishment by the International officials if he continues.
He was fortunate to not be disqualified at Wimbledon
Anectdotally I have been told he was an absolute idiot and mental case as a junior player, to the astonishment and disgust of his peers. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder
I dont think it was wise for Dawn to mention race, hence her unconditional apology (no doubt strongly advised by management of her commercial interests)