Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

How would YOU invest $1 Million?

Buy a $300,000 house in some other city and rent it out. Use the rent to pay for a $250/week room in sydney + train/bus ticket to university.

Put $300,000 in blue chips, tilted towards resources.
The remaining $300,000 I'd buy some aussie government bonds.

Pay off my hecs debt with $45,000
Put $45,000 in my day trading account. Income generated from this will go into more blue chips.

Go on a shopping spree with my remaining $10,000. I'll probably go home with $9,995 after only buying an ice cream, though. I might also boast I suddenly got an extra $10,000 to appear more attractive to the ladies. That might lead to buying dinners and such.
The results are typical. Most go straight for spending the money on themselves or using the money to trade shares, buy toys, live off etc.

The word invest must be a blind spot or is non-comprehende. Maybe the thought of $1 mil. sends people crazy. Who knows and who cares really.
$250k on speccy stock that I've been backing for years / have a identified large resource (SDL, LNC etc) Probably divided over 4 stocks.

$50k on CBA

$50K on MQG

$100K on RIO

$100k on BHP

$350k on a decent size house with a big garage, not too close to the city, but not too far away. (somewhere like Adelaide Hills)

$60k on a immaculate totally original Mustang...and it would be a investment.

$40k for day trading.
PM me if you want to learn about my book.

Just thought I should update, It appears no one wants to learn about my book!! Whats wrong? is the house made out of gold a bad idea? Assuming a house weight of 25tons, you would have made $17,637,000 by now!

Thats a 1763% gain over 4 days Thats 160,469% p.a.! That number is so big I had to use a comma to separate the numbers.

And for all those visual learners out there. Here is a graph illustrating just how good my ideas really are.


  • whomademore.jpg
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1 Million doesnt go very far these days?

I think i would invest in artworks.

If not artworks then i would invest in property,

Gold, and energy.
The results are typical. Most go straight for spending the money on themselves or using the money to trade shares, buy toys, live off etc.

I guess I'm boring then. I'd likely hit the road immediately and trade while I travel.

ChilliBlue said:
Easist money ever made.

You may want to wait until you have heard his demands.
Throw it on something incredibly risky likeeee XJOXOQ (4825 Barrier Puts)
Maybe walk away with a 5 bagger or nothing at all

aside from having the home paid off which cost $1m anywhere near sydney city and leaves be with jack all..

$1m of CTP Options ..
Why have so many of the people here gone for a major portion into a RIO/BHP combo... does everyone seem to think that the mining boom will start up again or have they simply forgotten the events that happened just over a year ago :eek:
Why have so many of the people here gone for a major portion into a RIO/BHP combo... does everyone seem to think that the mining boom will start up again or have they simply forgotten the events that happened just over a year ago :eek:
Interesting question and valid points but really, the :eek: (eek7) smiley was uncalled for. :(
>10 years later.

Bearing in mind the cautions in the OP re advice etc, what are people's thoughts in 2021?
$250k on speccy stock that I've been backing for years / have a identified large resource (SDL, LNC etc) Probably divided over 4 stocks.
All delisted so say Down $250K
$50k on CBA
Now $200K
$50K on MQG
Now worth $350K
$100K on RIO

Now $297000
$100k on BHP

Now $173K
$350k on a decent size house with a big garage, not too close to the city, but not too far away. (somewhere like Adelaide Hills)

Now 500K
$60k on a immaculate totally original Mustang...and it would be a investment.
Say $100K
$40k for day trading.

Say $40K

Total $1,660,000
