Everyone will have different objectives and priority’s when it comes to SMSF, if you need a lot of flexibility to frequently switch your funds as you hunt the current best cash rates or deal then esuperfund and those similar are maybe not for you, if like me you want to establish a long term portfolio of ETF,s and LIC,s and hold little cash then esuperfund is the perfect fit.
Something though for me to bear in mind as I get closer to my retirement (10 to 15 years), I will want to be more conservative by then, so another 8 or 9 years and as I switch to less risky investments and cash then maybe more beneficial to move to a good accountant.
Currently im happy to hold the cash allocation in slightly higher risk vehicle like AYF which invests in hybrid securities, has a yield of 6.4% plus some franking on what I paid for it ($6-30) plus has added a little capital growth through its increased price(now $6-50) and I have about 8% of my super invested in it, only 2% is cash in the ANZ account.
Took the view that growth assets need more time, so used most of my rolled in AMP super to establish a portfolio of ETF,s across Australian/international shares and a smaller allocations into Bond and property ETF,s, employer contributions and salary sacrifice go straight into a low cost managed Vanguard multisector ETF fund that’s 50/50 shares and fixed interest, so eventually this will be my largest holding.
Good luck with whatever your view and strategy is