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How to retire early... or simply survive

Bill has made super, the most shakey investment ever, put your money in now, and maybe you will get it back later. FFS absolute dick
I'd lost confidence in it long before Bill was on the scene.

Far too many changes to something that if done correctly shouldn't require ongoing tinkering at all.

Sorry can't respond to that rant. lol
Get your facts straight, then post something that can be responded to.
Look back through my posts, then google them, then correlate the facts.
That would be a good start, rather than writing a novel, of how you think the world is, or was.
I suggest you take your own advice when it comes to getting facts straight. And that won't happen by going through your posts. I'm fairly confident of my view of the world, simply because it isn't distorted by prejudiced disdain for the contrary opinions of others

Well I guess that's up to the other members to decide.
Well I guess that's up to the other members to decide.
Sure is.

Meanwhile Sunday workers will get another cut to their penalty rates after next week which is opposed by all sides of parliament except the Govt that lobbied for it. Gotta love that empathy
Sure is.

Meanwhile Sunday workers will get another cut to their penalty rates after next week which is opposed by all sides of parliament except the Govt that lobbied for it. Gotta love that empathy
I worked shift work all my working life, did you worry about me?
I worked Saturdays, Sundays, Public holidays, had to roster our holidays, so if two people wanted the school holidays off they couldn't have it two years in a row.
Wow, did that really happen, oh no, I can't believe it.
Grow a pair and get over it, like I said don't ask my opinion, you won't like it.
It isn't fairy floss and hundreds and thousands.
We were always on an annualised salary.
All workers in the mines get paid the same, whether it is a flucking weekend, public holiday or ramadan. No one,other than office workers in the City, give a $hit.
You Chardonnay socialists, really need a dose of the real world, that pays your bills. lol
Chardonnay socialists? And you're whinging about Telstra and dividends and pensions?

What a hilarious comment. Grow a pair yourself.

And what exactly are you offering for me to want to worry about you anyways?

Who cares what a salary earners gets? It's irrelevant.

I too have to roster my holidays. And I've worked Saturdays and Sundays for around 40 years. And most of that was without penalty rates. Some of it was for no money at all because I was running my own business.

So don't talk to me about socialism when it has zip to do with what I'm talking about.

I don't give a rats backside what workers in the mines get. But you can bet your brass balls to a monkey they earn a hell of a lot more than retail workers. And it's retail workers that are getting attacked.

Oh, yeah. No one other than office workers give a $hit? Wrong.

Almost every poll that's been done shows overwhelming support for penalty rates. DYOR.
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They may earn a lot more than a retail worker, but they work 60 hrs a week and work five weeks of night and days, then get one week off, flying in their time.
Maybe some of the retail workers should try it.

Retail workers, who work more than 37.5 hours a week, probably still get penalty rates if they work the weekend.
You will probably find that the penalty rates, are only being cut on those workers, who only work the weekends.
But you're probably not interested in that, it wouldn't suit your argument.
It's a pity you didn't read the original comment.

"Sunday workers will get another cut to their penalty rates"

It has nothing to do with overtime or any other shift or roster.

It has nothing to do with miners or whatever EBA they've negotiated. Do they work Christmas day, Boxing day and Easter too? Don't bother answering that, because like I said, it's irrelevant.

So now you reduce the post to dribble.
Like I said earlier, don't post to me, if you don't want an honest answer.
Find a poster, that is sympathetic to your dribble.
So now you reduce the post to dribble.
Like I said earlier, don't post to me, if you don't want an honest answer.
Find a poster, that is sympathetic to your dribble.
Since when did I ask for your sympathy? The decision doesn't affect me personally.
You said earlier, don't post to you. So why are you still at it? It's obvious you've lost interest in the topic and now it's just girl sheets and giggles. Did you want me to help you irrigate the mines with all the denial dribble from your keyboard or something?

Is this really what trolls are like, jeezus is there any wonder they drive people mad. Lol
Is this really what trolls are like, jeezus is there any wonder they drive people mad. Lol

Pity this discussion has descended into petty vindictiveness, it was going well for a while.

The purpose of the cuts to penalty rates was to create more employment. Has it worked ? No one has released any data to back that up as far as I can see.
Is this really what trolls are like, jeezus is there any wonder they drive people mad. Lol
There, see ?

We could've had a reasonably intelligent discussion about working life, incomes, and how some people can retire with a modest sum of money. That's the conversation I was trying to start with the penalty rates. But in disagreeing with my opinion you attempted to regain credibility by throwing pointless insults around. That's exactly what trolls do and it says far more about yourself than me or anyone else. Predictably boring.

Cutting penalty rates won't increase employment IMO. Just increases profits.
They were abolished completely from the IR laws under workchoices and it did nothing for employment and this latest cut will achieve even less than that.

Hey @SirRumpole 10,000 posts. Well done mate
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There you go, Rumpy throws you a life Bouy and you're up there like a rat up a drain pipe.
Time for bed, I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Meanwhile get your facts straight, Rumpy has just put up a argument that will prove itself, many businesses don't open due to penalty rates.
When the stats come in, I bet it will show an increase in employment.
Jumping on his lifeline just shows the shallowness of your argument.
So getting it back on topic is running up a drain pipe? What kind of idiotic comment is that?
I was just happy to talk to someone decent for a change.

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya

Your a bit out of touch on mining rosters mate
This topic has certainly moved a bit since I kicked it off.
I opened the discussed on two different stories which explored how a frugal living style enabled some people to retire early and others ... just to survive.
I think there is a good discussio around how much money do we need to live well . The irony of a wealthy lifestyle is that in many cases the extra spending makes people more miserable or unhealthy.

Came across two "similar but different" stories today.

The first was an extract from a book on Living Frugally and how to retire (to an idyllic paradise) at 32.

The second was from a blog site on living frugally - just to stay alive. I wondered what ASF posters would make of the differing slants to the Living Frugally question ?
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