why hasn't material cost dropped??? oh that's right K rudd is subsidising it.
Please explain?
Robots, how much in the dollar tax are you paying given the taxpayer is subsidising your mortgage on you IP?
On another note, equity mate, called the share market?
More fortunes have been made with property than any other investment vehical.
Soft Dough,
Don't get angry, just be patient.
In the past 12 months, pent up demand for property has been released with low interest rates, future demand has been bought forward with the FHBG, it is just about waiting now to see how much demand there will be in the coming years.
Whether interest rates stay the same or increase and/or a change in unemployment the property market is as pumped as possible. Returns are getting smaller and smaller for IP's, the only thing they have left to hang onto is the hope of CG, if these do not materialize more properties will start to come onto the market and increase supply while demand decreases. Hence, your issue with materials will also be affected.
But you must also consider that whether we like it or not there will always be an underlying demand due to our increasing population from immigration.
I do believe that over a long period of time property will always increase, it is just a matter of buying smart and holding, but I also believe that at the time being property is as pumped as it can get and eithe we see significant wage growth or stagnation in property over the next five years or a small correction of between 10-20% in the next couple of years. Either way, if you are hell bent on owning the opportunities will become available soon.
The Misses was just, this afternoon, reflecting that our three kids are lucky that they were able to have a good relationship with their great-grandfather.Also many potential grandparents are realising they will not see grandchildren in their lifetime - first time in history for that too.
This will have a huge social impact.
Also many potential grandparents are realising they will not see grandchildren in their lifetime - first time in history for that too.
This will have a huge social impact.
good night everybody, going to bed now, re-energize for life's travels tomorrow
professor robots
1. Shame on women for looking down on other women who do the hardest job in Australia - raising children, and not just throwing them into daycare for 16 year olds to raise.
2. Shame on the government for promoting the "great australian dream" at the expense of family, and artificially engineering house prices so that it takes dual incomes for ordinary families to make mortgage repayments.
3. Shame on extended hours trading and losing the sanctity of weekends and public holidays to satisfy the retail hungry masses.
Perhaps these potential grandparents are of the baby boomer generation? the generation who did not reproduce so that there are not enough taxpayers to fund their demands. I say let them have no grandchildren, they "earned" it.
What rot! Have you looked after your kids for days/weeks on end? I have - I can tell you it not the "hardest" job in Australia. It's maybe the most monotonous and repetitive/thankless job, and sometimes the "funnest", but far form the hardest! In fact just about anyone can (and does) do it!
In the old days the vast majority of women had no choice but stay home and look after the kids. Personally (and my wife, sisters, mother etc all agree), I think it is fantastic that women have the choice today to pursue other career interests, earn real income etc and have children. I can't believe that anyone can be so derisive of women who make this choice.
How has the government engineered this exactly? Are you sure it's just not what people actually want?? (The "great Australian dream that is). You seem to be full of such bitterness around this issue it seems that in reality you have the same desires but are just upset about what it costs? As has been pointed out so many times on this thread, if you really want to live on one income and have your partner stay at home with the kids, (assuming you don't earn enough to do this and live in Mosman) there are loads of cheap houses in all Australia's cities (sub $300k). Or you can choose to rent of course. It's your CHOICE whether you take this path, or instead want to own/live in a better located house etc and thus pay more.
Are you a ultra-religious or something? What's this "sanctity" of the weekend business? I don't know about you, but the weekends are when I do my shopping (retail, hardware, groceries, clothes), it's when I go out to restaurants and so on. I remember what things were like when every shop shut at 5pm and was only open on Sat mornings/Thu nights otherwise, it really sucked! Liberalisation of the labour market and the ability of retail businesses to open at hours when most of their customers can actually go to their shops was 100% a good move that has improved the lifestyle of a majority of people!
Actually the boomers had plenty of kids, it's their ultra-selfish Gen-X and Gen-Y offspring, who spent all their money traveling the world when young, partying, living it up etc, and who now complain that they can't afford a 4 bedroom/2 bathroom house 5km's from Sydney CBD, and so use that as one of many excuses to put off having kids! IMO the baby-boomers were a far more financially responsible and conservative generation than either of Gen-X or Gen-Y - the boomers knew how to defer gratification, and understood that to get ahead in life takes time, compromises/sacrifices, patience, saving, long term planning etc etc. These are the traits large number of the newer generations lack.
PS: I am Gen-X by the way, but learned the financial habits of the BBs from my parents. By following their guidance I have ended up in a far stronger financial position than 95% of all the fellow Gen-Xers I grew up with/know etc.
What rot! Have you looked after your kids for days/weeks on end? I have - I can tell you it not the "hardest" job in Australia.
You've obviously never looked after a few kids Beej , it is the hardest job in the world and a lot of women do just hand them over to 16 year olds and go put their feet up at the office.
Don't pass comment on what you do not know, you are the one speaking rubbish.
You obviously do not have children so shut up until you do.
I've been a full time father while running a business, working is fair easier than rearing children.
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