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House prices to keep rising for years

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yes spot on.

thats right, remembr that one last year, those with debt were going to perish in the flames of hell

hahahaha, and debt got cheaper and cheaper and cheaper

professor robots
How can booming property prices locking many people out of the market be paradise?

Sounds more like selfish bull**** to me and I own several properties, with no debt.

The bot is just trolling Burnsie. Treat with ignore.

its tough accepting the facts, me and other legends didnt disappear when figures didnt go our way

just putting up the results, you dont like it tough, WOW call me a name

the ASF membership would of dropped a 1000 i reckon with the current status of the property market, they have all disappeared from GPHC, Somersoft etc etc etc as well


I don't see anyone with a problem about the facts. It's raining cash. It's going into assets.

No surprise there. The debate is whether it is healthy long term.

Review how you are posting... it's trolling. It's not a name, it's a fact.
geez, some of you are sooo negative.....and so far over the other side of the fence....
there are tonnes of, or plenty of affordable properties anywhere you care to look.....but dont look in Toorak and the best streets or locations in the inner city in any of the capital cities....
Robots....that article is as expected of the media today.....scaremongering...
how about we factor in some other points....
has anyone stopped to consider with all the immigration and enticements to foreign investors...that we would have far more people wanting to invest in housing in Australia, that is far above the normal levels....
its not just the average FHB or mum and dad investor competing with each other....they are competing with big money, sophisticated investors, who actually acknowledge the australian housing market has merits.....specifically the inner city pads of our main cities...

oh and regarding the reference to God, its all about a chrisitan belief and approach to life, it has nothing to do with being greedy, in fact I am all about helping the less fortunate, and I do that on a daily basis in some form or another.....
oh and btw, some of us just came onto these forums to offer some sensible advice, to counteract the numerous 'pigs might fly' scenarios being offered by all and sundry, and some with other than good motives...
versus the doomsday theories of worse than the great depression, house prices crashing, leaving millions of people with negative equity, and then allowing thousands of others to just walk in and take anothers home, at half the they could be heros....and buy at the bottom of the market, in the best locations in town....
they would be the winners at the expense of their fellow neighbours.....who would be kicked out onto the streets, or forced to live with their elderly parents....
hundreds of thousands to become unemployed and lose their family homes, and those statements were made with a certain amount of hand rubbing and glee, at the thought of such unfortunate situations.....for other people....

so my job here has been done ... the truth is, there is nothing at all like the doomsdayers predictions regarding housing and the economy......
and I can rightly just use the 100 year old charts as a reference for the next 30 or more years.....expect some little hiccups on the way....nothing else.....
geez, some of you are sooo negative..


Just pursuing other opportunities.

oh and regarding the reference to God, its all about a chrisitan belief and approach to life, it has nothing to do with being greedy, in fact I am all about helping the less fortunate, and I do that on a daily basis in some form or another.....

Ahhhhh the good Christian.

No one said property prices dont go up eventually, any idiot knows that, as demonstrated in here but there are bubbles are they are corrected, we have one now and the correction will come.
Furthermore booming property prices dont help anyone except the greedy fat bastards who trade in those conditions at the expense of the young.

I've seen it I was a real estate agent for 20 years remember.

Those greedy selfish pigs more often than not go bust then raid mum and dads equity to do it all over again.

I despise them with a passion.

Share trading hurts no one, residential property booms hurt people and those who revell in it are vultures in my opinion.

Instead of sitting on your worthless backside waiting for a boom to make money for you why dont you just work like everyone else.
yeah Wayne....I do not sound a trumpet, its only been mentioned a couple of times, to put my case into the correct context...and only after others accuse me of being greedy or having an alternative reason.....

anyway, why attack the poster...when the forum is for debating the subects and voicing a view on the subject in question ????
yeah burns....are you directing the question to me about work ????

I have worked my butt off for many years.....and now I work part time...because I am semi retired.....ran my own business for many years, worked 16-18 hours a day 7 days a week....and it has nothing to do with houses or real estate....hence the hard work early means I can retire earlier

you have no idea who you are talking just shoot with a barrage of nastiness against anyone who differs with your point of view...

My post was 100% on the money as we can see by your oh so defensive response. I dont give a rats how hard you worked, those who revell in a residential property boom are a-holes in my opinion, it locks the young out or forces them to take crushing mortgages.
I'd be quite happy if my residential properties halved in price tomorrow.
Less rates and the kids would be able to get in.

Those who call it paradise are selfish morons.
you have no idea who you are talking just shoot with a barrage of nastiness against anyone who differs with your point of view...

My barrage was against residential property dealers who revell in residential property booms and forget who's left behind, feeling guilty ? If that hat fits you then it is directed at you.
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