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House prices to keep rising for years

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of course, but working back late tonight....and the dog was watching the TV .....just caught my eye
the dogs loves the TV, if there are animals...specially her bros and sis's and cousins

thanks robots that saves number 379

u got the abs report site too m8 ?

no worries nun, like to keep the ASF forum informed

ABS, never heard of them

hang on, is that the brake and tyre firm?


good evening, looks like I found the ABS site Nun is referring to so i thought i might take this opportunity to post all the links up in one hit,

here they are:


gee whats happened to all the bears tonite fellow ASF members?


gee whats happened to all the bears tonite fellow ASF members?


feelin feisty m8 ?

wanna cook up some bears?

im still waiting for an answer to my other question earlier re lollipops

yes Nun, still sunshine and lollipops all round with the data supporting things are rolling along reasonably well

yes Burnsie, i know its difficult when you get numbers like those out from rpdata and apm when you have been predicting the opposite to occur

oh well, try and keep yourself occupied


gee whats happened to all the bears tonite fellow ASF members?


Bears are hibernating down below and waiting for opportunities.

The bulls are charging up the crest of a precarious hill, and can't see the bears as their heads are looking up into the sky, blissfully unaware of the sharp downward trajectory that their historically super-shortened legs are about to traverse, and it will be interesting watching them run down with their historically super-bloated bellies.
Too many unanswered questions in this thread

Party just kicked off in the other thread however ~ bulls don't like it over there
City yuppies keep shops afloat
so its not just Chapel st thats humming....Melbourne city is buzzing too...vacancies have dropped in the past year from 2.94 to 1.7%
whatever happened to that recession.....??? this is not whats supposed to happen....vacancy rates should be increasing ....not decreasing....
friend just came back from O/S...she said in London and wherever she travelled the restaurants and cafes and fashion shops were full again...same here in she thinks its time to start buying some bargain stocks.......I am not so sure
she has enough props in Melb and Sydney

That's it, the recession is over, an RE agent says vacancies are decreasing, it must be so.

I must have missed something with state and federal governments in huge deficits and unemployment rising and house prices down YOY.

The only way for property is up, up, up from here on in.
satan....actually the RE agent confirms my own opinion.........I hold and am interested in buying more commercial property....only interested in the area around ' my patch' so I have been watching Chapel see if there are any vacancies ...and shops for there are none...and its not the whole of Chapel St I am interested in....that can be a mistake...
not interested in Toorak village shops....but I could be....actually any street with the 4.30 clearway....dooms traders...they may as well close at 4.30
No, anyone who cites Bernanke as a source for future predictions was either born yesterday or has their head firmly entrenched in their rshole.

And all the other supporters on the links provided?

Are they all rsholes as well because they dont subscribe to your view?

I think the pigmen are winning.
And all the other supporters on the links provided?

Are they all rsholes as well because they dont subscribe to your view?

I think the pigmen are winning.

Here is the question you posed;

Heres one from a Dean of the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California

Does that hold more weight than an Associate from a 3rd rate western Sydney uni?

Again the answer is no, anyone who cites Bernanke as a source of credibility of economic conditions needs their head read. In a 2006 speech, after taking over as Fed head, Bernanke praised financial innovation and made particular note of sub prime mortgages as an example. He went on to say that financial innovation made the financial system more robust.

In 2007 he said sub-prime would be contained and the resulting losses would be about $250 billion at most, the IMF now thinks the loses will be $2.7 trillion (not that the IMF has any credibility) Nouriel Roubini says $3.6 trillion.

Bernanke was a co-pilot that helped crashed the plane, yet this ivory tower fool think he's a useful source on how to fly planes.
Here is the question you posed;


And here is the next question I asked (and a statement)
And all the other supporters on the links provided?

Are they all rsholes as well because they dont subscribe to your view?

I think the pigmen are winning.

Yet you fail to answer it and just rabbit on about the 1 out of the 105,000,000 others I linked to.
And here is the next question I asked (and a statement)

Yet you fail to answer it and just rabbit on about the 1 out of the 105,000,000 others I linked to.

I gave you chance and now you've demonstrated you are a moron. I addressed the only question you asked, you didn't like the answer so you posed another and then claim that I failed to comment on it, that is, the question you posed after I answered the only question you asked. If you are mildly retarded I can accept your stupidity, otherwise you're simply a moron.


I addressed the only question you asked
No you haven't, you are a liar, I asked another question, you fail to answer it and go off on a childish rant as bears usually do when made to look silly.

you've demonstrated you are a moron <snip>
If you are mildly retarded I can accept your stupidity, otherwise you're simply a moron.

You sound like that anus/monkey boy/foundation/retarded ape/permanently high fellow from the GHPC circle jerk camp.

He likes calling people retarded as well, especially when proven wrong.

Grow up
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