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House prices to keep rising for years

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great question

yes, Grand Designs is repeats but still good viewing/listening as i am in and out of the latest scientific journals,

i have to keep up with the reading since i was appointed an Associate Professor,


Associate Professor Robots
Hello Permabulls,

I see your preferred investment vehicle continues on its predictable trajectory .....,,25330870-25658,00.html

Sooooo early in the recession as well ......

House prices to keep rising for years

Funny funny stuff, just keeps crackin me up no ends - you will be lucky to get out of this without your Bank being nationalised let alone a road to easy riches ......

Thankyou and may the force be with you all
Hi there Numbercruncher....if you lived up to your would understand only the lower priced props have been selling for the past year....not middle and high of course the median price will now only reflect the lower know how they calculate the median price don't you ?
we prop bulls are much smarter than the average bear.....we are not easily fooled.....
but good luck anyway:sheep:
just thought a little fun is appropriate....

I have a 100 year chart with property prices on the wall....even the dog gets excited and barks when ever we stop and check it dog, she recognises we need patience with investing in that class......
plus she has a vested interest...its her retirement nest egg too....
cheers :sheep:

We all know sales volumes are down, hardly surprising and predicted/expected by many here as the "standard" response by the property market to a stagnant market and recessionary influences. If you consider this properly you will realise that falling volumes of property for sale is one of the factors that puts a pretty solid resistance/floor under prices.

NC I know you like to focus on the negative side of the argument but did you read the following post and article on the previous page??

Here's John Edwards report on the latest stats:

NSW leads the way

Happy days, though we're not out of the woods just yet.


I didn't notice any response from you to that or any other similar article with stats indicting price rises/resilience posted in the last couple of weeks.

All reports so far (RP Data, Residex etc) are indicating median prices in most of AU sans Perth and Brisbane INCREASED in Q1 2009. This will be confirmed by ABS stats in a few weeks. You can deny this all you like but it will not change the facts that are presenting.


Morning are on the ball....thank you for the link each week

I was about to copy parts but see its,,,,

note the number of private sales 928 is more than double the auctions 435
including the value PS 380 million versus Auctions 185 mill
median price of houses 530k, 77% cearance, med price units 427 k and 83% clearance rates...
noted a few sales in excess of 2 mill....
oh well guess we must be on another planet from the rest of the world to be consistently coming up with such good results...
Sydney has lower numbers and of course $$ worth in turnover....just wondering are they taking the houses off the market in sydney....or not putting them up for sale....what about the private sales....???? see Melb has double the number more than auctions
all very interesting

Yeh they will.

In 1967 my father bought a property in Adelaide for $9,800 and that was very expensive for the area and the time.(Blackwood) Last time I saw it sold was 1994 for $650,000.

My old man when I showed him had the same reaction as Nun.


sunshine and lollipops

have a great evening

His only comment was
"If only I knew then what I know now!!

The irony for all those who are in the Nun Tribe is

Its only fear which holds you back and always will.

I really hope one day that Nun's handle changes to

Somehow I doubt that.
tech...your old man may not have worried so much about paying off the interest and capital in those days, if he knew how high it would be down the track............just pay off the interest...leave the will look after itself
might try that with the next little ones I buy...when I find them again
Do some research before making that big tree / sea change

article today about the unhappy people, its a good read, and note they probably cannot afford to buy back into the city...note only 50 took part in the research...

I recall Corowa back in this place was popular for city folk, weekends...with the golf club and Browns Winery
bought a house for my brother...he liked the area....I was stunned when I went down on Sundays... dead as a doornail...only a cafe and bakery opened...think the supermarket closed at 12 on Sat....
but over the years the tree changers arrived...and Corowa has grown up...a bit...population doubled or tripled....
so if I were doing a tree change...I would spend a few weekends there check it out...
I love the no chance of change for me...never ever
New data plots boomers moving to the coast

wow...I like Bernard Salt....not just as a demographer...but he is a charterd accountant...and they are imo a canny intelligent group

so planning where to invest for the next 2 will find some good infor in here...including links to the ABS site...but that one is just read if for yourselves
anyone know where to find auction results that don't show up on that link robots posts?

there was a place i was looking at that was advertised to auction yesterday but didn't show up in the results
anyone know where to find auction results that don't show up on that link robots posts?

there was a place i was looking at that was advertised to auction yesterday but didn't show up in the results
It's a conspiracy

anyone know where to find auction results that don't show up on that link robots posts?

there was a place i was looking at that was advertised to auction yesterday but didn't show up in the results

You can try search for sold properties feature. Most likely though it was withdrawn and the result not reported, so see if it is still listed for sale on Monday.


anyone know where to find auction results that don't show up on that link robots posts?

there was a place i was looking at that was advertised to auction yesterday but didn't show up in the results


can you bang up a link for the property Largesse and I will send of an email to Enzo Raimondo,

he will find out the situation

we need the details of the property

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