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House prices to keep rising for years

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lowest rates in 49yrs, yes thats right man 49yrs

i hope many follow your opinion and do nothing with property, building is still well down and this is fantastic

people who can afford property will buy and if rent out will get a "real"return, no management, no part paid shares just fantastic real yield

next cut will be 0.5% by RBA

These cuts are now only to benefit the banks, whats your credit card interest rate now ? 198% ?

Thats 6 times the official rate and the Govt lets them get away with it

We caught on to your flame game several years ago Bot's so we know you can't be deliberately saying these things.

Bottom line is, any more interest rate cuts will go straight to the bottom line of the banks profits, not to mortgage holders.

If only I could short RE??
I meant 18% of course

Hey, MrBurns. That is the nominal annual rate. An annual rate of 18% is 0.049315% daily - they do charge interest on that basis - so applying the formula

f = ( 1 + i )m - 1

where "f" is the Effective rate and "m" is the number of compounds per year,

18% is actually an effective rate of 18.45% - pundits please correct my calculations should I be wrong!

Adds up in actual coins paid to the bank as you probably can guess.

Since we have no credit card debt, no mortgage or any other debt, on a personal basis I could not give a toss. People can get as deep in debt as they wish provided they are prepared to wear the consequences (although there are such a number of bleatings about (Storm, Westpoint, mortgages, and so on and so forth), it does seem that the sheep don't like the nasty (interest rate/credit crunch) weather or, indeed, the wether. Poor wether.

The banks do not have a lot of choice, they need to finance new lending to keep the debt ball rolling.

Robots, if you were the RBA, would you reduce the short term interest rate to 0% as well as manipulate the long term interest rate to go lower as well? Then mandate laws to the banks that they should pass on the full interest rate cuts or else they get a huge fine or jail time for the CEOs?

Perhaps that would give everyone of us with a mortgage loan of less than 1% and be able to fix it significantly longer too. How wonderful is that!!!!

Oh by the way, in case you are wondering, the Federal Reserve in the US are doing exactly that right now. (except the law for huge fine or jail time for banks' CEOs) Perhaps you should go there and enjoy their 50 years + historic low fixed 30 years mortgage loan rate.


yes and we still be at 49 year low, paradise

i rode the increases and i will ride the decreases as well

building starts are way low and I hope it continue's long into the future, gee havent heard Bot's for a while

brings back memories of that guy who had "St Kilda units -50% 2009" as his sig

if I went to US i would go and pickup a bullet-proof vest first and wear it 24hrs of the day, atrocious country

evening Robots...
it was a bit warm here in Melb today...
all's rosy atm, but obvious the RBA was not listening to the scary stories or the IMF...little by little...month by month
sorry for the pensioners, gee they have to be a bit savvy though....using an internet account for the higher rates....
I have to stay here and play catch up over a bit of work to do
no fun ...
ps realise I am not adding much to the forum, just part of the cheer squad

evening Kincella, fabulous day and the clear blue sky out the window should lead to another superb day tomorrow

chapel st will be pumping, its great mixing it with all the cats on the street

thats right Kincella, month by month, year by year the time rolls on and those on the ride looking good, great long term hassle free investment

melb new suburb in the heart of it all [B

this will be very popular..near Maribyrnong....for those who love the city life...hehehe

7500 jobs, 3000 new homes....guess that will help a bit with our 1500 new people per week coming to Melb.................................................

A new suburb creating 7500 jobs and more than 3000 new homes will be developed on a former defence site in Melbourne.

The federal and Victorian governments are working together to buy the 128-hectare former Department of Defence site in Maribyrnong, in the city's west.
just wondering if some of you may like to just copy your posts on housing over onto the sister

so drum up interest over there...and since you already made the post here its simply just copy it....
I am not intereted in the stock market atm....purely property
I often copy something posted here over there...
that site just needs some help to get going...
building starts are way low and I hope it continue's long into the future, gee havent heard Bot's for a while


A new suburb creating 7500 jobs and more than 3000 new homes will be developed on a former defence site in Melbourne.

AUSTRALIA'S unemployment rate has climbed to 5.7 per cent, with nearly 40,000 workers losing their jobs in March.
Economists had forecast the unemployment rate to rise to 5.5 per cent with more than 30,000 workers cut from the market.
Building starts low........3000 new homes. Maybe you 2 should get your stories to line up while at the spa getting your daily massage by Swedish goddesses feeding you grapes and truffles . There's 40,000 less home buyers gone....

I think you can sell call options on your property... that's one way of shorting RE

EG.The idea is to sell a contract to a speculative buyer, to give him/her the right to buy your property at a certain price, by a certain date.

So if your property is worth $400k and you think the market is gonna go down, you can sell to the potential buyer the right to buy your property off you for $450k, which may expire in say a year (or any date you like) and that contract might cost the buyer around say $20k.

If the property falls in price to say $350k by the contract expiry date, the buyer wouldn't bother buying the property off you, leaving you with the $20k premium for selling the contract.

Of course with all things you short sell, the risk is if the price of underlying asset rises, and you would end up having to sell your property for 450k when the value of it rises to say 500k.
evening Robots, 2 more developments noticed...only due to stuck in traffic...flying too fast with crazy easter drivers to notice much...
both probably 10 units each....
thats about 11 different ones so far....lets see how many I find, when I can have a good look around
its the little ones here and there.....little by little and bit by bit...we all keep moving along....
while the scaredy cats react to the 'bad news press only'....

recall an associate many years ago....he lived in Toorak and just loved super in the old he just kept buying a unit here and there...he had 10 units..all different streets in toorak....all just small nice units...that he could a minimum today thats @ 500.000 or 5 million in assets...
they would be all paid off by now....
he never waited for the bottom of the market etc....just buy another when you can afford it was his attitude
many years ago...when I was about to change my life quite dramatically...which I did...I read the book...'the power of positive thinking' by Norman Vincent Peale.....and I often read parts, highlighted, on a regular basis, to keep my spirits high...I have used it as one of the greatest tools to help inspire others.....

this morning on glancing over highlights...I came across some bits that seemed appropriate to the arguments we have on this thread......

words from the book by - Norman Vincent Peale

attitudes are more important than facts...any fact, however difficult, or seemingly not so important as our attitude to that fact...facts may defeat you before you do anything about it

and this piece....
lack of self confidence, people become content with something less than that of which they are capable....and so they go crawling their way through life...defeated and afraid...

Cheer up Sheepy , there's still time to sell your property investments before the plunge.

Do I detect a hint of concern at the deteriorating economic climate?

"Facts may save you from ignoring common sense" UF

Hmmmm..... those facts you the real unemployment rate 11% or 6%? What should the attitude be then? Ignore facts and buy regardless or play it safe & wait? Sowing the seeds of doubt?

Technically it will never get better than this for property investors, so why then do the stats show they are not buying into this? Any of you bulls bought investment property this year - still no show of hands then?

This will be my last post here, I promise

Hi kincella my take on positive thinking is that the point to doing so is that it is the state of mind where you see opportunity or where your thinking is in a higher state and hence make better judgments.

As a result it may lead to seeing an opportunity to buy or to sell or do nothing

Asking quality questions lead to quality decisions

This is different to being positive that house prices always go up IMHO.
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