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House prices to keep rising for years

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Robots, you are giving me the idea that you may be the local troll!

Very few people would call me a socialist on the basis of putting forward what essentially amounts to fundamental analysis of the residential property market and the broader economy - just because this analysis is currently fairly bearish!

I am also quite amazed how you concluded that I would be unhappy about what I "could have" obtained from the sale of my house had I hang on to it till now. Outside of the fact that only a moron can somehow feel smug over his intellectual superiority if this is demonstrated only with the benefit of hindsight, I don't recall that I mentioned anything about what I may have done with that $400,000, and whether it perhaps may have returned a better result than hanging onto that particular property.

You come across like a person who may well be up for some fairly hard lessons in the recession that we will inevitably have sooner or later.

Tom R

Yeah but it means going to South Australia.

I like English property... yields are better (generally).
Wayne thats 150,000 quid what can you get say within 40klms of a reasonable size city there say 1million people for that money?

Yeh, I think Adelaide is the next property boom City! About the only one left (other than perhaps Tasmania, but who wasnts to live there)!

I actually like Adelaide, only been there once for a week, but I enjoyed the atmosphere and the City!
Wayne thats 150,000 quid what can you get say within 40klms of a reasonable size city there say 1million people for that money?

Not much, but what's there will yield much higher.
Yeh, I think Adelaide is the next property boom City! About the only one left (other than perhaps Tasmania, but who wasnts to live there)!

I actually like Adelaide, only been there once for a week, but I enjoyed the atmosphere and the City!

Adelaide is also now classed as "severely unaffordable" on the backdrop of essentially no population increase.

Prices have been inflated by speculation and not much else. Whether it will be a "boom" city from now is something I would not want to bet on.

Tom R

i remember you commented that the house you sold in 2001 had since doubled in value to 800 big ones, and you didnt like that,

all ears, but the 400k into 800k in 6yrs (lets say end of 07) is a fairly hassle free return and guess what CAPITAL GAINS TAX free if PPOR

maybe we can have a royal commision into fees and commisions on other investments while hammering property



i remember you commented that the house you sold in 2001 had since doubled in value to 800 big ones, and you didnt like that,

You're a bit lazy, aren't you? You just needed to go back to post number 67, where it clearly says I sold that place in 2004, not 2001.

You'd then also find that I didn't say anything about liking it or not; I just said the current estimated value is not reasonable for that property.

all ears, but the 400k into 800k in 6yrs (lets say end of 07) is a fairly hassle free return and guess what CAPITAL GAINS TAX free if PPOR

Perhaps you misunderstood my comments above concerning the benefit of hindsight?

It is quite possible that in 3 years' time, the current owner, having been kicked out by the bank and the place sold for $600,000, may be saying "...gee, I wish I had sold in 2008...!"

maybe we can have a royal commision into fees and commisions on other investments while hammering property



You mean into the fraudulent activities of the real estate industry, and the major con that is the property auction system?

I agree wholeheartedly. Bring it on!

I recall that Melbourne is the auction capital of Australia - that really is a title the city can be proud of!

Tom R
I think it would be better just to ignore him and spend our time elsewhere instead of confronting with a robotic troll who have no appreciation for any sensible discussion here.

Let him continue with what he is doing right now. Fate will decide his ignorance, lack of maturity and closed mindness one day.

Don't worry, I believe alot of us have tried it and the end result would ensure the thread be degenerated into a flaming battle of personal attacks (sometime) and emotional defences (always). Having come across this personally in real life many times, especially at work and with friends, I have learnt to keep my mouth shut and refrain from heating up the topic ever again.

Just to change one's mental belief that property DO NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY RISE is extremely difficult, especially at a time like this.

You are doing a great job though. haha

I guess thats even more frustrating when you sold for 400k in 04 only to see the place go to 800k in 07 (lets say the end of 07),

400k to 800k in 3 yrs, WOW, and all capital gains tax free,

you would of got that just for walking through the front door,

i dont mind copping a bit of flack if it helps to release a bit of tension,

ask again, why all the angst towards property owners?



I love this.

I'm in the industry here.
We deal with the 5 biggest home builders in Adelaide.
We also deal with the 3 biggest Civil Works companies here.
This is a laughable comment---you read to much un informed crap.

"severely unaffordable" on the backdrop of essentially no population increase.

We are working in 4 major sub divisions now the most mature with 2000 new homes all sold.
As we are in Civil works we are also on 1 which is 50% sold and another 2 under construction.
Infrasructure in these areas are going ahead at massive rates.
Builders cant get enough land! They have teams looking for and purchasing land.
All bought by investors---hahaha.----no demand--love it.
People CAMP on blocks and often a week before a land release.

Rather than sit up and get Pizzed on in FNQ why not buy a couple of properties in the land of the sun and be a few $100K richer in a few years time?

Nah didnt think so fear got ya.
ask again, why all the angst towards property owners?

The answer to that question is as plain as day to me. Not many people I know grew up dreaming of becoming property investors. Astronauts or racing drivers or princesses, but not property investors. Find a soul mate, get married, go on a honey moon somewhere exotic, come home, buying a house with a yard, build a career or perhaps a business and raise a family.

Many people who grew up assuming that they could have a version of what their parents had, and what their parents parents also had, reached the "buying a house with a yard" stage and found that their ideal property had been chased away from their affordability point by greedy property investors. And the yard had been shrunk, if not completely replaced by a unit/flat, thanks again to the investors.

Ordinarily, as we've jousted over on this thread and in other parts of the forum, the boom/bust cycle would end up serving those scrupulous, risk taking property investors right. But alas in this most recent incarnation of said cycle, in many, many parts of the country it has not.

People are right peeved because they blame property investors for greedily chasing their hopes for the future outside comfortable reach. I can admit that that sucks, but at the same time I reckon a lot of the people with a gripe about affordability have a vested interest in seeing property crash so they can satisfy their own investment agendas, rather than any social conscience they pretend to have.

been chased away from their affordability point by greedy property investors.

What a complete load of absolute rubbish. You and those like you read what you want to read.Believe what you want to and dfo basically bugger all.

Truth is 90% of the population stood back and watched ---take a look at the "House Prices to Crash thread" Still watching still frozen by fear still looking at the worst not investing in the best.

So I suppose those nasty business owners who open up Bunnings in your neighbourhood and drive out the small guy are greedy greedy people.
Employing 1000s.

This sort of narrow minded rubbish leads to a breed of complaining whinging weaklings---not INNOVATORS.

I and others like me are securing OUR financial future.
Even with my holdings I read that to retire at 55 and live for the next 30 years I may not have enough.
Go secure yours and stop whinging.

ask again, why all the angst towards property owners?

Here's why.
They sat back watched and now in hindsite missed the biggest opportunity to become wealthier that they will possibly see in their lifetime.
If it does chances are they'll miss that to.

"Talks as expensive as it is cheap"
JR 2008
There was an old man with a long beard standing at the Real Estates Office window every day looking at the house prices on the board. A guy walking past says to his his friend "what is he doing there everyday"? His friend answered "He's been doing that for years, he's waiting for the house prices to come down."

In this country house prices will always go up in the long run, might stagnate for a while but in the long run they will always go up.
Truth is 90% of the population stood back and watched ---take a look at the "House Prices to Crash thread" Still watching still frozen by fear still looking at the worst not investing in the best.

90% of the population, or some similarly large unknown proportion, have not even participated in this boom. Some people bought before the boom and still haven't sold...some bought during the boom, and still haven't sold...and some might have bought and sold during the boom and bought back into the same market for a net effect of, yep you guessed it, not much. These are just people who see property as a place to live.

Fear, schmeeeer. The philosophical question...the societal question, is should those people need to, have to, be reluctantly dragged kicking and screaming into giving a **** about real estate booms and busts?

You seem more preoccupied with rallying everyone to go out and take chances. Realise this, there are a lot of second and third rate 'property investors' out there who have been rewarded for taking a risk, nothing more. I think that gets under a lot of people's skin.

This sort of narrow minded rubbish leads to a breed of complaining whinging weaklings---not INNOVATORS.

Tech, I think you'll find that narrow mindedness relates to not being able to see things from another point of view.
Tech, I think you'll find that narrow mindedness relates to not being able to see things from another point of view

I can see others points of view---dont have to agree with them.

Why do you think people visit threads like this?
Why do they visit threads on How to better their trading?

How much benifit do they get from negative,non productive rubbish that serves only one purpose and thats to make the writer feel more comfortable in that they are not alone in their frustration of treading water at best and slipping further behind at worst!

I and people like me push past the road blocks and fear and give up PRACTICAL experienced opinion----with suggestions of mitigating risk-- in the hope that some of OUR success will help others find THEIR success.

The response we get is "A" typical of the majority of Aussi society.
Success isnt seen as something to aspire to or search and find its seen as an opportunity to get involved in our favorite pastime---"Tall Poppy Syndrome!"

How many took part in the biggest Bull market seen in our time?
Yet in 2000 I posted and a few others like Jose Silva,Stevo,methods which caught the lot---and in public!

All you hear about is the "Tech Bust" yeh well how about those who made a motza being involved.I've told the story of the young guy how did the Securities Institute T/A course with me who bought DVT for 6c and eventually sold for $3.73---bought a house cash in Sydney.
Bet that $370K house is worth near to 800K now!

We live in a capitalist society.
GET with the programme.

The philosophical question...the societal question, is should those people need to, have to, be reluctantly dragged kicking and screaming into giving a **** about real estate booms and busts?

Of course not but dont berate me and others like me who choose not to be.
And or those who in the future search people like us out in the hope of bettering their lot through our experiences.

If as much time was spent finding ways to capitalise on opportunity rather than on reasons why one CAN'T ther'ed be more joining our ranks than
the ranks of the hopeless!

Anyone can be a bum look around there are 1000s of them.
Those that WANT to make something of life WILL find a way as we have.
What a complete load of absolute rubbish. You and those like you read what you want to read.Believe what you want to and dfo basically bugger all.

Don't you see that theasxwarrior was essentially agreeing with you? It's stupid to blow your top at him. But your posts are more comprehensible than greedbot's, at least.

As for your "advice" to buy a property and watch it go up a few $100k in a few years - no thankyou. Australian property is already massively inflated - at 220% the American price level. Gambling on further asset inflation is a very risky affair. I'd rather go to the casino and bet on red, it's far more fun.
As for your "advice" to buy a property and watch it go up a few $100k in a few years - no thankyou.

Its not a broad brush statement.
I gave an example of how this will definately occur one suburb away from me.
Tell me where you can buy a $325K 4 bedroom home backing on to the Esplanade in an Australian Capital,30k's from the CBD?
If there isnt $100K in that deal plus positive cashflow with 20% down in 3 yrs I'll shout the beers!

When you go into the casino and place $325k on Red let me know I want to watch!

Gambling on further asset inflation is a very risky affair.

Dont gamble just make a business decision.
There are very good ones STILL out there.
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