Ditto, We are in EXACTLY the same boat. We have most if not all our Hometrader paperwork. It is indeed a long time ago. We are quite busy with work commitments so it will take sometime for us to get back into this. We stopped for the same reason, market went south, at the same time my partner had a major accident. So after our system kicking us out we never went back to it. Like you, we are rather pissed off with ourselves! At the least, why didn't we just keep paper trading??????????????????????? Nothing to loose, would have maintained our skills, been even more confident off our systems etc etc.
Well, we can change many things but the past is not one of them.
We are fully committed to get back into trading! That said, it will take time. If I'm honest, it will probably be two years before we trade again. A year to get our heads around all the HT notes etc, another to back test and be confident of what we are doing. If HT started up again tomorrow, with the same platform and ethics, we would most likely sign up again. It would be SO much easier to just go to classes 2 or 3 times a week for 6 months and then be fully back up to speed.
As we relearn our skills I'm happy to pass on what I can.