Hi all, I'm a keen CAP holder and things are certainly heating up. If any of you read the HotCopper forum theres quite a few having a fair old go at discussing CAP at the moment. Tonight I tried to put a figure on the Hawson's target if the supposed 1B tonnes comes to fruition.
"I'm not very educated with working out potential earnings from these sorts of projects, all I know is that it could be potentially huge given the size and quantity that Nick is chasing. Anyways here is my best shot.
Say we get that milestone 1B tonne size of Iron @ the high grade 70% Fe. Now from what I remember, 18-20% of an iron ore deposit is recoverable because eventually it becomes too deep to be marketable. Once all payments from BMG are made, we will have a 20% stakehold in this project.
So basically, CAP get approximately a 20% ownership of 70% of 1B tonnes @ 18% recoverable. This is a size of 36Million tonnes of marketable iron for CAP in the supposed mine's life cycle.
The current spot price of iron ranges between $140-$150 per tonne. So revenue on 36Million tonnes would be about $5B.
Once costs of mining are factored in (I'm thinking of earnings from oil and gold deposits), I reckon a fair estimate for profits could be between 15%-20%. That gives us a total profit from the supposed target of about $800M.
I don't know about you, but I'll be quite pleased if the company can earn $800M from Hawsons alone over it's life span given our current market cap is a mear $50M.
What this calcualtion has also made me realise is how much it costs to get all that iron out of the ground. I know a few iron ore midcaps struggled to get their projects going because of this, so hopefully CAP can arrange this funding over the years through cap raisings, joint venture payments and loans.
I really am quite a novice to these calculations so please be critical of my numbers."
There is some speculation on what exactly our free carry position entails. Could any of you please enlighten the rest of us of what it means. Do BMG cover just the feasibility and exploration costs, or will they also chip in for CAP's production costs of up to 4mtpa?