Rick, re your search for high yield companies, how about considering as an alternative choosing high growth companies and just selling a few shares now and again when you need some cash?
Consider the following comparisons:
If three years ago you had bought WOR at about $8, it has gone to over $50, and even with the debacle of the last few months is about $40.
Minimal yield.
If three years ago you had bought LEI at about $10, it has gone to $65, and even now $46.
Minimal yield.
If three years ago you had bought TCL at $7, it has gone to $8.50 ish, and now $6.60.
8.5% yield, unfranked but tax deferred.
If three years ago you had bought SIP at $2.50, it has gone to $3.25, and now is under $1.20.
5.7 yield fully franked.
Which of these is going to have given you the best overall return at the end of the three years?