August 25, 2006
Diabetes group welcomes drug subsidy
Diabetes Australia has welcomed the announcement that the Federal Government is to subsidise long-acting insulin.
The drug Levemir, which is used to treat type I diabetes, and lantus, used for types I and II, will be available on the pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) from October.
National president of Diabetes Australia, Professor Peter Little, says sufferers who have been paying up to $150 a month will now pay less than $30.
"It's a very substantial reduction and people with diabetes suffer lots and lots of costs - the food that they need, shoes that they need, all other sorts of medications," he said.
"So anything that reduces the cost burden on people with diabetes, Diabetes Australia is strongly in favour of that."
sufferers who have been paying up to $150 a month will now pay less than $30.
Yes, great, more money will be left over for junk food, OK and health insurance.
How about looking into life habits and taking kids away from potential Diabetes-bomb.
Almost unfair proposal, like Stolen generation 3.
On the other hand, medical improvements can fix this too, why worry.