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Has anyone been blown away by Oswald?

29 January 2009
We're preparing for a bit of a breeze this afternoon/evening here - fortunately we live at the top of a hill, so don't have any concerns about flooding - although the kids are hoping that their school may be cut off on Tuesday

I note that GG hasn't been blown out of FNQ, and Calliope posted this on another thread:

I haven't seen a post from Julia this morning, so trust that she is OK - the Fraser Coast has copped a bit of a pounding overnight.

We had no tornadoes with it.

Just lots of rain.

Wind and flood may be a major problem for you guys in the South.

Looking out my windows at the trees nearly getting blown over in bayside Brisbane, I'm hoping the neighbour hasn't left cutting his tree back too late as the wind will blow it right over our house power lines. My parents are up near Gympie and the telephone service isn't getting through, even the old fashion tin and fishing line one let alone these new fandangled cancer inducing ones.

Stay safe and well SD.

Thoughts from this end also with you SD

By the charts looks like it is going to weaken into the Tasman soon.
Thanks for the thought, DocK - appreciated. Hopefully it will have run out of steam by the time it reaches the Gold Coast.
I responded to Calliope's post on the Australian of the Year thread, copied here more appropriately:
here in Brisbane hinterland, road cut since this morning (but we are used to it) and relentless rain already 250mm since yesterday and still going like mad, all local cattle dams went from nearly empty to overflowing last night;
I would just worry if I were in Brisbane, dam level are basically full (I just checked wivenhoe/sommerset) and the level on our creek has reached flood 2011 level.Let's hope the rain lessen on the other side of the range otherwise we might see that lessons were not learnt.
Note :
it takes around a day before the local creek peak is matched in Brisbane, we have not peaked yet, still rising strong at 3PM.
But all good for usn top of hill and quite self sufficient.Surprisingly fixed phone and power still on
Lost mobile.
I also posted this on another thread-


Good to see the wild weather up there didn't wash you down Ross Creek.

Not that happy that you sent it down here. Brissy is copping a pasting at present with some minor flooding of creeks, low lying areas etc. Not as bad as the Bundaberg area though. Hope those rum vats are still ok. LOL !! "

I emphasise with you Calliope. It is well and good to be on a hill and safe from flooding, but you are exposed to the high winds and more susceptible to flying objects.

I wouldn't worry about the Dams, Froggy. We have an engineer as Premier now and he has ensured there were water releases on Saturday. I also heard on his press conference this morning that they had increased the water releases from 500 cub mtr a second yesterday to 1000 cub mtr a sec last night. They also have a team of hydrologists monitoring the inflow to the dams .

Just heard this minute on radio that Wivenhoe is currently 89% full according to SEQ Water manager.
If anyone is interested in extra information.

Forums on Weatherzone are up to thread number 3 for the QLD event, 450+ people viewing. Lot's of real time observations and armchair analysis of what is happening. This GFS model is also interesting when seeing what is anticipated.

On facebook, check out South Brisbane Storms, Higgins Storm Chasing, and 28 Storms. 28 Storms in particular has a youtube channel where they recently very clearly explained (From 5:30 for Oswald) what was happening and likely to happen.
I had to go out before - the "In Laws" broke their PC. I can tell you now, there's lots of water on the roads near Carindale / Gumdale / Chandler etc. Lots of tree branches on the roadside etc. Pretty slow driving. Lucky I only had to drive in it for a few minutes either way. This rain is just relentless. I think I'll stay put now.

PS: I noticed that the "cold isle" of the local Woolies store had misty fog. I should have taken a picture. It looked really cool in the flurescent lighting.
The rain has been steadily getting heavier here on the Gold Coast, although still just persistent rain, rather than anything torrential. We've pumped water out of the pool about 4 times so far, and have emptied our 2000L tanks into the 10,000 litre one to the point where all are now full. We don't have a rain guage, but we've had at least 8" in the old scale by now - and a glance at the radar shows heavier rain on its way to us. Wind has been squally, and seems to be picking up - it's the wind that sets my nerves on edge. :hide:

My garden has had a good soaking (which it needed), my tanks are full, so I'd just as soon skip the next bit...... if only there were a choice!

I really feel for those in areas that are lowlying, or get a lot of runoff. I saw some footage from Grantham in the Lockyer Valley earlier, and the woman being interviewed said a lot of people in the town are very nervous given the tragic history of the 2011 floods there. Understandably. I have some relatives in Bundaberg who are fortunately not too badly affected, but have spent a few very stressful days, with worries about potential flooding in the town to come. It will be good when it's all moved out to sea.
I just looked outside and couldn't believe it. I checked at BOM and they confirmed it, they needed a new scale for the rain.

just watching the alarms at work come in for QLD.

Looks like Cairns, Townsville got clobbered around 40 minutes ago
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