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GTP - Great Southern Plantations

Sold 10% of my holding yesterday at $4.16.

Hoping to sell another 20% closer to $5, and then to hold the rest.
Hi Peoples

I missed the AFR article so would some mind giving a me a bit of a run down on it.


You are absolutely right about the effect on GT P's SP if there is even a hint of any change in the tax status of the MIS concessions. I guess we will be holding our breath somewhat until we know the outcome.

This is the main reason I will eventually liquidate all my GTP shares. I'm just not comfortable with the vulnerability of the company - excellent though it undoubtedly is - to negative suggestions on the tax concessions.

So GTP has risen recently after depressing us for so long. The question is, is it about to dive again or is it on the climb? I dont want to be stuck with it for another 9 depressing months waiting for it to get back to this level. Of course if I sell now the price is sure to sky rocket, ummm!

Hi Guys

Rules are always set by the ATO and lawyers and accountants are paid to work find legal ways around them.

Rightly or wrongly I'm holding mine. I think they have some way to run yet.

I am more concerned about the increased top tax thresholds in 2006/7. It was only a couple of years ago when the top rate of tax kicked in at $50,000 - how quickly we move to $125,000!!!

abucs said:
Sell out now 'Out to Soon' !!!

Make us all happy.


Why are you suggesting "out too soon" should sell out now?

it was meant to be a joke .....go back and look at what was said by the referenced post....he said if i sell then likely events would be that GTP will skyrocket.........hence abucs told him to the SP will go through the roof....

Sorry. My delivery (among other things) needs improving.

Terms of reference of the Treasury review:

1. The commercial viability and current tax treatment of plantation investment;

2. Whether the operation of the Income Tax Assessment Acts impedes investment in longer-term forest rotations which produce higher value products;

3. The role of State and Territory Governments in plantation industry development as investors, growers and land managers, and any implication this has for competitive neutrality with regard to tax liabilities and incentives;

4. The capacity to adapt existing tax policies to contribute to achieving the Australian and State Governments' desire to achieve a greater integration of plantation and natural resource management policies to improve the management of salinity and water quality; and

5. The relative roles and effectiveness of tax system and expenditure programmes in the delivery of assistance to the industry.
I guess you could make cases for positives and negatives that could come out of this.
Although to me I get the impression that the government is having a real good look at the industry and their decisions could set the scene for the next 4 or 5 years.

I see it as a positive and that may explain some of the heavy buying in the last couple of months. (Or is that just my optimistic self talking?).

Well, what a dope I am. That will teach me to not read through the preceding posts before jumping in! Sorry for being so dumb.

Seriously, it really is disappointing that none of GTP's rallies appear able to be sustained

Julia said:
Well, what a dope I am. That will teach me to not read through the preceding posts before jumping in! Sorry for being so dumb.

Seriously, it really is disappointing that none of GTP's rallies appear able to be sustained


yeah the final hope is the the Full Year Results, hopefully its a good surprise for the market.....

HI fellow gtp holders,

A great article in the SUnday Telegraph page 14 (7-4-06) "Climate Change may cost 250,000 jobs"..................Australia must start planting trees or face losing 250,000 jobs.......the csiro research suggests greenhouse gases emmisions could be reduced to 60 percent..........australia should start developing a carbon economy and BUILD UP THE FORESTRY INDUSTRY......................

Now why would the government want to impede in the progress of the Agribusiness MIS schemes.........if anything they should be adding incentives

go gtp.
This was also announceed today:

Plantation group urges tax concessions clarification
One of the state's biggest plantation groups is calling on the Federal Government to clarify its stand on tax concessions that encourage investment in the plantation timber industry.

The former federal minister for forests, Wilson Tuckey, warned yesterday that Treasury is looking at ways to adjust a scheme that allows investors in the industry to claim tax deductions.

But Great Southern Plantations' spokesman David Ikin says the industry has been told the Government is thinking of extending the concessions and may make them permanent.

He says the Government needs to assure the industry the arrangement will be upheld.

"If there is any doubt we'd like to see it clarified. At the moment we've got a situation where they've announced this 12 month rule as it's called will go through until 2008, so we're very confident that's the case," he said.

Thanks, so it appears to be ok GTP and TIM for now?

11/04/06 we will have more info regarding this


heres the full AFR article for those interested

Thanks for that, Michael. No wonder the shares have been affected.

I'm still waiting for a reply to an email I sent to the company asking for their comments on the present situation, especially with regard to what submissions they are making towards the outcome, and how they feel they can act to protect the share price.


Do you honestly think the government will change their policy to hinder the plantation industry???? It is the usuall banter every year by the AFR regarding tax schemes and every year the government reinforces the ruling by extending. I don't think it will be different this year. But if you are concerned, exit your position until this uncertainty is over (mayber by the 11th April or you may need to wait until the May 9 Budget to know for sure)

then you may want to get back in afterwards if the ruling is favourable or just stay out..............I agree that it is a pity that the SP of a company should be at the mercy of certain tax rulings but that is the nature of the beast. Remember that their business is unaffected until 2008 June if the worst case transpires.....then their land bank comes into play to assist them.

But my opinon is that the government will extend the sunset clause for another 5 years.....that is the way i see it going and that is why i am staying long with the company..........once this fiasco is over then the GTP should rocket if my guess is wrong then YES the SP could go for a dive and my money with it.....but atleast i have my money where my mouth is..............

The fact of the tax incentive scheme is also an economical one as well....the growth of the plantation industry creates jobs and it creates jobs outside the major cities and regional centres as increases skills and knowledge and advances Australia in this area to even a place that plantations will be developed to grow in areas that would normally not accomadate plantations but due to financial incentive from the government approved tax schemes it will advance to these places in Australia.

The government will not stop these schemes however it may tighten tax legislation to ensure that the most genuine resourceful schemes and operators only can offer the MIS.
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